White Bolt's picture
White Bolt
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+ 4 HGH + Test Bloods


Current Doses for this blood test

HGH: 6iu/d (3iu AM/3iu PM)
Test Cyp: 250mg/w
Aromasin: 25mg once a week on pin day
Cardarine GW501516: 20mg/day

Bloods taken 4 days after last test injection and one hour after morning HGH shot.

This is my first run with HGH, I have been on for roughly 6 months and at 6iu/d for the last 2 months.

My starting all natural IGF-1 level was 85ng/dl. On 6iu/d it is now 316ng/dl (ref range 53-331). I am at the very top end of the normal range which is great.

Ultima Test Cyp 250, I have been on 250mg/w and that put me at 1,785ng/dl. My previous two bloods I used US Gear Test Cyp 250 which put me at 1,162 and 1,673 off the same dose and same time between injection and blood tests.

Estrogen is alarmingly high at 135pg/mL. I have been dosing test at 250mg/w the last year and at first I did not use any AI and my estrogen was 81pg/mL. After that blood test, I started using 25mg of aromasin a week and my next blood test (Nov 2023) my estrogen was at a normal 21pg/mL. I have kept to the same weekly dose of 25mg aromasin since then and somehow my estrogen has gone from 21 to 135? I did switch brands of aromasin since my last bloods and current bloods, so I can only conclude that perhaps the current Ultima Aromasin I switched to is bunk.

My AST/ALT are alarmingly high as well, but the confusing part is they have always been well within the normal range — even when abusing anavar and tren in the past. Only thing different that I think may have spiked them was the use of Cardarine, which I suspect has totally trashed my liver values in the 6 weeks I have been on it. I have discontinued it and do not plan on going back.

Creatinine for me has always hovered in the 1.32 range for the last 4 or so years that I have been on testosterone. When I come off it returns to a lower value in the 1.23 range.

Cholesterol is not perfect, but so much better than when I was on tren and anavar.

Ferritin has been consistently low over my last several bloods which means I have an iron deficiency, which is strange because if I don’t donate blood every 8 weeks my hemocrit and hemoglobin are always high. Any advice or comments here?

Thanks for viewing my bloods and any comments are welcome.

Biggest question is what in the world caused my E to jump to 135 when my dosages have stayed the same? It must be that the brand I switched to is bunk, or perhaps something else?


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press1's picture

Definitely need to get some Iron tablets in you buddy, your Ferritin levels are extremely low. I remember seeing your Bloods from a while back where you were wondering what was causing the low eGFR level and it turned out it was from taking testosterone!! I wonder why that would increase creatinine levels other than the extra test putting more muscle mass on you? Liver values as you say could be the nasty Aromasin or Cardarine, could be after effects of Tren and Var still as those 2 together will bump you over 100 no problem if the dose was a little higher.

White Bolt's picture

Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and ordered some iron tablets and will be supplementing them from here on out. I will also look for a new source for Aromasin to see if I just had a bunk batch.

I’ll retest bloods in 4-6 weeks. I’m fairly convinced that the Cardarine wrecked my liver values as in the 10+ years of using tren and var my AST/ALT were always normal (during and after), and the second I jump on Cardarine it skyrockets.

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AK80's picture

Split your testosterone doses up into 3 days (M-W-F) and use a slin pin in your shoulder or stomach instead of just 1 big 23 gauge shot in your butt. Drop your Aromasin down to 12.5mg and let it dissolve under your tongue on Saturday. You should be fine then. But yes, the HGH can raise your estrogen as Mdes mentioned. You could skip it on the weekends if you wanted to make it last longer.

White Bolt's picture

I understand your concept of splitting your dose to have stable bloods, but I’m not worried about my testosterone bloods.

I’m worried about my excessive E levels using a dose I have always counted on to control my levels. I don’t understand your logic of halving my current dose of aromasin from 25mg/w to 12.5mg/w to help lower my steroidal from 135 to under 40. I’m convinced the Aromasin I have is bunk and I need to get a new supply

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Mdes's picture

Hgh can increase e2 levels

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