tmaxx123's picture
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+ 4 Swole Oil Primo E / ARL Test E Cycle Blood Work


Blood work after 10 weeks. Tried to get blood work sooner, but went through a couple relocations for work.

250 mg/week of ARL Test E 250
900mg/wk Swole Primo E
25mg Swole Provi (morning)
12.5 mg Swole aromasin (night)

Since my estro seems low, I may drop the aromasin.

I am taking Olympus Labs TUDCA for the first time this cycle, and it seems to have no effect on my liver values. My blood work on a previous cycle I was taking 50 mg anavar and test, without TUDCA, I had identical liver values. This cycle I dropped my 25mg dose of Anavar 4 weeks before this blood work, and have the same values. Not sure if this TUDCA did anything for me.

Also, my cholesterol values worry me as I have had a very clean diet. I will up my omega 3 and hit some cardio, and hopefully get that under control

any input is greatly appreciated!

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Gixxer151's picture

+1 bro

Dickkhead's picture

Thanks for the bloods +2

Don't see anything worrisome on here, honest.

soldierbot's picture

It takes more than 4 weeks for chol values to come back to normal after Var. In my experience, it takes 6 to 8 weeks to come back to healthy range. With your test levels and taking Provi...I would just drop the AI or reduce the dose considerably. Looks like a fun cycle, how are you liking the Primo?


tmaxx123's picture

and it is a really fun cycle, primo is leaning me out so well. Not sure I will ever run anything else. I am lean as it is, and didn't need to gain much size. So I am glad I didnt run anything more anabolic, because I am still growing while cutting down.

Strength and endurance are up, and I seem to have amazing workouts every time! My abs, shoulders, and forearms are roadmaps, so vascularity is second to none. Very fun cycle indeed. I am trying the find some HMG to supplement HCG that I have, because I will try to make this a 18-20 week cycle. Any leads would be appreciated!

tmaxx123's picture

Well the only thing that confuses me is that last time I ran swoles var I was taking 75 mg per day. And I was taking double the liver values were basically identical even though Now I took only 25 mg var per day and half the test and on top of that I took 1g Tudca throughout the cycle.

Either tudca didn't work or swoles var got stronger lol

I planned this cycle to be as mild as possible and it isn't panning out that way for some reason. I'll keep fine tuning the diet and add some cardio and more fibrous meals.

Also, I just realized that I have been taking 6.25 mg aromasin/ day. I thought swoles aromasin was 25mg per pill but I believe it is 12.5. I took only half every night. Only reason I started taking the aromasin is because nips became puffy and I started to break out a bit. That half pill aromasin fixed both those problems. maybe my body doesn't mind very low estro?

MegaT883's picture

Liver values are the same because it's not up from the juice but from training. You do have some inflammation or infection going on with neutrophils that high.

xflipside's picture

Increasing soluble fiber intake can lower ldl cholesterol as well

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tmaxx123's picture

Also now that I think about it, I have yet to experience low estrogen side effects. Maybe I am just lucky. Either way no need to take aromasin. Body still needs some estrogen to build muscle after all Smile

tmaxx123's picture

Tudca was 1 g per day.

Yes I was sick when I got bloods so those values make sense.

Will def drop the aromasin. Would I benefit from taking more provi? Bump up to 50mg/ day? My free test looks ok so I probably don't need to bump up dose...

solidman's picture

Thanks for posting +1

metal4mosh's picture

How much Tudca

juiceball8082's picture

For your hdl take 1000 mg of flush niacin.
throw some flax seed oil and garlic.