Bphiggs's picture
  • 48

+ 8 SP test E & grey tops


Someone on here asked for an update, so here it is. I’ve been off the site for a while, but I’m back looking for good GH sources and lurking around. I’m not running any heavy cycle at the moment. Not that I ever really do anything that’s considered heavy. 200 mg tren is about as wild as I will get these days.. but in these pics I’m just running .3 (75mg) of SP enanthate every 3-4 days and 4 iu HGH (grey tops) from ashop. Sometimes I look and feel way better when I’m only on the maintenance doses. Probably because I’m sleeping well and my nutrition is somewhat on point. I only eat carbs from noon to 6pm and that seems to keep me lean. I workout in the morning and go to work at noon, so it’s fairly easy to maintain this diet. No carbs til I get to work, but I don’t restrict myself really during those six hours. Gonna be trying a few different sources GH with the same doses of the same gear in the coming months. I believe I can just order bloods online now without having to get my doctor involved and have to give him his $150 plus copay. If anyone has good sites to order bloods from, please pm me. I will do them on these grey tops and on other sources. Gotta have a hobby right? Hope everyone has a great weekend and gets some good lifting in!

Ordered from: 
Makwa's picture

Nice and solid

sikspak's picture

That tricep is wicked big. What’s some of your tri work outs man? Impressive all around

333's picture

Yoked bro

Bphiggs's picture

Got this site to thank for that! (ashop + eroids)

Bphiggs's picture

A friend asked for my diet and workout, so I’m gonna post it under this pic. His comment seems to be deleted but I’d like everyone to be able to see it.
Diet: very simple. I only eat carbs from 12 noon to six pm. Anything before or after is usually just a shake. I workout in the morning so my first shake is around 8:30 am. These shakes consist of 12 oz water, one scoop whey isolate, one scoop casein, and two tablespoons of psyllium husk. Then I do a preworkout with beet root powder and a greens powder. Then the gym. From 12:00 to 6:00 pm I eat whatever I want. Steak, chicken, sandwiches, fish with any kind of carb. (Pasta, rice, potatoes etc) then I have another protein shake that is exactly the same as the morning one before bed.
Sunday or Monday- legs
Squats, 225 and under for 15 reps. Going up by 25 plates then 45 plates to 405 but only for 5-6 reps. (275-405) Then leg extensions and curls. All
Sets to failure
Pullups 3 sets to failure
Deadlifts 20/15/12/6
Rows same reps
Wide to medium grip Pull downs same reps
Mid range pull down on cables (high to low with single arm handle) same reps
Under hand grip pull downs 2 light sets to failure
Wednesday- chest
Incline dumbbell press 4 sets going up, one light set at end
Flat dumbbell press- drop set with 4 different weights heavier to lighter
Any kind of flys, usually cable or machine
One arm sitting sideways hammer machine
Thursday- shoulders
Overhead press 4 sets
Side laterals drop set 4 weights heavy to low
Rear delt machine 4 sets
Cable up right rows 3 sets
One arm cable Side laterals 3 sets
Arms get rotated in with back and chest
Calves and abs get rotate very other day (one day calves one day abs)
Tried to keep it short.

Pxpxp's picture

Looking good bro +1

In a promo × 2
Bphiggs's picture

Thank you!

Bphiggs's picture

Thanks you!...And if you can believe it, I can’t really bench more than 225 for a few reps. Just been doing it since the late 90’s. Gotta (and gonna) stick to it for the long haul

ECinfidel's picture

In my opinion, that's the proper way to handle the dumbbells.

Bphiggs's picture

Same here man. I’ve actually never even done a 1 rep max in 20+ years of lifting. I don’t see the point really. I’m not ever competing in powerlifting so why risk the injury. And I also pretty much only use dumbbells for chest. Love the range of motion and the squeeze I get at the top

Bphiggs's picture

Perseverance is the key, been doing this for 20+ years.

Bphiggs's picture

Thank you!

Bphiggs's picture

I think I’m gonna go to quest and just do a growth hormone serum test. It’s only 50 bucks, and I have three brands to test. You think I should do 5-6 iu before the test, or just do the whole bottle? (12)

Bphiggs's picture

Thanks brother may take a morning off to go this week.

Roider007's picture

Solid mate +

Bphiggs's picture

Appreciate it!