romangod's picture
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+ 9 SCHERING test depot from NAPS and hyges BLOODS


7 weeks in to NAPS schering testoviron depot at 500mg/w
ON 2nd 200iu hyge kit from .cn
gp anastrozole .5 mg e3d

these are my mid cycle bloods... First true cycle. Should my test levels be higher ?

test 1480
igf 561
est 12.1

Ordered from: 
CBBurrr's picture

FWIW, on another sources test e at 500 a week my test levels were 4200 at week 7

romangod's picture

I know that it should have been MUCH higher. I am religious with my pins... I had issues as I was not feeling ??? sides. I was assured by src that they are legit.. I ran some watson for 1 week BAM.. Product will be tested by angus for quality . Thats where Im at !!! NO sence i continuing cycle Just gonna cruise as im having surgery on IRISH day

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romangod's picture

4ius daily 2 am 2 pm Ive been running this batch for about 2 months 6 on 1 off

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romangod's picture

UPDATE on theschering: there are 2 different amps
exp 10/2014 and

b no 18004
exp 04.16 these #s rub off easily

amps are slightly different shape will post pic of both tommorrow

I want to get to the bottom of this which one is real? are thet both real? IDK ?

a little help with this please

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romangod's picture

There is not much feedback on my amps. Ive recieved a few pms from members who have similar results, but in honesty i have not seen anyone elses bloods. I am sending amps to angus for testing as per naps request. Cycle shot anyway !! Surgery on st pattys day ! at least I will recover quickly(hopefully) with the top notch huges !! stay positive i hope you have great results ~~~

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romangod's picture

I blew out my shoulder anyway ! I cant do chest and shoulders and im restictive of bis and tris my cycle was shot anyway ~~ a few week left before surgery so ill blow out my legs(too skinny anyway) and do my best on arms and back.. I respond well to meds ILL BE BACK ....

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Big Pimp Daddy's picture

That's crap o dog. Sounds like one is real and one is fake cause that's what your level should be on 250 a week. My test level was 3300 on 525 test a week. Nice igf though +1

romangod's picture

I agree not sure which batch is good. Ill check the batch numbers on other sites and see whats up. Naps wants tests run on them. Thats fine with me ! I hate the game !!!

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romangod's picture

Upon further inspection of amps... two different batches and expirations.. that could explain the test #s.... some are good and some are not !! which ones????? eenie meenie miney moooo also one batch is more viscous... probably the good one.. neither has the bayer symbol

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romangod's picture

these pics are not mine. mine look exactly like these....

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MAC's picture

Well I used the Bayer test amps from naps last year, they had the Bayer symbol on them and I know for a fact those were 100% genuine I've ran them before. They blew me
Up too.

romangod's picture

I am unable to post the pics of the amps at this time.. I cant get to the page. As soon as i am able, i will do so. They look good to me !! definitely NO bayer symbol !!

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romangod's picture

I am willing to send amps to angus to clear things up for other members. some must be good as my normal levels are less than 3oo without trt

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NapsGear's picture

May be someone can explain this. This is the real Bayer Testoviron Depot there is no doubt. Comes directly from a pharmaceutical wholesaler from Pakistan, no intermediaries etc. Plenty of eroids members are using it, no single complaint ever on this product.

romangod's picture

hey naps, upon further inspection the amps are 2 different lots. as soon as i can get someone with better eyes to read them, i will post batch and exp.... my theory is that one set is not good... I will send 1 of each to angus for testing when i recieve further instructions. thanks for helping me out

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romangod's picture

I will post pics of the product.. These have the 10/2014 expiration date. these do not have the bayer symbol like the new ones due. I will send to angus as you requested in PM. schering medipham. I am not trying to get a rise out of you or hurt your business. These are legit midcycle bloods from labcorp that I paid cash to get. I bought these when the antaging stack was product of the week not cheap by any means. At least the hyges are top notch !!!!@ I have done bloods in the past on your GP test cyp with both good(better than these) and bad(did not post as you are replacing he vials) BTW stuck in customs for over 2 weeks... I

MAYBE someone else can do bloods on these to confirm results

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manbearpig's picture

Dude I have amps stuck in customs too for over 2 weeks!

romangod's picture

It sucks but there is nothing we can do... I want to place another order but not if im getting a siezure letter. Ill have to get some anti anxiety meds to get me through this...

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whitechocolate's picture

Definitely looks low!
+1 for bloods

inzer777's picture

I and other members have posted low bloods from naps gear. if this is your first cycle with pure clean receptors and your 7 weeks in @ 500mg a week with human grade test then you my friend have what we called UNDERDOSED GEAR. sorry bro +1 for bloods

romangod's picture

On TRT and have experimented with higher doses in the past. This is my first dedicated cycle.. I have pmd Nap as I wasnt feeling EFFECTS and sides with high test levels, they assured me that it was g2g. I even subbed my watson for 1ml. on week 3 to see the difference. Disappointed again !!

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romangod's picture

sorry hyges 4 iu split 6 on 1 off

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sieno1's picture

Looking good on The Hyges!! Thanx