AztecWarrior's picture
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+ 4 Pre and during cycle testosterone labs


These are the lab results (croped to exclude personal info) seven weeks into the cycle. My test levels were 267, very low before I started. After pinning for seven weeks, twice a week at 250 my Testosterone levels shot up ten fold. VERY HAPPY!!!

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KK9111's picture

considering the labs high level of test is 827. i would say you would be 3000+ on labcorp or privatemd test. thanks for the bloods +2

KAM1314's picture

Labs through Quest diagnostics might cap at that number also. Gonna look through some of my old labs and hit you up. Sent you a FR KK

KK9111's picture
Capt Forest's picture

why would the labs ref range matter when determining total test?

KK9111's picture

the total test is just a number. Different labs and different contries have different systems of measuring these numbers. A young man could easily score over 827 on the labcorp test I use. Im over 30 and my natty test is around 750. If I would have taken this labs reference range at 21-25 I would be flagged high as if I was on aas. So they measure total test differently. Exactly I am not sure but megat might chime in. He is an expert at blood work

mnaps's picture

What yet brand were you using?

AztecWarrior's picture

Can I mention brands? I don't want to get dinged for breaking the rules?

killroy's picture

is it a UGL brand bought from a source here or pharma? If yes, then I don't see why it would be a problem.

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AztecWarrior's picture

Ok the brand I bought was Geneza.

killroy's picture

sounds good bro! how was the pip? +1

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TheHulk702's picture


AztecWarrior's picture

Let me give you some background first. I pinned clockwise going from butt cheek to shoulders, this also is my first cycle. My first rotation I experience moderate PIP for 2-3days not painful enough to cause me to limp or sit uncomfortably but enough to not workout the area. The second rotation PIP was less but still sore for 1-2days. After my third rotation its less than 24 hrs.
On a pain scale of 1-10 with 1 being least painful and 10 being the most painful, I would give it a 4-5

BeastMode5085's picture

very nice +1 make sure you check you estro, bloods, lh, fsh at some point too!

AztecWarrior's picture

The exam included bloods but not estro, lh, fsh. My bloods all looked good, as for the estro, lh, and fsh should I get that after I am done with PCT or right now while on cycle? I know now I should have gotten those prior to starting also but too late for that.

BeastMode5085's picture

as a point of reference, i always get them prior to my cycle, then again at week 7 or so then about a month following pct. Just so you can see how your doing

AztecWarrior's picture

Thanks beast I will get that work done and post it also.