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What to expect after gyno removal surgery?


So I've had this insanely annoying childhood gyno that was made worse by gear ( deca ) back when I knew nothing about AAS, I have to really deplete my estrogen to have it not be extremely noticeable even when lean so I'm going to get it removed next month.

On one side its about 50% the size of a golf ball at the moment because my body fat is a little high around 13% gets smaller of course when leaner, the other size is less than 1/2 of that. So basically it's pretty damn bad on one side unless I run like 0.5mg adex or 20mg aromasin EVERY DAY when cycling and I only run my test around 500-600/week. I doubt that's healthy.

Just wondering if I ever have to worry about it coming back from future cycling considering the entire gland will be removed, or if there's anything else I should be prepared for I assume multiple people here have had this done as well. It'll be nice to (I'm thinking anyways) dose my ancillaries and test based 100% upon blood work and not my damn bitch tits. lol.

Eccentric's picture

Good luck man.

I had a roommate that was a heavy dude over 300lbs, got into triathlons and lost 100lbs. He had a lot of loose skin, and also some childhood gyno issues. He was extremely happy with the results he got from his surgery.

His bf% is still over 13 for sure, so I bet the leaner you are the better you'll look. Either way I think you'll be satisfied and happy with the results.

Not a first hand experience, but wanted to give you some good news!

Again good luck bro, and keep us updated on it.

Eccentric's picture

We're not in touch anymore. He was very uneducated about it, go figure he was the one who advised and provided my first cycle lol, but he did run test only cycles. One with mast e. But I don't think he ever had any gyno related problems from AAS use. Fuck he'd have no clue what to do had that happened. So I'm sorry I can't really answer that question. A member involved more in the medical field I think would be better at answering that question. Hopefully one will stop by.

It is a good question though. GL

HailRazor's picture

This is an interesting read from MUTA:

Make sure he's a Plastic Surgeon. Honestly, 60 Gyno surgeries doesn't sound like that many. If you feel comfortable with this Doc and he's shown you plenty of before and after pics that he's done then I would think it would be ok. There are some Plastic Surgeons that "specialize" in this procedure. I had mine done many years ago. He was a boob and Gyno doc. Came out fine. Cost around $2500-2800. I am still prone to getting Gyno. Only the excess fat was removed and not the actual gland. All the best.

HailRazor's picture

Sounds like you've done your homework. It's a simple outpatient procedure. I think the procedure has been fine tuned many times since I had mine done. Maybe they can add some DMT to the Propofol when they put you under. =)

HailRazor's picture

Only if you break through buddy......then just follow the aliens and gnomes.