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Books on Steroid use


Theres a ton of info on this site and Im sure everything Id ever need to know is right here. Call me old fashioned but sometimes I just want to have the info in a real book. Not a screen, not an Ebook but an actual book.
I looked up a book on Amazon " The Steroid Bible" and used it had a price tag of about 300.00 !!!!!!!! WTF is up with that ?

Does anyone know the title or isbn # of a good roid book I can order at a book store thats priced like a normal book ?

hollywoodham's picture

i read "anabolics" by William Llewellyn, it has definitions of all steroids, sample cycles, descriptions of anti estrogens, etc. I only paid 9.99 for the ebook version and always keep it open on my desktop, has helped me out big. It's good to have a go to guide like that.

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Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Still waiting for Trend M to write 'the bible' to steroids and diet. Pull your finger out trend!

Multipurpose's picture

I found one at books a million called "anabolic primer" I think it was around $30

bigdaddy1690's picture

i have it in hard copy cost me £40 and is very informative takes a while to read and digest the info but its a good investment

House's picture

yeah i would like one too

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