cpatc88101's picture
  • 13

Prop/Mast/Var cycle


The test and mast I will be doing 75mg ED. And then weeks 6-10 I will drop the test dose to 50mg ED. (Just to clarify)

10% BF

10 pounds lean muscle mass.

The anavar pills are 25 mg. Ill be taking 3 half Var pills (37.5mg ED) for the first 6 weeks and uping it to 56.25mg last 4 weeks (half a pill + quarter pill x3 ED)

The aromasin is 15mg tabs. When I up the test dose I will take a quarter pill which is 3.75mg ED.

Let me know what you guys think.

WeekTest PropMast PropAnavarAromasinHelios (Albuterol)HCGNolvadexClomid
8350mg525mg56.25mgOn hand
cpatc88101's picture

Ya ive done a test only cycle and had great gains. Actually surprised me. I know the drugs only help getting you into whatever shape you want, and not to rely solely on them. I've got a great diet going on, and im spot on with it, don't miss a beat. And with the intensity and length of time in the gym is something ive been discussing with other members.
I really appreciate your insight though!

irongame427's picture


cpatc88101's picture

Hey bro. You give me all this advice(which I appreciate) and then "X2" what other senior members say. Im not trying to get into an argument with you here but ive seen your cycle layouts. Your younger than I am, you've done more or less the same amount of cycles I have, shouldn't you practice what you preach? Shouldn't test be enough for you as well if your agreeing with big willy?

irongame427's picture

I do practice what I preach, my bulking cycles from now on will consist of test e and dbol, and my cuts will be var and prop. Just like you I wanted to try out other compounds and all that good shit and have came to realize it's not necessary for 90% of us. The cycle layout your referring to is about 3 month old. It's been mostly in the las month that I've really changed my views on gear. And that was not a cycle log or proposal like yours. It was just a post to get some input for a cycle 8 months in the future. That I will not being doing.

cpatc88101's picture

All im saying is Mast is a little different then 19nors.Im pretty much 26. I started when I was 23(shouldn't have but it is what it is). At 24 I was a hell of a lot bigger than I am now, like 245 bigger, not fat (yes there was bloat and my BF was higher). The lifting was too much for my joints with the amount of activity I was doing. So over the years ive cut down. I don't like to be above 220. I've ran one test only cycle, one test and dbol, one test and var. I wanted to add the mast to see if I like the effects. If not then ill KISS.

All love here bro, not hating.

irongame427's picture

Yaa I understand man, everyone wants to experiment and try out new things. I did it to, and had a great experience. I just realized that a lot of these drugs aren't necessary for the majority of us. And your totally right , you can't even compare mast to tren or npp, it's way more mild. I'm just giving you my personal opinion on what I think. And that is keep it as basic and simple as possible. Use test until you can't gain another pound from it. I'm mean think about it this way, you can build a great physique naturally, now throw in a little testosterone, and you can take it to another level. So that's just my opinion about it, and not to mention it's cheaper doing things that way. But I don't see a problem with using mast, it's seems pretty mild and produces some good results if your lean. It would probably be something I would incorporate if I ever got to the point where test wasn't doing it anymore but I'm just scared of the hair loss, id be an ugly bald guy lol. Good luck man I look foward to hearing about your results.

Dickkhead's picture

I'm just scared of the hair loss

Ya. Such a kinder, gentler, drug than most, eh? A pure DHT androgen. Consider the power. The performance. No chemical exists to reduce its attack on your hair follicles. There is nothing that is any match for Mast in this arena. Nada. Zilch.

cpatc88101's picture

Ive read not only forums but studies that say this is all dependant on genetics. Masteron or hell even testosterone does not casue hair loss, it only speeds up the genetic process if your prone to it. If this is true, I have nothing to worry about.
Some people say they are affected by it, others say masteron does absolutely nothing to their hairline/hair.

Dickkhead's picture

I've read these same kinds of studies. They are very comforting considering hair loss does not run on either side of my family. We don't even gray in old age. And yet, high test makes me shed - finasteride stopped that problem, but Mast makes me shed also - I can only go back to my grandparents on both sides - no hair loss - no uncles, no cousins, nada. So, from personal experience, the writers of these studies can take their work and shove it. Just run the gear and find out what happens to YOU.

irongame427's picture

And not to mention the effects these dht derivatives can cause with the prostate.

cpatc88101's picture

ahahah alright man! I guess its the only way to find out right?
Ill find out soon enough, just started yesterday

cpatc88101's picture

Thanks bro

BeastMode5085's picture

shouldn't look at it that way... i am in a simliar boat as him with age and cycle but i used tren already. I'll preach against it any day because its rough stuff i wasn't ready for. so like me, he has experience hes trying to pass on so you dont duplicate the errors we have. its all KISS brotha keep it simple stupid lol

irongame427's picture

Exactly my point.

cpatc88101's picture

This is the final draft of the cycle, it has come along way and I thank you all for your concern and support!

I know people are helping me from mistakes they have made from personal experience. I haven't made that mistake because I like to research things before I get into them.

I understand where everyone is coming from. This is not my first cycle. This is my fourth. Like I said its the final draft. Its 3 very easy compounds, 3 respectable doses extending a respectable length of time. Instead of telling me what I shouldn't be doing, maybe you can show the love that this site has and support it?

birdbear27's picture

I still think you need to tone your workouts way down. Lifting the way you proposed, you'll be lucky if you see a 5lb gain bro. The cycle has turned out nicely but that's only one small piece of the puzzle.

cpatc88101's picture

I hear ya... tu shay.... Well just remember I train close to that intensity and training regime already and I get great results...

birdbear27's picture

Less volume overall. Much less. Try to put a plan together with the mindset of getting in, getting the job done, and getting out quickly and efficiently. No one should ever need 28 sets totalling 280 reps on just biceps to get the job done. And then 42 sets on chest? Insanity man. At that point you're just playing with yourself. Feel me? Example. My arms are effing massive. I love it. And between bis and tris combined I total out at 18 sets. You're totalling out 56 sets. Lol. You'll go backwards training that way man. I promise.

irongame427's picture

lol I was almost dead after 16 sets for chest yesterday. Theres no need for 42 sets, and twice a week. I will say one thing tho, my arms do not grow on the typical 9 sets for bis 9 sets for tris. I have to do 16-20 for each muscle. Its my longest workout of the week and my least favorite day, but its the only thing that has works. I have very stubborn arms.

cpatc88101's picture

Thanks everyone for helping me optimize the cycle! This is why I love eroids!!

cpatc88101's picture

Thanks man. I have enough mast to run 525 for the first 5 weeks but for the last 4 itll be down to to 350 test and 350 mast.

But like you said if I run the 525 mast and test for the first 5 weeks, ill run 37.5mg var.
but when I switch to 350mg mast and test then ill up the var to 62.5 for the last 4 weeks

Would that be better?

cpatc88101's picture

Ok ill see if I can get my hands on some more then but none the less thanks a bunch for helping me optimize the cycle!

cpatc88101's picture

Alright boys! Appreciate the 2 cents will switch it up right away!!

cpatc88101's picture

Ok perfect, thanks a lot bro I appreciate it!

irongame427's picture

I think you would be perfectly fine splitting the var in half and taking it twice a day. Im dosing twice a day and its working fine. Now 37-50mgs might be a perfect dose, or it might be completely worthless depending on the lab you use. Var is an extremely expensive raw and commonly faked or underdosed. So keep that in mind. Although diet dictates results of either gaining muscle, or cutting fat, I think theres a whole bunch of better options then test/mast/var for a bulking cycle. The compounds you choose area essentially those of a cutting cycle. And your looking for 10-15lbs of pure muscle is not a small goal. I would do things alot differently If I was you. And the last thing ill add is 7.5mg of aromasin ed would personally be to much for me on only 350mgs of test a week. 6.25 ed had me barely out of normal range on 750mgs of test so 7.5 would have been a perfect dose for that cycle. But on only 350mgs I would personally cut that dose in half.

I think you would do just fine on only test, and maybe an oral like tbol if you want to avoid bloat and keep it lean. What is your prior cycle history?

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