cpatc88101's picture
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Prop/Mast/Var cycle


The test and mast I will be doing 75mg ED. And then weeks 6-10 I will drop the test dose to 50mg ED. (Just to clarify)

10% BF

10 pounds lean muscle mass.

The anavar pills are 25 mg. Ill be taking 3 half Var pills (37.5mg ED) for the first 6 weeks and uping it to 56.25mg last 4 weeks (half a pill + quarter pill x3 ED)

The aromasin is 15mg tabs. When I up the test dose I will take a quarter pill which is 3.75mg ED.

Let me know what you guys think.

WeekTest PropMast PropAnavarAromasinHelios (Albuterol)HCGNolvadexClomid
8350mg525mg56.25mgOn hand
cpatc88101's picture

Would it make a huge difference to run 3 a day? I read it keeps your blood levels more stable

irongame427's picture

No its only kinda necessary with stuff like dbol which has a very short half-life, and some people will even argue they had no different results split dosing or taking it all at the same time. I actually was reading somewhere the other day that you would actually be worse off if you dosed something like var 3 times a day instead of 2. I can't remember the reasoning behind it but thats all i remember from the article. Just dose it twice a day man no need to complicate things.

cpatc88101's picture

Ya everyone is different with var doses. Me personally I believe running it 3 times a day will utilize its full effects and keep blood levels as stable as possible. My Lab is gtg, no worries there. And I know var is one of the most faked anabolics by ugls on the market today. I always test for the presence of the substance before I start any of my cycles.

Ill Most likely not need the aromasin, I just put it in there which was stupid. Never have needed it the past. So im just gonna take that down lol I don't run high doses of test. I do not believe in them. so I don't need an a.i unless I add in a compound that would call for it. I purchased it because its better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.

In regards to 10-15 pounds. I think its achievable. My intensity and diet are top notch. I know its a big goal, but go big or go home.
If I have to adjust my diet accordingly, by adding little bits to every meal, np. But I think its gtg has worked for me in the past

You can check out my cycle history and diet under my write up "cycle time"

irongame427's picture

10-15lbs is definitely achievable, as diet will dictate results, it's just they your proposed cycle is a textbook cutting cycle. For bulking I wouldn't use mast, I wouldn't use the var I would use tbol instead if you want to keep bloat down. I believe it's just a waste of money, especially the mast as it really shines during cutting when your already lean. I just think there's better compounds to help you reach your goals.

cpatc88101's picture

Oh im not looking to bulk man. If I wanted to bulk id run other compounds for longer. I completely agree with you. Mast and var are not for bulking at all lol I wouldn't use a short ester test either.. Im just looking to keep the lean look and throw on about 10 pounds while cutting a few % body fat.

I appreciate the insight though bro!

irongame427's picture

So your looking for a lean bulk. 10-15lbs of pure muscle is alot of muscle to add in 10 weeks. . You see people with these 25lb gains on a bulk but what you don't realize is most of the time only 10-15lbs or so is pure lean muscle tissue. The rest is water, fat, and an increase in glycogen stores. 10-15lbs of pure muscle is a all out and very successful bulk in my eyes.

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