Nick87's picture
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+ 6 HGH Pharma Omnitrope test results


I have my first test back from my first run of HGH. I plan on doing multiple tests on different brands. I wanted to start with some pharma first to see how the different generics will stack up to the pharma, test numbers and sides.
I ran 2iu per day for about three weeks and the results were great. No bad sides during the three weeks. Definitely getting better sleep and better recovery. The 2iu of Omnitrope brought my IGF-1 from 119 to 358.
I started one of the generics the day after the test. We’ll see how that goes. I’ll post them up once I get them.

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Xrated's picture

I’m currently running these too, have been for a while at 3iu. It’s an awesome product. Thanks for testing

Makwa's picture

really no need to pin more than that. that is great for 2iu.

Nick87's picture

That’s what I was thinking. Is it any more beneficial to be higher out of the top range? I see some people double that when on cycle.

Makwa's picture

really depends on what you are trying to do. Mid 300's is pretty good score which should result in some pretty good recomp if you hang there for awhile. Just kind of gets better the higher you can go but you also risk more sides so you have to find a happy medium. If really no side effects at 2iu I would bump the dose up personally. You can always back it down if you need to mitigate side effects.

Big Tone36's picture

Testing your GH there's many variables. I've test pharma Humatrope at 5 i.u. and score 404 IGF. I've done 3 other generic at the same dose, 1st was 364 (I was on masteron so DHT plays a part, 2nd I was 575 just running testosterone, 3rd I was 432 . The 2nd generic 575 was 100% overdosed the carpal tunnel and lethargic were heavy lol

+1 thanks for testing

Nick87's picture

Yes, I’m definitely coming to the conclusion that there’s a ton of variables when testing. I guess all you can do is just try to keep everything the same each time you test different GH. At least that’s my plan, I’ll be off cycle for the next couple months. Won’t need to worry about that messing with testing.

23Sparta's picture

Awesome score

Nick87's picture

Yes, I’m happy with it.

Ag4936cali's picture

Now I see why you said so and so gh wasn't testing high numbers. Your 2 ius is killing it on the scoreboard

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Nick87's picture

I mean it’s pharma GH so I expect it to get me the 100 per iu it did even better close to 120 per iu. That other bro could just be a poor responder. I hope the generic I started is going to hold up to my expectations. Lots of guys have said the generics I went with are quality. We will see. I also have some of the same GH that other bro tested. I’ll get to that one at some point for testing.

Black90tsi's picture

I wish my score was closer to that.

Nick87's picture

You could try some pharma if you haven’t tried that already. But I do hear that some of the generics are quality as well. Like it says above there’s just so many variables.

Black90tsi's picture

Generics are all I've tried so far. I'm on my 3rd brand but only tested the second 2. I have more of the first yet and another brand to use and get tested. After some input from makwa it sounds like I was definitely using things that could effect my levels. I was using a dht derivative or had just stopped using one during all 3 of my tests and I've been taking biotin which can effect the igf bp-3 levels which can all reduce the total amount of igf in the tests.

Im several weeks out from stopping primo and I just stopped the biotin. I think I'll ride this out for another 3-4 weeks for my system to clear and try again with the same brand and dose as the last test. Hopefully that will lead to some better numbers. If not I'll switch to another brand and try again. Im definitely getting many of the benefits people use gh for so it's not a complete loss. I happen to respond really well to test. I was hoping I could do the same with gh. But maybe that's just an area Im not so great at.

Id love to try legit pharma gh. But the price is rather prohibitive. Im paying less than. 50/iu for the current generics. That's a far cry from the cost of even the cheapest pharma gh. Even if I only needed 1/3 the dose it would still be a lot more expensive. One day maybe. But for now I'm on the generic train for the foreseeable future.

Nick87's picture

I hope it all works out for you. At least you're getting the benefits, hopefully it was just the other meds messing with the tests.