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+ 64 Best Liver Protectant ☕


There are so many products on the market today each making claims to guard one’s liver from anabolic steroid induced damage, I thought I would read through a couple of scholarly articles and write something that is understandable and useful.

Steroid toxicity is not a widely researched topic in the medical community, probably, because it affects too few people.

The less the liver is able to metabolize a steroid, the more toxic it is. The more androgenic and less anabolic a steroid is, the more toxic it is. Liver toxicity is not confined to oral steroids, but those are the chemicals that do the most damage.

So, what does that mean? One of the most toxic steroids to the liver is mibolerone (cheque drops). It is not metabolizable at all and is excreted in the urine as unchanged mibolerone. It is not known exactly how the C17 alpha-alkylation of most oral anabolic steroids causes liver damage but it is observed as I stated above that the more androgenic an oral compound is, the more toxic it is, so we are left with the hypothesis that since C17 alpha-alkylation blocks the liver hormone that would normally break the steroid down into useless metabolic components and allows the steroid to pass into the bloodstream that the androgenic activity of the steroid in the liver is somehow the source of the problem.

How is the liver damaged? Bile flow is impaired. Steroids cause the liver cells to swell and hold bile that would normally be secreted into the digestive tract. The damage caused by bile acid accumulation in the liver is called cholestatic liver damage. As bile gets backed up in the liver we see increased serum levels of AST, ALT and GGT. The retained bile salts are so toxic to the liver cells that they can cause the liver cells to die and create an inflammatory response further exacerbating the situation. If enough liver cells die, bile ducts can be destroyed.

But, not all bile acids are toxic.

The oral administration of Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) will assist the liver in producing bile acid metabolizing enzymes that will break the toxic bile acids down into less toxic compounds. TUDCA is itself a non-toxic hydrophilic bile acid. While the exact mechanism is unknown, TUDCA will also reduce pre-programmed liver cell death called apoptosis and will stimulate impaired bile secretion of accumulated bile acids.

TUDCA is the most potent form of liver support currently available.

Milk Thistle extracts have liver tissue regenerative properties, are excellent anti-oxidants but don’t impact cholestasis. So, while they are excellent at overall general liver health they are not adequate protection against the ravaging effects or oral anabolics.

Essentiale Forte is a phospholipid complex that has been shown to help clear toxic bile acids from the liver. It is an excellent supplement and probably the next best thing to TUDCA. It is produced by the pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supports the production of Glutathione, which itself is a powerful anti-oxidant that can protect the liver against toxicity but once again is limited in its ability to treat cholestasis and is marketed in many preparations with poor bioavailability.

Liv-52 is an excellent blend of antioxidants but will not treat cholestasis.

Dosing of TUDCA – 500 mg / day while on a cycle containing oral compounds. It should not be used more than 8 weeks at a time or for the duration of the cycle as it can have a negative impact on lipid values.

For general, year round, liver support, I would look to Milk Thistle.


JohnConner1776's picture

Source: Draxe.com

Eating beef liver Helps with Detoxification and Supporting Liver Function
One of the questions I often get asked is, “Isn’t your liver toxic; doesn’t your liver deal with toxins?’’ Actually, toxins are cleaned by your liver, but they are not stored in your liver. Your liver helps filter waste and toxins from your blood so they can be removed from your body, but it requires essential nutrients to work properly. Your liver is also responsible for metabolizing drugs, hormones and medications, plus helping make proteins that are needed for blood clotting.

B vitamins that are found in liver, especially folate, help with cellular functions, so they help support your body’s detoxification pathways. This means that consuming liver actually helps your own liver function better. In fact, consuming liver is actually an effective liver cleanse, especially when it’s part of an overall healthy diet, because it provides your body and liver with all the nutrients you need in order to eliminate waste from your syste

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Goldo's picture

Tudca for sure is the best and stronger one !
But the more expensive one too

helmholtzfreeenergy's picture

I've been reading about dihydromyricetin recently, it has loads of beneficial effects on the body including protecting the liver from damage. Seems like a good addition when on a harsh oral. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2017/1053617/

FlamingRoland-ohnooo's picture

TUDCA - This supplement needs to be more prominently mentioned. My doctor hasn't told me about this. And, this post is the first time I've ever heard of it. Just ordered some because my ALT blood test values are bordering on going over the 50 threshold. Thank you.

01dragonslayer's picture

Copied this off a buddy. One of the best methods to restore liver function and values after cycling. Could be ran during cycle as well....

By Roc...

It it starts off with me taking injectable glutathione M, W, F at 100mg per day. Don’t take more thinking it’s going to be cleaner or get cleaner faster, you will only feel out of sorts cause it’s potent.

Now this next part is to rid the liver of fatty tissue that builds up taking heavy orals or just how we live in general, but the gear doesn’t help. All chemicals are on amazon.

3000mg inositol
3000mg choline
5g l- methionine

take these threw out the day for 3-4 weeks, and I guarantee not only will you feel better but the gains are better!

no I will not take the credit for this procol, it was given to me a long time ago by a pro friend, but it’s what the pros have been doing for decades, to rid the liver of the fatty tissue. Couple different people argue you should do it every 1/4 with others saying once a year. I do it once while I’m on heavy and again, When I ramp down.

beware to my slin guys, at week 2 ur gonna get very sensitive so cut the slin in half or just gauge it, I’m thinking since your system is so fresh everything hits so much harder.

I sware by clean insides, bigger gains, and better overall feeling. Blood results won’t lie, and my liver counts haven’t been out of control even on halo, drol, and dbol at the same time.

Noles32's picture

Been searching for inj glutathione but unable to locate. Can it be purchased?

Beach13's picture

It can be purchased

Jonwiggs8's picture

The 3 best things I have found are TUDCA @500mg/day, Milk Thistle @175mg/day, and NAC @1,800mg/day.

Anytime I take oral I take this protocol and after I get my blood checked my liver level are usually not raised at all or just so very little that it is of no concern.

In a promo × 1
PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Good read...has anyone used activated charcoal?

mike123's picture

For me i always using SEMEN 140
Manufacturer : Boys
Form : Oral Molecule : skinny dick
Concentration : 140mg/tabs
Volume : 100 tabs
Recommended dosage : 140-420mg/day

its good one ?

JohnConner1776's picture

Jerk think about someone on here who may have been abused or their child. You don’t that type of shit.

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Greg's picture

read the rules, find all your posts where you broke them before I do.

Alexroid's picture

Tudca - is currently being my favourite for protection.

someone below wrote carsil,
used to take it long time ago, pills were like 20 something mg.. was taking ±10pills daily.. not worth it.

flaco's picture

do a search on utube for "Ask The Doc liver detox" on utube; he goes into detail what Arnold and the boys used way before steroids were illegal; basically high doses of inexpensive Choline and Inositol - the powder form is easy to add 1-2 grams each into a smoothie; Im on TRT & I had bad liver values on a blood workup, so my doc sent me to get an ultrasound; the operator is doing his thing and tells me "i have no idea why you are here, I can see clear thru your liver to the organs behind your liver. it is clean as a whistle" . Good enuf for me, but I also use extra stuff when using orals.

Locd_trenst's picture

Most OTC products can be taken year round for anyone and if you're cycling you most likely should

OldSchoolMuscle's picture

100% agree and awesome post! Tudca took my liver enzymes down to almost perfect levels. 250 mg twice a day with Milk Thistle and have the best numbers I have seen in my life.

ZachtheMonster's picture

I just stick to the ol classic milk thistle

m4bteam's picture

REDACTED Strong liver support, worth to learn more about it!


Greg's picture

If you sell this product you can't be promoting it here.

I can't tell if you sell this product because your site is down.

m4bteam's picture

hi Greg,
no promo for sure cause:
never have been selling it nor sale it and don't plan that....
It's a substance which can be found in some good OTC's or supplements. Just sharing personal experience.
Also one of family member have had really bad liver aspartate aminotransferase levels (almost critical) and it helped to get it balanced......

eelbasjak's picture

Glycyrrhizic acid - tried and tested thousand years before me.
Heptral - is also effective to treat liver.

gapi2911's picture

NAC is a cheap and strong antioxidant and should be basic all year round for all population just like omega 3 in my opinion. As for TUDCA, I like it and definitely work based on liver enzymes not only AST and ALT but game GT as the most accurate indicator of liver damage. Those days of heavy oral usage are over for me, even for frontloading I like short esters or no ester TNE. I am on TRT for many years and am not afraid of pinning. I really think that you are afraid of injecting you should not even consider using AAS. period!

kibby's picture

You do realise brother that ALL steroids effect the liver and kidneys.
You should be supplementing year round with most

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Ellingham's picture

I was told It was safe to use Tudca year round, luckily only been using it on my cycle currently at 500mg a day but planned to just stay on it, do any of your references detail Tudca affecting lipids? Would definitely want to look into it myself

Jesst3r's picture

Wow I always thought Milk Thistle was the nest option, thanks!

24inchpythons's picture

Great info although I am not a fan of milk thistle and think its overhyped

kibby's picture


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24inchpythons's picture

Alot of lab studies have shown that milk thistle may protect and promote the growth of liver cells but clinical trials have been mixed at best. Although we know it provides some level of growth.... when it comes to diseases like Hep or Cirrhosis, it seems to have no effect which makes me wonder how it would work helping you recover from gear since it would cause similar liver trauma, on a smaller scale. I have read studies also where thistle did not really help regenerate or grow liver cells damaged by alcohol which is the same type of damage we are talking here with gear..JMO

Jewman's picture

I know from experience because I have had hep c and got it cured completely, to cause permanent damage your liver enzymes have to be raised very high for a long long time. I'm talking the enzymes have to be over 1000 for a long time in which you'll have bad side affects and you will know. The liver is most resilient and will always grow back cells. The only way the liver doesn't grow back cells is if you have cirosis which is scarring of the liver ,there are different stages but if you have stage 1 or 2 you'll bounce back . That's hard to do on gear. As long as you cycle orals correctly and take care of your self milk thistle , vitamin c ,anti oxidants from fruits and vegetables you'll be fine!!!! Milk thistle DOES WORK, it doesn't work for cirosis because once you get to state 3 or 4 your liver doesn't regenerate back . That's permanent scaring . As far as hep c, milk thistle may not work because hep c can attack your liver way worse then a cycle of dbol ,it is a chronic disease.

kibby's picture

Each to there own amigo ;)

We use milkthistle along side cancer treatments so it must be good for something.

Also I've used it many times and had bloods done to show it has a positive effects at healing /lowering high liver enzymes.

Bloods are key

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Redmanlfc's picture

Well you learn something new every day! I did not know milk thistle was used in a medical setting Kibby! Also I had been lead to believe it was snake oil and did nothing over the years.

Personally I use NAC year round.

24inchpythons's picture

Good to hear..how much were you taking at the time? 24


I agree! TUDCA or UDCA a must during Liver cycles. S-Acetyl Glutathione is a good antioxidant. Proper hydration is key as well as making sure there is something in your gi tract that can absorb and help transport the toxins out of your body. Fiber is good for this as well as activated charcoal. I would take the charcoal right before fasted Cardio. If you can hit the sauna after your workouts for 20 minutes, 4-6 times a week, it lowers the risk of all cause mortality by up to 60%! It also causes the liver and the gall bladder to move bile through the ducts. It’s a pain in the ass, but the sauna also improves muscle growth by improving blood flow and causing the body to release endogenous growth hormone. The sauna is a hidden secret to good health while blasting. Just hydrate!!!

roly420's picture

I recently ran superdrol. Super harsh, but I just simply kick started my supps a month before SD. 3wks/20mg day. Took NAC 1200mg, liv52, multivitamins. Posted bloods and after a few weeks, liver was on point. Almost completely recovered. NAC is an incredible supp and with bloods, the proof is in the pudding. Even my hdl/ldl was almost perfect.

Makwa's picture

Just seeing this crap for the first time

Danavar's picture

I took NAC Sustain 600mg ed on 30mg oxandrolone for 3 months and AST ALT GGT and alk phos were all in range on labs. HDL never dropped under 22 and came back to almost 50 a month or so after. Was also taking fish oil and resveratrol plus by country life multi v and b complex. MIC works well post cycle. Jerry Brainium talked about NAC working by preventing bile build up similar to TUDCA. SD is way harder on the liver glad to know it helped on SD.

RVWolf's picture

I post this here because I didn't found references in this thread, it's called Desmodium adscendens.
I use it and I find the effects much more effective than Milk Thistle or Liv-52 (I have tested both).
I use dry leaves (you have to put them in boiling water and then filter), it's very efficient and it does not cost much.

leanbulk819's picture

I have used a liver supplement called Liver +, it is made by AD and it seems to have worked well for me....whenever i got my liver enzyme levels tested they were always at acceptable levels

steroidmen's picture

Ademethione is powerful .

mrbones's picture

wow what a awesome article! thank you!

Irishbomber86's picture

Methionine..inisotol...and choline...one gram of each

Good on the liver and the gallbladder...as well as the skin...if ya give a fuck about that.

Hulkbody85's picture

I've always liked NAC really helps bring down your gamma lvls and I'll use turmeric for any inflammation and I know milk thistle isn't really used but I throw that in from time to time.

Serg Feltersnatch's picture

What about choline and inositol?

Bajarock3's picture

Liv52 is awesome! Thanks for the info

Skipper34's picture

I've used LIv 52 many times, it seems to help with a hangover too if you take a couple prior to a heavy drinking session, off cycle of course:)

Merhan's picture
