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RoidSupplier 73

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Depends on the destination country.

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Payment Methods: 
Western Union, MoneyGram

We are accredited distributor for the following Companies:

Note: You don't have to trust in our word. You can check by yourself by asking directly to the Companies if we are accredited distributors or not. Find contact pages and/or contact email addresses on their websites and send them an email.

If you are lazy and don't want to spend time in searching for those emails you can send questions to them:

We accept small and wholesale orders.

We have a very high rate of successful deliveries (96 %+) and a resend policy based on a seizure letter. In the unlikely event that if your package is detained by customs, RoidSupplier will reship your full order to a new address. Click here for details.

You can contact us by sending an email to any of these addresses:



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    MITCH 23's picture

    Recieved my promo pack. Love the balkan packaging.

    Owes a Review × 1
    CaptainKenny's picture

    I placed an order from roidsupplier over a month ago. I have not received anything nor can I get a reply. I have emailed roidsupplier numerous times. If anyone can help just started back preparing for competition with nothing. Old connect is gone. Please Help!!!

    CaptainKenny's picture

    I placed an order from roidsupplier over a month ago. I have not received anything nor can I get a reply. I have emailed roidsupplier numerous times. If anyone can help just started back preparing for competition with nothing. Old connect is gone. Please Help!!!

    madman's picture

    Click on their profile and send them a friend request. When your friend request is approved send them a PM with your order number and go from there.
    Good luck.

    Ragnarok1's picture

    Thanks Roidsupplier! Gonna get this party started today!

    zeb0312's picture
    RoidSupplier's picture

    IMPORTANT: For all those who get a "fake" advise on BP UPIC checking site please take a photo of the product you received (I need to see the UPIC code in detail) and send us by email to [email protected] and we will send them to Balkan Pharmaceuticals. I'm sure that there is a problem on their side and we will ask a reply ASAP.

    big_swol33's picture

    Will do. But with the Halo, the name isnt even right on the pack. It just says Halotest, all that iv seen FROM Balkan all are labeled halotestin.

    i20bpm's picture

    All the bp halo I've had says halotest on the box and back of pack, go on another top int. Src and zoom in on the pic they all say halotest. Mine verified but didn't check the dbol yet and btw thanks rs

    big_swol33's picture

    I got mine from a promo. So i didnt order it. And yea i usually use another top src for bp for all my stuff too.

    RoidSupplier's picture

    Maybe you have received fakes in the past. Check by yourself at BP site:

    big_swol33's picture

    Possibly. But thanks for taking care of us that recieved fake stuff and trying to get it worked out. Awesome on your guys side.

    Rockywrx's picture

    promo pack landed, will leave a review once i use them. big thanks for roidsupplier letting me in on another of their promos. have nothing but good to say about this source!!!!!!

    madman's picture

    So what's the deal with this Halo Dbol?

    hooligan16's picture

    Checked mine on Balkans site, says its legit.

    Owes a Review × 1
    scampy's picture

    I just got mine this morning and it checked out good on the Balkan upic website....

    Owes a Review × 1
    madman's picture

    Thanks Hooligan and Scampy for your reply I'll have to check out mine later when I get home. I'll keep you guys posted.

    madman's picture

    Same here checked out all good on Balkan website. .

    hooligan16's picture

    You got it brother

    Owes a Review × 1
    Littleginger's picture

    Thanks for the promo. Package landed couple days ago.

    In a promo × 1
    big_swol33's picture

    Check the codes on BP website. A lot are coming back fake

    scampy's picture

    My promo pack checked out all good on the bp upic website....

    Owes a Review × 1
    big_swol33's picture

    Well i was just sayin be careful because a lot were coming in as fake

    madman's picture

    Promo received, thanks Roid.

    landmaster247's picture

    Wanted to send a big shout out to roidsupplier. Received my promo pack yesterday. Going to add to my upcoming cycle. Will review after products are used. Thanks again

    Gabribolic's picture

    Roidsupplier told me they only ship promo from country thats not european union, and normal orders comes from european union country, some one can confirm this??

    Gabribolic's picture

    Hi guy's any one from EU who had used this supplier please pm me, thanks

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