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    big_swol33's picture

    Well got in the halo and dbol in today. Iv been using BP products for a long time and never seen stuff come in like these did, so i ran the codes on Balkans site, all came back as Fake Products. I suggest everybody go to Balkans website and run your codes

    landmaster247's picture

    Well brother my codes came back as fakes as well. Hopefully they are legit product enemy though they are not pharmaceutical. Thanks for the heads up

    big_swol33's picture

    I sent a claim to Balkan. So they'll take care of it.

    7ate9's picture

    Fr Request sent bro

    big_swol33's picture


    landmaster247's picture

    Sent you a fr bro.

    big_swol33's picture

    Got it

    landmaster247's picture

    Good to know bro. I'm about to check mine out right now.

    hooligan16's picture

    I just put the codes in on the site and they came back legit. You putting in the right code? Would be the code under the EXP date. Not one above the EXP date

    Owes a Review × 1
    landmaster247's picture

    Mine both came back as fakes as well. Oh well just happy I didn't pay for these.

    big_swol33's picture

    Yea i know. And yea there was only 1 time that i questioned the letter. So i put in both things i thought and they both came back fake.

    Sumatra_Triangle's picture

    Very happy today.
    Just added depth to my orals stash.
    Nothing better than dbol in blisters.... Wait what's this

    Never used halo before and I will do alot of reading on it today

    hooligan16's picture

    Same here bro, never used halo either, from what Ive read, first time users should start out at 10-20mg a day for 2 weeks no longer then 4 weeks. Even experienced users should not go higher the 40mg a day. Im gonna start a 10mg a day Monday and go from there. Ill report back.

    Owes a Review × 1
    hooligan16's picture
    Promo recieved, will start the halo immediately? Thanks brother!

    Owes a Review × 1
    zhaomeng0904's picture

    Promo received! Thanks bro!!!

    In a promo × 1
    carl3553's picture

    Promo landed mate ...big big thank you ....I'll post up pics soon

    alwaysmassive78's picture

    Promo landed, took dbol asap and felt it kick in. Have not had that with dbol in years. Obviously not proof it's brilliant etc will need to run for a bit! Cannot wait to take the halo but gym not til Sunday cos of work and want to try as pre-workout boost! Work and children do get in the way of the gym sometimes...

    alwaysmassive78's picture

    Mine all valid but 2 said had been checked before, but the writing is so difficult probably just someone else's attempt as other came back fine. Plus I'm getting dbol euphoria feeling I haven't had since the day of Russian dbol and no it's not caffeine as I take that at 600mg on training days so know that, ephedrine, clen, and not to go into too much details a lot of different stimulants over the years. DMAA etc. Too many to list. Those who know effect dbol has on serotonin will know what I mean. Obviously I'll feed back with more info when I have it, can't see why source would have gone out of his way to send a promo if wasn't decent as would be a bit pointless

    Pmob's picture

    How do you know they are in the Original Boxes ? Also you could have taken this to PM.

    In a promo × 1
    RoidSupplier's picture

    It seems that it is a package from another supplier. We don't send in original boxes.

    zeb0312's picture

    Bro take it to pm like pmob said please before this gets ugly. You don't want the mods to get involved bro.

    zeb0312's picture

    Where just here to help each other out is all brother.

    RoidSupplier's picture

    We sent all the promo packages. We will start sending PMs with tracking numbers today.

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