Nitti's picture
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Martial Arts


Some of you know a little about my sporting background. You know about how when I started in the world of PED's, these methods you use for bodybuilding were completely alien to me. I've successfully run orthodox and unorthodox cycles and for the most part, I always achieve the goal I'm seeking. Well I recently got hurled into a situation that made me realize being able to move and strike effectively isn't enough anymore unless you run into someone with no training at all. Then it's almost pathetically one sided. So I am going to start training to learn a martial art. I don't know if I want to go in on mma since there are a hand full of disciplines to be learned and I think that is going to take away from the skill set of each individual craft. So you'd essentially be a jack of all trades and master of none. I don't want that. So here's the point ,...what do you study? How do you feel it compares to other crafts? What is the most practical art in real world scenarios? Muay Thai? Judo? BJJ? Maybe Akido? I want to hear from ppl who have experience , not just opinions. My opinion is being strong as fuck, Muay Thai is the move. If anyone gets close enough that they want to grapple, they will be sorry they got that close. Then again if you aren't the strongest guy, BJJ or Akido both teach you to move and use momentum against a person. I don't know. I just know not too many ppl are willing to stand toe to toe and trade punches so I'm looking to improve my game.

betz7's picture

AAS and MMA don't mix well, just my personal view. I train 3x a week at a local gym that focuses on Krav Maga, but they also have a small group dedicated to MMA, and I know the guys take AAS, and I cant till you how many fist fights outside the gym I've seen. With that said, it could be their personalities in general, or someone is nagging someones ole' lady, I don't know 100%.

vhman's picture

I've been doing Rex Kwon Do and I must say, after an eight week course, I'm a bad-ass. I have the strength of a grizzly, the reflexes of a puma, and the wisdom of a bear. Bow to your sensei!

Xrated's picture

Lol...break the arm and walk away

Xrated's picture

Lol...break the arm and walk away

Catalyst's picture

Depends what you want it for Nitti. I trained in Judo since the age of five and competed at the highest level, so I have a love of the game and probably a subjective view. As a defensive martial art, it's mechanics make a very good form of self defence without having to strike anyone. A lot of the top private security guys over here are either from judo or jujitsu backgrounds for that reason. You're less likely to lose your license if you avoid striking anyone.

Xrated's picture

Ah, another judo man. I like it. U r right. Get self defense.
I knocked out a guy once that called my wife a bitch. With osto gari. Scared the crap out of me. I thought I killed him

Darkhorse777's picture

Try silat its straight foward ass kicking i would not even call it self defense it comes from Indonesia many villagers still practice it today. Its unchanged.w
When the dutch colonized Indonesia it was made to fight in hand to hand combat against the much larger dutch people the guy i learned it froms name is Willem de Thouars he also taught me kun tao which is a form of kung fu. Hes got you tube videos of seminars he like 70 years old now but he does say that martial arts is like a salad needing many ingredients no one art will cover it all that being said what he teaches came from where he had fight for food to survive in japanese wwll camps where he was imprisoned so i would say it pretty battle tested and if i had time for training martial arts like i used to hands down this is the one i would do only prob being hard to find teacher out there but their are other schools teaching kung fu that him and his brothers do seminars at try one of those if possible

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kodiakGRRL's picture

Krav maga.... nuff said

bigJOHNstud's picture

There is always the ancient art of the pimp slap

kodiakGRRL's picture


Xrated's picture

I'd have to say judo. I took it for many years. And u get the most of both worlds out of it. Tons of stand up techniques to get your opponent to the ground and finish them. That's if they make it past u delivering a devastating throw to get them to the ground. I really miss the mats n training. Great times

bigJOHNstud's picture

The God father of grappling has his roots in judo, Judo Gene Label. He's a certified bad ass

Xrated's picture sensei was an 63 ya old bad ass. He was on the USA Olympic team.
These guys beat the shit out of me. Week after week for years. And I always thought I sucked. Until, I would go to a competition. I would smoke people literally. They were great guys and real life bad asses, as u would say lol

TheFlash85's picture

muay thai and technical boxing is your ticket, bjj or ninjitsu for the ground.

aronl's picture

I train in Muay Thai. Karate is for children. Other disciplines where you roll around on the ground with other guys is....... I dunno....... not for me.

Engineereddisaster's picture

I realize everyone is a tough guy on the Internet but I would bet my house that in real life I could hospitalize you with my "Rolling around on the ground with another dude" skills, and I'd make that bet blindly not knowing who you are just because your statement proves your lack of fighting experience. Any person who has ever fought a truly talented ground fighter would know better than to make that kind of statement.

aronl's picture

Ive trained in jujitsu i just dont care for it. I never said it was homo Ed. But, threatening people anonymously on the internet when you're not going to back it up; thats something a complete pussy would do. I think you are better than that.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Yeah I was kind of having a bad day and it was kind of pussy to talk tough over the Internet like that. It wasn't a threat though just a prediction. I still stand by it.


Both of your posts on this thread seem to have a tint of aggression behind them?......... whats up bro speak your mind.......... lets clear the air

Engineereddisaster's picture

You have already hurt my feelings.

bigJOHNstud's picture

Less writing more pimp slapping

fusebox's picture

"rolling around on the ground with another dude"

No homo?

Pale's picture

Almost every fight I have ever been in (They are much less frequent these days) It always ended on the ground. Ed is right. If Nitti already has boxing nailed down he should polish his ground game starting with wrestling.

Pale's picture

No, I didn't watch it, I haven't watched wrestling in years but a friend of mine has got me semi-interested again.

Engineereddisaster's picture

I even won a couple of matches too. Smile

Engineereddisaster's picture

Lol, it's been a crazy last few days. Still a little amped up. Smile

Pale's picture

That announcer dude really in the hospital?

Engineereddisaster's picture

I don't even know what you are talking about.
I'm sure whomever you are talking about is fine with a storyline injury though.

Pale's picture

My bad,I thought you followed that stuff...

Engineereddisaster's picture

sometimes when I'm bored and there is nothing else on tv.
Did you watch Monday night?

Pale's picture

Man, now you know I didn't! But for the first time in 15-20 years I am considering starting to watch it again,lol

Engineereddisaster's picture

I heard Monday night was pretty entertaining for the first time in a long time. I might start watching it too. Smile

bigJOHNstud's picture

Grappling is where it's at. No mans arm is stronger than both the arms and legs of another man. Fight is over when a joint pops out. I studied hapkido as a youth. It is a mix of many disciplines but I think the little grappling that I was taught is the most effective. Sure there is skill in punching but if someone wraps you up and takes you down punching is almost ineffective. I wish I would have studied grappling more. Grappling and countering grapples is where it's at. Put someone to sleep or pop out an elbow it's game over