noob941's picture
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+ 4 ten days in on tren down 5-6 lbs


Body changing daily, literally Daily

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dudebro's picture

I agree everyone has the right to do whatever they want but lets be honest if a new guy posted this he would be getting roasted.

ezpzlmnsqz's picture

Awesome, tren dose and daily calories?

awagz's picture

Keep it up bro I'm always a fan of your work ethic, attitude and constant progress. +1 for doing the work my man.

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flacidego's picture

I think you're making good progress brotha. You're an adult and you're using tren after researching it, not some little douche bag jumping on the tren train. Are you training for bodybuilding or for aesthetics? Most bodybuilders on this site get upset when they see someone with extra bodyfat running tren. I wouldn't do it, but I'm not here to flame you for it. Looking forward to more pics to see your progress. Keep killing it.

flacidego's picture

I know what you mean. My reason for asking is because I wanted to make a point for others reading this post...point being that not everyone here is a bodybuilder and/or looking to compete. Alright brother...getting off my soapbox.

RickRock1086's picture

What dose? Tren A or E?
If it works for ya dude goo head. What is it like to get unwanted/unasked advice from the Eroids gurus below

Catalyst's picture

By the look of things in his profile, he has used it before so unlikely to ammend. Wake up call up, there are youngsters on eroids under 200lbs using insulin that will never get on a stage. This guy isn't asking for advice, nor does he impart his choices on others. He can make his own choices, bad or not.

selfster19's picture

× my understanding he's only running the tren @50mg EOD and test e at 250 wk...very moderate and minimal doses. But apperantly to some this forums becoming a "joke" so I don't really understand why their still here and not on some other forum with the rest of the "hardcore" bodybuilders" I feel noobs done damn Good and come a long way without running crazy doses.....I guess some jus wanna sound "hard core"......all aside I give props to noob.

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awagz's picture

I agree I have watched nooks progress and see how he PROPERLY researched and decided and started at a moderate dose. Much smarter than some 25 year old who runs a g a week first cycle. +1 Noob keep Killin it.

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littletigar24's picture

I thought I misread the caption. Good luck

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Bro you need cardio on an empty stomach, for over an hour 6 days a week.
First meal 20g protein.
Two hours later 30g protein.
Two hours later meal of carbs protein and fat
Every two hours eat a small meals until after work.
No sugars.
Lift after work.
Then your big protein meal.
You should be eating 8 to ten small meals a day. Carbs only while at work.
I also suggest cardio before bed.
This will create a ketogenic fat burning muscle building environment.

Hit me up and I can help you out man.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Anytime man

readyman's picture

^^^^^This shit is what this site is all about noob. Tren is fucking awesome paired with proper dieting in any direction you want to go. Me personally i would recomp mostly natty until mebbe 15%bf then i would dope which by the really serious folks is still crazy.

selfster19's picture

Right on noob. U have came a long long way man. Keep it up your progress is undeniable. Pr+ps

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crazymofo's picture

You have come a very long way in your pics bro but why are you being so hard on your body with these chemicals. I mean if you have taken just half of what you have posted that's just nuts.

Swolepatrole69's picture

Man you should be on a healthy diet and cardio regimen. Maybe just maybe a small amount of test but WTF bro, tren? Really? Why? To lose fat? Quit being fucking lazy and train and diet. Tren isn't for the average joe. It's for hardcore bodybuilders. This forums becoming a fucking joke for condoning use for people like you. JeeZ

gqelite's picture

I have no idea who this guy is.... But I imagine he didn't get 300+ karma by just posting gear pics.

crazymofo's picture

Yea actually he basically did.. I have just looked through his massive wall of pics.... guy pretty much started training like a year and a half ago. Well I say training I should say just throwing a bunch of drugs in his body.....

jimmycrackcorn's picture

anxious to see what that tren will do atthe end of you cycle. should cut most of that extra padding off. keep it up brother

Jc74s's picture

Oh yea man I see you drop some weight .Also can see some def as well keep it Hommie you came along way .Stay on point and stay strong

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