Nitti's picture
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+ 3 Uninspired or burned out?


Some of you may notice I haven't been online much. I'm sure some of you didn't notice or didn't give a fuck, but aside from being out of town and busy with a few things, i am seriously lacking motivation to do anything related to lifting or cycling lately. I used to get fired up and go ape shit in the gym making insane gains along the way. The posts and ppl here would keep me motivated when I lost any drive. Just hearing some ppl's stories or watching them grow was like a magnesium stick for me. Maybe it was my competitive drive and nature. Competing with you all silently. Or maybe I just loved what I was doing. I'm not sure really. But lately I just don't feel it. I can't blame eroids or you guys/gals really. I do use eroids and the members as inspiration or fuel at times but just because the site dies down or gets a little quiet at times doesn't make or break me. It happens all the time, kids go back to school, seasons change, ppl get busy with life. I'm no different. But I never lost my edge before no matter what I was doing. It will never effect my work here. I will always give 100% in my job here for as long as I wear that tag. But it's not the job i'm talking about. I can do that effectively and effortlessly all day and night if need be. But this wasn't always just a job to me. I was a member for about 2 years before becoming a mod. I stayed active because i love this site. I love learning and growing,..physically and mentally. Now i'm kinda like "eehhh, so I have ridiculous guns! My bf is as low as possible without effecting my health negatively. Yeah i'm strong enough to throw around a 300lb man like a rag doll, I could model underwear for what? Do I really care...."
As you can see, i'm just not into it. Those of you who have been around a while know that I didn't start out a bodybuilder. I had no desire to be big or look good naked. It was just a cool side effect of my training which i did to fill a void in my life. It's become routine I guess. Bland. I know i still have a lot to learn but I've acquired a lot of knowledge on the subject and have successfully trained ppl into great shape but that isn't cutting it either. I find myself just giving advice to friends like an automated response machine. It has all become so familiar that I don't have to think about it when i talk. You would think that is a good thing. I don't know. Going through the motions is the most disadvantageous thing you could do. Time is too precious a commodity to burn up doing something I don't love. It's the one thing I can never buy or buy back once it's gone. Am I spending it doing something that fulfills me? I don't know anymore. So i'll just keep doing it until I can't stand it anymore. Inspire me!

MONK's picture

First line hits different in 2021 (feelsbad).

Reading this thinking damn, Don’t see this writing style much these days. Makes me want to post more.

White Bolt's picture

That's life man. Things get in the way, it's takes great commitment sticking with the drugs, training, and food in a consistent manner and burns many out after a while. I feel how you do right now, a lot of major life changes are happening at the moment and I feel an extended break about to happen after close to a year of being spot on with everything... Whether it be for a couple of weeks or a couple of months, I've always been an advocate of taking time off when you need it whether it be due to the stresses of live or just a tired body.

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Greg's picture

No worries, you're at the end of a cycle (happens to those of us who are "ancient" in age).

From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak Nitti fought with the Trolls of eroids... Until at last he threw down his enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountain side... Darkness took him, and he strayed out of thought and time... The stars wheeled overhead, and every day was as long as a life age of the earth... But it was not the end. He felt life in himself again. He's been sent back until his task is done.

Nitti the Gray is about to become Nitti the White.

injected's picture

Sorry to hear that bro. When I feel like I'm starting to get burned out I take a week or maybe even two off. I'm always a little stronger when I come back and hit the gym again. That alone always motivated me to a point and just the time away let's me enjoy the grind more than ever when I return. Don't be complacent, set new goals and bust your ass to achieve them. Not everybody can do what you do. Don't stop being the guy that other guys want to be.

Dickkhead's picture

Dang bro, I would take Viking up on his offer for sure. If it should turn out that you love bodybuilding you will develop a passion for it that goes right to your core. Once that happens, it will burn deep enough in you that it will more than satisfy those vague unmet wants and desires we all have. It is an avocation you can enjoy 24 x 7 x 365. LOL Biggrin


Stamp Collecting!....... try that and slowly watch yourself shrink away into a pathetic shadow of the former shag happy motherfucker you was lol.

You have made many posts about how you are NOT a Bodybuilder!

I ask you now for the last time ever....... Join me!!........... allow me to take you down a brand new road!

You never know bro........... you may just love it and wish you had done this years ago.......... Out with the old and in with the new........ now get that fkn skinny ass in gear and kiss goodbye to those skinny 17in biceps and grow some real fkn beasts lmfao!!

cdyrdes's picture

Got a good laugh from this one!

manbearpig's picture

Watch me beat all the ebc competitors!

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Don't sweat it buddy. Just take a week or two off everything. After two weeks you'll be gagging to get back in the gym......or not

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kodiakGRRL's picture

Nitti... WAKE UP ... do what you LOVE, LOVE what you do .. if you are done with then be done... nothing wrong with closing out a chapter and moving on ... life isn't meant to be static, change is inevitable because with change comes growth.. if you aren't growing then you are dying
You and I have had some great conversations about bb and cyles and training.. those things won't be lost ...

RickRock1086's picture

Nitti, without even noticing, you became a Legend here on Eroids for a lot of people without trying to sound like kissing ass. I remember the day you made a comment on one of my pics "arms at 17 inch" that comment is fuel to my fire & still till this very day

Gymjunkie01's picture

here is what my wife used to tell me when I would get in a funk....... ( listen stop being a pussy get your ass up be thankful for what you have accomplished and he who becomes complacent will never achieve greatness) those was her words to me all the time.. I mean this with all respect stop being a pussy and get your ass up and achieve new things..

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Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Here are a few motivating things for me. If they don't motivate you remember that as ww3 is looming the safest places will be the battlefield and not cities

Remember. Someone some where is training to kill you. Will you train harder?

Pale's picture

Excellent point! My son has taken the oath for the USMC, he doesn't ship out tho til June 2015. World events weigh heavily upon me right now..

MedDx's picture

You are healed!! I have popped you on the forehead!! You love what you have done and you will keep doing it. I am 205 lbs, so you could probably throw me around further than a 300 pound dude!!

I have learned a lot from you, since May 2013. Intelligent and informative with tons of respect is what i get when we have corresponded. You always helped, and kept me going down the right EROID avenue.

You have been doing this for a long time, so it is in your nature, Nitti, to continue. Breaks and rests are positive. Live, laugh, & love....always here for a bro.....

Pale's picture

First, thanks for sharing this with us and yes, I did notice. I even checked your profile yesterday to see when you last logged on, lol. Stalker , yea I know.

You know, I have changed life's pursuits several times. I get to a point where I master something then get bored and find something else that inspires me. We are human beings not machines. Some of the many colors I have worn, tournament walleye and salmon fishing, trophy whitetail deer hunting, growing weed, Mmj activism, stock trading, playing in a rock and roll band,wake surfing and bodybuilding/ transforming. There are others too, some I have left behind and some I still do but each one of them I did with dedication. When someone tells me I cannot do something or that I am a fool for trying it inspires me to prove them wrong.

Look around you Nitti and find something that you simply want to dive into. The gym stuff isn't going away, if you lose a little ground your muscle memory will remain and respond when you do dive back in.