Runningback01's picture
  • 21

+ 6 4 weeks in hulks bi blend.


I've been on hulks bi blend (150mg
Tren eod and 210mg of test p eod) 1.2ml

And.5 arimidex eod.
Why are my levels
So shitty??

Ordered from: 
MegaT883's picture

Well I would retest then you will know for sure. ECLIA testing that LabCorp uses has been showing some weird results while running Tren and NPP. Did it lower his testosterone results not sure. Did it raise his estradiol results yes. If your using tren then you should use labsmd and get their hormone panel for females.They use Quest Diagnostics. They use LC/MSMS for testing testosterone and the tren will have no effect on it. If it reads low on that test then it is accurate. LC/MSMS reads over 1500 on testosterone. It's the the gold standard for testing testosterone. They also use IA for testing estradiol and it will read correctly. ECLIA will also give a false high reading on testosterone when running NPP. The testosterone will read super high. +1 for testing but I'm still not sure if it's accurate. The only way to know for sure is get the LC/MSMS test on testosterone.

ChemDawg's picture

If that is the case, then we will learn from this. It is out in the open now, which makes it a good thing for our community. I have high trust in Hulk products, so I believe if the guy gets the other test, he will be in a better mood. I wasn't aware the different companies had different standards and testing methods.

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dudebro's picture

lol fanboys giving this thumbs down just because they don't like the results. since when is getting bloodwork a negative on this site?

dudebro's picture

oh i don't accept anything on the internet as fact and it seems like you handle your shit quite well but your fanboys have definitely been known to go on little rampages when im sure you can straighten this all out yourself. shit, whoever negged it can at least explain the reasons for it instead of just anonymously hitting the thumbs down button because they happen to have had a good experience with your gear.

dudebro's picture

yeah i would always try to work with a source first to see whats up before blasting them publicly, agreed

HailRazor's picture

This is just my experience with PrivateMedLabs (LabCorp) results while I was on:
50/75/100 Tren EOD
100mgs Test P EOD

Testosterone, Serum 917 down from >1500
Estradiol 261

Member MegaT has some links commented on my thread about this subject.

When using the Male Panel Testing, Tren can have a weird effect on blood results.

Just some info. I'm not getting in between the drama here. I respect this member getting blood work done. Banner has posted some great MS Test results and other members blood work seems to be on point with his gear.
Can't we just all get along. Smile

Runningback01's picture

Wish that were the case but you've yet to accept my fr

Runningback01's picture

I am. I look pre comp right now but it's because I'm dry as shit.
I feel like I'm 80 years old warming up with 225

Runningback01's picture

It's just funny how he acts like he will take care of it in the open.
Then will answer all his pms but not accept my for or answer my email.
Just annoying because I just spent 200$ on his test e

jk54321's picture

Don't worry he never even answered mine :/ but I have faith I'll receive pack tho

jk54321's picture

The name change to wolf of eroids was not a good idea lol IMO just saying.

jk54321's picture

Wasn't being mean or disrespectful man just I'm sure u got that from the wolf of Wall Street that's all ?

jk54321's picture

It's cool man it happens

Runningback01's picture

I feel like it suits him well. He's prolly on his way out and just wants to screw as
Many people as possible

JustAMate's picture

Well that's a statement to make when asking for help.

killroy's picture

Yeh there goes any chance of reconciliation ... The guy is on a Tren with probably zero e2... I think we should cut him some slack tho lol. This is why I never buy blends from any source ... Same goes for my whiskey

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Runningback01's picture

I don't want help. I wouldn't take anything free from this source.
I would post more pictures but for some reason I'm not authorized to... Hmmm

Runningback01's picture

Emailed you before you even commented.
And it's also yellow... Picture it appears red?

I mean mistakes happen I know.
I just ordered a years worth of your test E for cruising. So I obviously trust you but the bloods don't lie.

And I understand the false reading on tren and e2

MegaT883's picture
killroy's picture

Hey brotha... I'm just going by this guy's blood work. Nothing against you or your operation.
Could be a testing fluke, he could be reverse scamming... all possibilities.

But if someone's blood test came back at 400 Total Test during the 4th week of pinning test prop 210mg EOD as he claims, what would you think?

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killroy's picture

Here you go knuckleheads ... The tren thread about e2 readings

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Runningback01's picture

That explain t levels?

killroy's picture

Sorry bud, What I posted is to you explain your high estradiol readings due to tren. So on one hand you got what appears to be legit tren,,, But on the other hand your testosterone is showing up low and the only explanation for that, should come from your source... you are running 210mg of Test Prop EOD? and come back with 400 total test? That's at the low end of natty production levels... If I were you I'd be questioning if there is ANY test prop in your gear at all and the tren is actually slowly shutting you down. Get this addressed ASAP. +1 for your troubles.

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Runningback01's picture

And why would my test be so low

Runningback01's picture

Still not found lol

Squatrack2's picture

Wow... I'm sorry to see that. Something is definitely wrong here. This what 400mg of test prop did in 13 days.
I posted these a few years ago

Runningback01's picture

Wouldn't open up

killroy's picture

not true, the title just changed... Link posted above.

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manbearpig's picture

thats about 700 mg of test p each week, and your T levels are only at 416. the test must be under dosed by a lot. there is probably real tren in there which is why your estradiol levels are jacked.