Runningback01's picture
  • 21

+ 6 4 weeks in hulks bi blend.


I've been on hulks bi blend (150mg
Tren eod and 210mg of test p eod) 1.2ml

And.5 arimidex eod.
Why are my levels
So shitty??

Ordered from: 
Runningback01's picture

I didn't think tren aromitizes?
I feel like I'm injecting pure estrogen lll

MegaT883's picture

LOL it's a false reading on the estradiol when on tren and testing in ECLIA it reads the tren as estrogen.

manbearpig's picture

tren can show false high estradiol when you get blood work.

Runningback01's picture

I feel fine I'm just wondering why my test is so low I'm injecting over 700mg
P a week.

SwaySway's picture

Did you share these results directly with hulk along with your order info? If you're running test p @ 700 mg per week you should be north of 2000.. not 400... Hulk knows his shit and is a stand up dude.. he should be able to provide insight or make it up to you if the batch is bunk..

Runningback01's picture

I just asked to be his friend.
The thing is. I'm up 17 pounds, holding no water. And look veiny as fuck and no sensitive nipples.
Last cycle I got a gyno pebble at 115 e2
I think it's a
False reading.
I'm 8% bf too

Squatrack2's picture

It shouldn't be!