Nitti's picture
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+ 1 Help with Short fuse


All my training over most have my life molded a person who doesn't ever let anger get the best of him. It clouds your judgment and could effect your decision making abilities negative way. I let shit roll right off of me most of the time.
Well when I'm on cycle , everything that I've learned about anger goes straight out the fuckin window!! My normally very long fuse is gone. In the past 3 days I've completely spazzed out twice over something that I'd normally say "ehh whatever" to. I work around lots of different people. I have two small children who don't need to see daddy blow a gasket. I need to find some kind of a way to control this. Once something gets me pissed , I get tunnel vision. I can see nothing but visions of the bloody beat down im about to give the dude giving me shit . I go from 0-60 In a half second! Once I get to that point it's nasty. I get loud , I go into a totally physically aggressive mode. I push with my chest trying to get them to take a swing! Does anybody else deal with this? Do you have any tips or tricks to help control it or even divert your attention just before you snap? I've always heard that the only ppl who have these issues of roid rage are the already natty aggressive ppl. Well I'm not. Granted, I do get mad, but I never lose my cool! Anybody? Input? Thanks Guys (and gals)!

EmeraldLaoch's picture

Great post, valid topic. The last thing you want when on cycle is to "let the neighbors know". I have lived my whole life with a naturally short fuse, scrap over everything. It was how I was raised x skinny x irish x teased = arrogant fucking prick. When I cycle it gets worse but this last cycle I had a breakthrough... its a combination of meditation and self control, just a mind trick. Its probably gonna piss you off because its too simple and it may not work for you but here goes... I chuckle in the most smart ass way possible and ignore ignore ignore. Just a little "heh" with a smirk to let them know that you now recognize them as a lower life form (that gets the satisfaction of a win) and they know what you mean trust me. It pisses them off even more when you refuse to joust with them. Its like saying "oh jesus im sorry, i didnt realize I was arguing with a (child/retard/caveman) and now I just feel sorry. Step two is to turn and walk away or dont face. I use the happy gilmore approach (take you to your happy place) which is usually either getting my d!@K $@Ked">u@Ked or titties or ass... pattern much? Anyway, the ignore takes supreme self control but once you do it once it gets easier, promise. Just keep repeating to yourself- low profile, low profile. Caving some dudes skull inside out in the middle of a walmart is NOT low profile and can ruin your cover. Practice SUPREME ARROGANCE and realize that people truly are less than you. Chuckle, walk the other way. It really fucks with people and makes them feel dirty. Plus, no murder charge. Hope this helps.

Nitti's picture

I hear you bro. I've been getting better with it. It's difficult for me on a few levels but i'm managing. What works best is getting back to lacing up my gloves and engging in some good ol' fashion hand to hand combat with my brothers who smile at me when i crack em! That was my missing component. I stopped boxing to concentrate on gains and I developed this rage issue. It's not totally under control,I live in Philly (full of douchebags), but im gettin there. I'm starting to think that gear or no gear, I might have this problem if i stop boxing all together. I'm back at it twice a week

EmeraldLaoch's picture

good enough buddy. like i said, may not work for you. I have close friends that feel the same as you, gotta blow it out on knuckle sandwiches sometimes to truly heal. all luck in your quest.

Greg's picture

Run at least 20 minutes every day for 2 reasons.

1) It expends pent up energy, reduces your BP, gives you a sense of well being.
2) There's the mental "fight" you have with yourself that starts within the first 10 minutes of running.

The "fight" are the excuses you start to come up with to convince yourself to stop.

"My calves hurt; I should do this tomorrow instead"
"I need to cut this short and start doing my ~"
"I should never run when I'm on cycle"
"Did I leave the stove on?"

The excuses come with emotions ranging from frustration, annoyance, to anger.
After the 10 minute mark you start to have a "I can do this" attitude followed by a "maybe I should do an extra 5 or 10 minutes".

I think it's reason #2 that has helped me recognize earlier when I'm starting to get angry. It has also helped me "detach" and deal with it without appearing angry.

Reason #1 reduces the severity of the emotion.

Nitti's picture

100% agree. I've been working on this all day. Awareness,n i've purposely been letting my mind run all day. Thinking about all the negatives that come along with aggressive outbursts. I actually felt much more relaxed today. I also kept to myself all day which i normally wouldn't but just for now, I figure if I detatch myself from the groups of guys at work, with all their egos and personalities I probably wont hear anything thats going to bother me. (wow, run on sentence) I believe you and grrrl are right. It's just a mental battle. Again, working on awareness is key. Thank you for the response

Nitti's picture

Luckily my wife works for a doctor (the lucky kind). She's been checking my bp today. Once first thing in the morning, once since I've been home (soon after 100mg test p). Not bad in the morning but even higher than yesterday after the shot. Thats to be expected. I have not yet laid out a plan of what to do to keep it in check. However I got a response from a buddy through PM who gave me some advice on herbal relaxants. I'm going to give those a shot. Other than that, i've stayed busy today. Stayed away from guys I normally but heads with and it's worked out well so far

wallabokkie's picture

The only thing I could suggest is to work out what it is that sets you off. When you work that out you will be able to tell before hand when these situations start to arise and you can remove yourself from tha situation

Bigdawg201067's picture

I have had anger issues my whole life, i have a hair trigger switch and until recently (5 years ago) i couldnt control it, i ended up getting into a fight and almost went to jail, luckly it never came to that but ever since i have been straight and though i do get aggressive and tempted i now think before i do, i have learned to let it go, it is something that you cannot teach but it will come to you over time after that switch gets flipped and you beging to recognize those triggers, the more you know yourself the more you will be able to control these types of events, i dont go out to the bar anymore because i know that alcohol, loud mouthed people and i do not mix well, know your triggers man and stay away from them.

Nitti's picture

I suppose we all have the potential to lose it now and then. I am definitely effected by gear. If i'm going to continue running aas, i'll have to learn to man up and figure it out. Thank u for the input

Nitti's picture

I agree and it has always been my sanctuary. Honestly, other than my current cycle, the only other thing thats different in my life is no longer boxing. I've dedicated all my gym time to BBing. Coincidence? Probably not. Maybe get back in there once a week and see if thats the missing component from my stability. I'm definitely curious about yoga now too. Breathing techniques, relaxation techniques.

7gothic's picture

LOLOL!!! Did anyone else see the ad off to the right for "ONLINE ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES"?????

Nitti's picture

Lol, i swear they take key words we type to know what ads to place up there

ikemay's picture

You got it. Search for say "breast enlargement" on google righ now. Within the next day even on this site there will show some ad for it. Online privacy=gone

7gothic's picture

OK's an example of just one trick I use to dismiss stupid-ass people::
I look at how successful people handle the same situation.
Imagine Donald Trump walking out of Trump Tower and as he's getting into his limo, some homeless drunk hollers out..."hey Trump, you're a fucking punk-ass bitch".
Now....what do you think Trump is going to do? Do you think he's going to waste even one second giving this guy a casual glance? HELL NO!!! Trump is going to walk on as if he never even heard it.
Now I suppose Trump could walk over and blast the guy...and get away with it, especially with all the money he has.
But Donald Trump has bigger fish to fry---he always has---that why he's Donald Trump.
You've got to think about what matters----idiots and trivial matters don't matter. That applies whether you're on gear or not.

wheels's picture

Yeah, but while I'm asking myself; "What would Donald Trump do?", Donald's asking himself; "What would a cartoon rich person do?", then he does it.

But back on topic, anger's a bitch to control. The most dangerous part for me is I feel so f'ing RIGHT when I'm angry. Not only right about whatever made me angry but also about getting so upset--whatever trivial crap pissed me off doesn't feel at all trivial.

If can catch myself at the beginning of that thought process, I can sometimes take a breath and put the incident and its complete lack of importance in perspective.

Nitti's picture

Good point. They are definitely irrelevant to me. I have much more important things to worry about. Its that split second where a person makes that decision to brush it off or react. The switch that controls that function in my brain seems to be broken. I have to try thinking about what could happen if i take that extra step. Hopefully i can snap myself out of it next time. I need a Ceasr Milan type, he snaps dogs out of their excitement with his little scchhhh. I need a douchebag whisperer

7gothic's picture

Impulsive behavior will get ya every time.

Many of you may or may not know this, but Grrrl is a psychologist for the prison system and has worked with thousands of guys who have the same problem.

ikemay's picture

Guess that would be why she"s always got the right comment at the right time when some douche steps out of line. We all know she looooooovvves to mod the fuck out of people that are out of line. Time outs and what not. Her job reflects her personality on here (no negetivity intented, I've also seen some very intelligent answers/comments from her as well) , my girl is an airhead, runs rampid in her family, thank god my doughter is very smart, she"s only 2 but very impressive,my princess. Sory got off topic but I'm there and I'm texting so ................

Nitti's picture

Wow! I did not know that. She obviously knows what she's talking about. Yoga, my next endeavor

Thor's picture

it only has happened to me while on tren (BAD) and a bit while on dbol. but you, more than anyone on here should know how to control your anger.

Nitti's picture

Dude, on a normal day , i have no trouble,.Im laid back, couldn't care less kinda deminor. I donno, maybe im subconsciously mind fucking myself

Thor's picture

try to hit the boxing gym again and do some sparring sections or maybe the punching bag.

Nitti's picture

I'm gonna have to try totally draining all my energy in the gym and at work. Maybe i wont have the energy to be bothered with any of the nonsense

Thor's picture

that sounds like a good idea

Nitti's picture

Yoga on deck. Cant hurt

Thor's picture

Our new psychologist: grrrrrl lol. Im starting yoga tonight

Nitti's picture

So none of you guys other than 7goth deal with this?

eastcoastmuscle's picture

i have been dealing with it alot more this time around, i think it is bec of the tren i am on. once i get going i cant stop, i am really close to tearing my wifes ex husbands head off... its coming real soon... some people just fuck with you at the wrong time and they have no idea they are playing with a ticking time bomb... totally been getting pissed off at the littlest things, and its not until a little while after that i realize how petty it was

KMC's picture

Vengence is a dish best served cold,..........very cold.

And grrrrrl, never try to get even, that just shows them that the worst that can happen to them is ..............even.

Get them back so bad,......they never fuck with you again.

Now having said that, I'm not talking about some kid walking along listening to an I-Pod that gets in your way (ie: Hollywood). I'm talking someone one who has really tried to fuck you over. But really I'm a nice guy,........till you cross that line. :-)

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Nitti's picture

I was hoping someone would have some kind of jedi mind trick they play on themselves to snap out of it. I guess it'll just take constant practice. I appreciate the responses but i guess there really isn't an answer

Nitti's picture

Well, I must say, although being aware doesn't stop me from being pissed, it does keep me from acting. I am learning to deal. It's hard, but it looks like i'm able to control myself for the most part. I do the "breathe in, count to 10, breathe out". I started to really think about how my anger effected my kids when my 6 year old daughter said to my wife, "why does daddy think he's a power ranger when we drive in the car (road rage)". It was funny but made me think a little harder about what the rug rats see.

Nitti's picture

Thank you for the insight.

Nitti's picture

Yes and this may be why ive always been good at controlling myself. I work 10-12 hour days (im an iron worker/welder) thats physically demanding. I have my training that wears me out. Then when things are really stressing me i go back to my old gym and jump in the ring with anybody willing

7gothic's picture

I'm a hot-head whether I'm off or on cycle.
Being on actually has helped me because I have to practice at controlling anger more intensely. Like anything else in life, there is no easy answer---you're simply going to have to work at it. But the more you work at it, the better you'll get.

Nitti's picture

OK but what do you do to work on it? In the moment, are you thinking a certain way, practicing something?

KMC's picture

My first thought,.....get off the Tren.

My second thought,.......why don't you lay out your cycle for us.

Owes a Review × 1
Nitti's picture

LOl, no tren bro.
Test P 100mg/ed
NPP 100mg/eod
Eq 500mg/wk
test cyp 400mg/wk