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Double A 183

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[email protected]

Injectables in MCT Oil

Test E 300
Test E 400
Test E 500
Test C 250
Sustanon 250
Test P 100
Tren A 100
Tren A 200
Tren E 250
Tren E 400
EQ 300
EQ 600
Deca 300
Mast P 100
Mast E 250
Npp 100
Npp 200
Test U 300 - Castor Oil
TNE 100
Winstrol Inject 100 (water based)
Primo E 200

Orals/Tablets 30 count

Anavar 50mg
Anavar 20mg (Lady Var)
Dianabol 50mg
Anadrol 50mg
Turinabol 25mg
Superdrol 20mg
Halo 10mg
Winstrol 50mg
Aromasin 12.5mg
Cialis 20mg
Viagra 25mg
Proviron 25mg

**42 Count:**

Nolvadex 20mg
Clomid 50mg

HCG 5,000iu no label, no water
HGH 100iu (gold top somatotropin)

Jockstrap's picture

You sound like that gypsy thats been plaguing eroids for couple years. Id bet @double_a checked with other sources it may pop up


Double A's picture

I have my suspicions. I don’t know why anyone would want to make themselves look so dumb. It’s like he’s just trolling

JakeKO's picture

He’s probably just a fat dude looking for miracle juice.

Jockstrap's picture

Catch a source offguard to send freebies. Lol! Same games, different names

Littleginger's picture

Bro I can’t even take you seriously lol. Oils goes thru like bac water…are you pinning with a damn 18g.

How long have you been running his stuff and what’s your experience with gear? What’s your stats?

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Double A's picture

Super bunk, yeah. This whole discussion page and the review page are full of people running garbage.
Fuckin idiot

Littleginger's picture

I have bloods posted on his gear. Feel free to check it out or message me. What compound is it?

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NycBeats123's picture

Hey what are you running and where can I see your blooodwork ?ty

Littleginger's picture

Just message me and I’ll send it all to you. I think I posted one of them on here and can find it on review page. Just hmu always happy to help

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NycBeats123's picture

Sounds good will do

Littleginger's picture

Awesome man!! Best way to go for sure. Keep us posted

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Littleginger's picture

Going in for bloods today. I’ll post results on test levels free test e2 and igf. Current cycle info below week 4

Cyp 125mg MW
Primo 175mg MWF
Mast E 250mg MW
Oral winny 40mg will increase to 50mg for final 4 weeks
4 iu 5 days week

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Chad P's picture

Curious to see if the winny effects your IGF score

Littleginger's picture

We shall see. Previous igf scores haven’t been great and within range even when on 3-4iu so excited to see. If these come back low or within range I’m gonna conclude I’m a non responder to gh lol

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Chad P's picture

A guy did an IGF test with elevated liver enzymes, did another a few weeks later when back to normal, his levels nearly doubled.

yngwie1962's picture

Jano testing dont mean anything to me I don't make my decision because they show you paper work of the stuff you think your getting just my opinion I tried the Var from here and it was very good I'll be placing my next order with them

yngwie1962's picture

How is the hcg here

CarnivoreNick's picture

The Anadrol 50 is strong with this one.

Littleginger's picture

Ok well since no one wanted to help the gingy out with TNE advice I just pinned 20mg pre workout to try. I’ll keep ya guys posted still unsure if gonna do small daily dose in addition to my cyp or just use on back/leg day

Pin was super smooth no pip. I think I’ve officially pinned every oil from Armani lol

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Wonderboypower1's picture

I have bought Armani's TNE exclusively for the past 4 months and I will continue to. It's always consistent and I never have any PIP from it. Ever! I usually do 1cc in the delt rotating daily about an hour out from my lift. Like I said I won't buy TNE from any other source again. It's so consistent. I have no reason to try any other anylonger.

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Littleginger's picture

Good to hear and thanks for sharing. I haven’t ventured above the 50mg mark but I can say the pumps during my workouts are nuts. No pip and enjoying it and certainly will be enjoying more of it.

Are you using it as your base test? I’m running 250mg cyp and was just experimenting with it but now I’d like to maybe fully incorporate into current or future cycle

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Wonderboypower1's picture

I use it ask my pre workout. My base test is Test E.

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Brolly6898's picture

20mgs? I usually would pin my ex that amount
I like 100mgs 1hour prior
Gonna try 150mgs next

Littleginger's picture

Good things she your ex bc she may have grown a penis if ya did stick her with that lol jp. yea I won’t go over 50. No reason to with what I’m doing.

Have to let me know how the 100 and damn 150 for sure let me know. How much test are you running along with it. What’s cycle? I’m test mast primo winny gh currently cutting

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Brolly6898's picture

My ex started to.look like Chyna and she became a cheater must of been all that tren I was shooting up that vagina wall
And she was on primo ace injectable 3x a week

Littleginger's picture

Haha yea I thought the same thing when she came over. Dude I’m rolling your pretty damn funny. I remember as a teen when Chyna posed in playboy.

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Brolly6898's picture

Bro I'm not kidding I will post a pic here lol

Brolly6898's picture

Well gingy current cycle is
50mgs test p daily
100mgs npp daily
50mgs anadrol pre workout
200mgs mast e weekly
And I just started the injectable superdrol 20mgs daily
Try 50 mgs than 100mgs on the test no Ester it's not a stimulant so u ain't gonna have a panic attack

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