Double A's picture
Double A 183

Estimated T/A: 
7 Days

Minimum Order: 
No minimum for Bitcoin ($100 to use coupon code), $200 for moneygram, $300 for western union

Payment Methods: 
Bitcoin, Moneygram, Western Union

Please note

Bitcoin orders, use coupon code BITCOIN10 on orders over $100 to receive 10% off when no other promotions are active



[email protected]

Injectables in MCT Oil

Test E 300
Test E 400
Test E 500
Test C 250
Sustanon 250
Test P 100
Tren A 100
Tren A 200
Tren E 250
Tren E 400
EQ 300
EQ 600
Deca 300
Mast P 100
Mast E 250
Npp 100
Npp 200
Test U 300 - Castor Oil
TNE 100
Winstrol Inject 100 (water based)
Primo E 200

Orals/Tablets 30 count

Anavar 50mg
Anavar 20mg (Lady Var)
Dianabol 50mg
Anadrol 50mg
Turinabol 25mg
Superdrol 20mg
Halo 10mg
Winstrol 50mg
Aromasin 12.5mg
Cialis 20mg
Viagra 25mg
Proviron 25mg

**42 Count:**

Nolvadex 20mg
Clomid 50mg

HCG 5,000iu no label, no water
HGH 100iu (gold top somatotropin)

terciobold's picture

There's my main fucking homey! I was waiting for you to get out of bed and get on here!! Gonna try some NPP this time...Never ran it before!

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press1's picture

YO YO YO!!! You've never run NPP before Bromeo??! Mate its just like the first time you entered that Ass in your avatar Lol Its a GREAT experience - Full of Happiness, Mystery, Joy and Pleasure - and you get bigger and stronger pretty quick!! 80mg ED for you my man Yes 3

terciobold's picture

Best fucking analogy i ever heard my bro from another ho! I wanted to run Deca but i said fuck it...NPP IT IS!

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press1's picture

Mate NPP and Deca are night & day difference in terms of how you feel on them - don't get me wrong that Deca is the Big Dawg after its finished building for 5 to 6 damn weeks for results, but NPP just feels so much more enjoyable, energetic, appetite inducing, uplifting etc You've been been in this game a long time bro, and how much more enjoyable and productive is a cycle that feels good on than one that feels like one hard, dark, depressing slog day after day.

terciobold's picture

Im pumped bro! AA has such good gear...Fucking like Amazon around here!

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terciobold's picture

Sent you a quick pm my brother

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Double A's picture

Status will change as stated in the email “status will update….”

tacosbussin's picture

Arni what’s up man! It’s been about a year since I’ve been here but I’m BACK, placed a new order on Monday and it shipped the next day! Should have it by the end of the week and I CANT WAIT to try the tren ace 200! Arni has always been the best imo

Double A's picture

What’s happenin, man! It’s great to have you back

tacosbussin's picture

Thanks man, it’s great to be back! I’ll never leave again :’)

terciobold's picture

His Tren is fucking awesome bro! Strong-ass shit!

Owes a Review × 1
tacosbussin's picture

The suspense is killing me! I’ve ran a ton his test, tried the deca and npp in the past, all are great. I’m pumped to hear good things about the tren! I’m salivating just thinking about it lol

terciobold's picture

I had to back off on it bro,it was so strong! Ive ran 1g of tren back in my day,but 1cc of his 400mg Tren E kicked my ass!

Owes a Review × 1
Double A's picture

His status changed but his status was never on hold to begin with. Please be patient

Double A's picture

No. That payment method has just been taking longer as of late.

Double A's picture

Thanks, man. I love you too <3 Air kiss

Wonderboypower1's picture

Their TNE and Anadrol is so damn potent. I've ordered them 3 times now. Never disappoints! Lightening fast shipping.

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Littleginger's picture

Your crazy Armani takes forever to turn orders. It took him like 3 days to get me my last order lmao. Yea he is pretty fast actually….like Amazon prime fast relative to most sources. Man I haven’t touched TNE since I was trying to be jacked lol. I may not mind trying that out again maybe for my big compound days like back and legs.

What dose do you use the TNE at and pinning protocol?

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Brolly6898's picture

Ordered landed in 5 days! Arni still has the fastest t/a
1x npp 200mgs
1 x tren ace 200mgs
1/2 cc of each everyday
Let's get nasty here for Summer coming

Littleginger's picture

Holy cow I’d be a shit show I can’t even handle 100mg of tren a week lol. I don’t fair well with 19-nor derived gear. What’s your test look like with that cycle.

And yea ole Armani is pretty quick. I’ve placed a couple orders you could say lol. My go to domestic. Actually have some more primo and mast coming.

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Brolly6898's picture
Brolly6898's picture

I need a break soon from the lack of sleep on tren and will try primo for the first time soooon

Littleginger's picture

Have to let me know what you think about the primo. Big fan of armanis 200mg primo and prolly used 20 bottles of the stuff over the years. Have couple buddies who really like it as well. We all respond different though so always curious what others take is. O and no pip even though I rarely get pip. What’s great is Armani doesn’t use any of the harsh solvents in his brews

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Brolly6898's picture

Current cycle daily pins
50mgs test p
50mgs mast p
100mgs npp
100mgs tren ace
Dropped the injectable sdrol 20mgs after 3 weeks or when bottle is finished
Pre workout 50mgs tren base
100mgs test no Ester
50mgs anadrol injectable
20mgs dbol
Organs are fine hematocrit and hemoglobin in range
Cholesterol at 260 though

Littleginger's picture

My current run….trt lol with couple iu of gh. Just starting a new cycle and doing 375cyp with 500 primo. I’ll drop primo down to 400 prolly and add mast in the mix about 4 weeks in.

375 cyp
400 primo
375 mast
3-4iu gh

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