ugfreak's picture
ugfreak 714


Estimated T/A: 
3-31 once shipped

Minimum Order: 

Payment Methods: 
Bitcoins, Etherum, Litecoin, USDT-TRC20, Monero, Western Union, MoneyGram, Zelle

Please note


In case of issues regarding placement of orders through our website, please contact ugfreak directly through PM.

Hi and welcome to UGFREAK!

We finally took the next step and came to eroids, however can see some of our UGFREAK Family memebers have already made sure to speak UGFREAK, our T/A, Para Pharma gear and so on. Appreciate it fam!

We're glad to be here and we thank everyone who supported us, for your support.

Thanks for stopping by. If our website is not answering enough questions, get at me here and I'll get back to you guys.

Yours sincerely,

SavedAndBlessed's picture

Hello @ugfreak I received a private message from you stating that you accepted me into your promo 90. I've tried several attempts at sending a message to you that I accept all the terms of the promo and every time I try and send the message it says failed to send message. I've also tried getting a hold of a moderator to figure this out but I'm having issues with that as well.

ugfreak's picture

Hello. That's odd! Hope they solve the problem. Thank you for the post - we'll proceed with your promo!

SavedAndBlessed's picture

Hello @ugfreak I put in for my promo order as well as added something extra to my order that I will pay for. Thank you for accepting me into your promo. I will post pictures as soon as I receive my products and will post a thorough honest review once I've used the products long enough.

Wildling's picture

Waiting of friend request acceptance @ugfreak

steroidmen's picture


Vincent68's picture

there are some testosterone E's that seem to me to be of different heights, maybe a new batch?

steroidmen's picture

Yes It's may be new .

Primo_Build's picture

Looks like all the tops are popped...He might be pulling from all of them

In a promo × 1
steroidmen's picture

I always rip off the covers in case the police come to me. So that you don't have to prove that I'm not selling.

Primo_Build's picture

Im sorry man. I barely seen this response. I have had good luck with officers and gear. Alot of the ones I know dabble in it themselves.

In a promo × 1
pingree24's picture

He means the bottles themselves not the liquid inside

In a promo × 1
Primo_Build's picture

Ah. I see...

In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

Looking great! Thanks for sharing.

V0411's picture

@ugfreak can you take the promo tag off of my profile please.

steroidmen's picture

Gear arrived . Will post pic.

sunamcaxa's picture

hello everyone, is there eu domestic shipping or just international?

In a promo × 2
steroidmen's picture


V0411's picture

Is someone specific supposed to get store credit from the last promo

ugfreak's picture

No one specific. It's open for everybody with +5 karma and users that aren't too new or owe reviews to every source etc.

V0411's picture

Could you take me out of the promo please, don't think I'll be making another order for a while right now.

ugfreak's picture

And our 90th promo is up! Go check it out now.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Review coming up shortly.

I must admit, this paratropin was the one and ONLY ugl brand that legitly compares to pharma grade. Hands down

In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

Thank you very much for your comment brother. We appreciate it! We look forward to your review and we're happy to read your feedback, about the amazing Paratropin. Definitely a great product they've managed to produce at Para Pharma.

SilverSun's picture

Would love to join promo!

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

Hey guys! Check our new website design and let us know what you think. We'd appreciate it.

steroidmen's picture

I like !

ugfreak's picture

Glad to know!

KevK's picture

Look’s good! Nice and clear easy to navigate which is a plus.
Also do you plan to restock the Uk Dom side anytime soon?

ugfreak's picture

Thanks bro, glad you like it!
We did, not long ago. No plans of restocking it anytime soon. Sorry.

joeyliftss's picture

Question is the Para Pharm bulk injectables shipped from a domestic warehouse?

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