ugfreak's picture
ugfreak 714


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In case of issues regarding placement of orders through our website, please contact ugfreak directly through PM.

Hi and welcome to UGFREAK!

We finally took the next step and came to eroids, however can see some of our UGFREAK Family memebers have already made sure to speak UGFREAK, our T/A, Para Pharma gear and so on. Appreciate it fam!

We're glad to be here and we thank everyone who supported us, for your support.

Thanks for stopping by. If our website is not answering enough questions, get at me here and I'll get back to you guys.

Yours sincerely,

press1's picture

Great picture mate!!

Pumped_'s picture

Thanks. My keychain i got 1 bullet from each of my weapons. 9mm, 45mm, 38 special and 30-30

press1's picture

What Gun is that big bullet from? I know sod all about weapons as we aren't allowed them LMAO

Pumped_'s picture

30-30. I got a marlin 336

press1's picture

Woah man that's like an Old school cowboy gun isn't it?

Pumped_'s picture

Yeah its a lever rifle but its the 1976 bicentennial edition so not too old. Good hunting rifle.

press1's picture

Can you put a scope on it still or do you use the normal ones?

Mac12769's picture

On a 30-30 it depends which model and the where it ejects from. Some you can still top mount, others you have to side mount it. But that rifle is more of a close range, open sight kinda gun. So not really needed imo.

Nice 3K Red Stamp btw....... Ok

Pumped_'s picture

I dont use a scope but some people put scopes. Im s sights person yet i do have an optics red dot on one of my pistols and a greean laser light on the other glock

Pumped_'s picture

Haha and i meant 45 caliber not mm. Lol

DeeMan's picture

I spotted the .45 and .38 special off the top. Lol I was looking for the .50 cal though.

Anyways...that good ole test that we chatted about! Yessir.

Lol hey which do you prefer though if you had to pick one, testosterone or guns?

scoobydoo's picture

Definitely the guns for me. The testosterone vial would just bounce of a deer. Lol

DeeMan's picture

yeah but if you had the testosterone level of a 500 pound Silverback gorilla then you could bounce that deer around lmao!

Pumped_'s picture

Idk thats a hard pick. Testosterone and my hands make a good weapon but same time my hands make work and feed the family so not too keen on using them chancing getting damaged, rather put one in someone and stop the threat right away. Very hard hard pick but guess the testosterone at 48 does my body better than a firearm in my nightstand or on my waist. No, millions of people go natural so maybe my weapons. See! Got my brain smoking now!

DeeMan's picture

Haha I figured that would be a hard one to answer. Honestly I wanna say testosterone but....I dunno because at present time foolishness is at an all time high, it's crazy man. I guess both of our roided out brains are smoking!

massivegaintrain's picture

Gonna be making order next week ------

robb's picture

Great idea to allow pictures in the comments section. Should get a lot more td pictures.

In a promo × 1
Vincent68's picture

Promotion arrived in record time I paid only $ 9 customs but no letter and no problem, started my trt in a couple of weeks I will review in more detail

ugfreak's picture

Thank you for sharing! Enjoy your promo.

Rayan's picture

Thanks you for the promo !
1 week for delivery.
Nice !

Owes a Review × 1
ugfreak's picture

Our pleasure buddy! Enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.

ugfreak's picture

Thank you guys for another great promo which has just ended. We look forward to the next one. Don't forget to re-up at your favorite site!

ugfreak's picture

Our promo is expiring in about 1 week - so do not miss out on a great deal! 3-4 bottles of test for free. Check it out:

ugfreak's picture

@SAM I Am just chimed in as well with a great review, thank you very much brother! Your feedback is always much appreciated.


ugfreak's picture

These awesome guys keep making awesome reviews. Although we're missing a ton of reviews, from promo users who promised to do so, at least we got some honest people. Thank you @biguriel, @JakeKO, @1174, @Brozowski265, @MEXVOL and the list goes on past these last two weeks, in which you've made great reviews. Keep freaking!

robb's picture

You should give them plenty of time and a reminder that they owe a review then name and shame them because they are deceitful.

They know their expected to use the gear on arrival and review in an appropriate time frame.
It's a ten minute job, not exactly a task by any stretch of the imagination. I'd be very pissed if I was a source.

In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

Thank you brother. We've almost given up. We've messaged so many people over the years who keep promising us, or they suddenly disappear, they've all suddenly went to jail, military, hospital etc. Soon as 6 months are over, they're back and say they can't review as 6 months have passed. Used to shame a lot of them. But we spend more time on these promo scammers than taking care of orders. It's a nightmare. Fully agreed however. Thank you for chiming in.

ugfreak's picture

And now @ee4 has joined them, leaving a great review as well. "Simply the best!" he says. Thank you! We're honored!

Brozowski265's picture

Awesome products from a most kickass source!

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 2
ugfreak's picture

Much appreciated brother! It's a pleasure to do business with you.

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