NapsGear's picture
NapsGear 359

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 97.1429% 21 Quality 98.0952% 21 Delivery 94.2857% 21 Service 96.1905% 21 Pricing 92.381% 21
6814 RECOMMEND 635
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  • [PRO] Makwa » Awesome isn't a review. Please read the review guidelines.
isebas76's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Professional company
Handled everything without problems

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Beligas Beltropin
Beligas Anadrol

Legit products
anadrol made me retain a lot of water as well as gain a lot of strength, weight gain was evident 2lbs per week, had some libido issues so I dropped it after 5 weeks, happy with the strength boost.

Beltropin felt amazing since started, deep sleep almost every night

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Not needed, got everything
easy to order

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Standard Delivery with no problems,
On the time announced.

Nice packaging, felt like a gift

Price to performance
Additional comments

Respectable prices and original known brands products that I feel comfortable buying.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/29/2023 - 20:58
rippedfuel's picture
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TheGainTrain's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Been ordering with them for a long time and like to try various brands. My new "go to" brand is pharmaqo. All products I used have delivered and I am about to place another order. I will say I think their product is legit and I am loving that they use MCT oil which seems to agree with my body more (no notable inflammatory response over the cycle... usually I will start to hold a bit more water, especially in the face, when going over 4 weeks)

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Pharmaqo Androbolan (Test, Mast, Primo) - Was very effective in keeping muscle during a cut. My previous encounters with Primo has it absolutely crashing my estrogen. This primo definitely lowered estrogenic effects without crashing anything. Maybe this was actual Equipoise instead. Maybe this primo was real and previous primo was just test + ai. No idea. Whatever it is, this mix was great. Effective within a few weeks, not extra dry or watery (good "fake natty" look), hunger normal, libido normal, no hair shedding.

Pharmaqo Suberbolan (Test, Mast, Tren) - Helped my muscles pop out a bit more when added to my current cycle, even with just 1cc per week. Definitely tren because the muscles filled out and my cardio went down. No major sleep issues but it was just 100mg tren per week.

Pharmaqo Supersust (lots of test) - Good to front load a cycle since the quick acting test hits within a few days.

Pharmaqo Test Blend (lots of test) - Switched over from supersust to this blend a month into the cycle to keep levels more regular. Felt basically the same as the sust.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

No issues so I didn't need the service this time

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very fast turnaround this time. Only 2 weeks from the order to when the product arrived.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Mikpet2's picture
My overall experience

Napsgear is definitely legit. I was skeptical making my first order with them but I received my total order today. It took around 50 days because my package got stuck for over 2 weeks at the first sorting center after customs clearance . Shipping was within 2-3 days after payment was cleared which was the day after sending it. I was provided a tracking number and didn’t have to sign for the package. I use USPS informed delivery and have my signature electronically recorded with the Postal Service so that may be why. Today is August 3rd and I go for bloods on Aug. 17th so I’ll post again with results . I should be able to tell something since I had Ct my last tests done. I ordered Ultima Cypionate BTW and it was internationally shipped. I opted for the longer wait and cheaper price. Anyway I read so many reviews before ordering with Napsgear that I wasn’t sure if they were real but this is a real review and YES Naps is LEGIT in 2023 for sure!

Products, effectiveness and results

Ultima Test C 250 . Haven’t started using yet. I will follow up after I do my bloodwork.

Customer service

Excellent customer service ,always responds to questions quickly.

Shipping and Delivery

About 50 days in transit. Packaged discreetly and safely. Turnaround was fast. Slight hold up after customs, but wasn’t their fault.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/03/2023 - 22:08
  • [SRC] NapsGear » Hey mate, Please accept my friend request and send me your order id via PM.
Complexed's picture
+ 2
Owes a Review! x 2
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Naps have been a "backup/ in a pinch" source for me for the better part of 2 decades.
I have rarely ever had an issue with naps and the few that have happened over the years, they mad it right immediately.
As far as this order went, we'll the only issue I can say wasn't perfect was shipping time and one of the boxes was smashed up but noting major or damage so doesn't matter.
And shipping is usually within the stated ta time but have a few customs issues that made it take months longer but that's not their fault.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I bought Beligas Supra Textosterone 500, Beligas Nolva 20mg, Beligas Masteron E 200mg, Maxtreme Cyp and 1 Scott Cyp, and British Dragon 25mg aromasin.
I Had never run Beligas before at all, but something about it I just had to give it a go, not sure what, packaging maybe? They look like they put a lot of thought and pride into their packaging so I figured maybe their actual product would be the same,,,and it least for me.
For starters rhe Supra test 500 had me nervous as hell as I expected a highly saturated dose like that would leave me cripple for days...
But after pinning a full 3ml syringe (1ml supra 500, 1ml Aslan tren, and 1ml beligas masteron) into the thigh, I was absolutely blown away.
FIrst, putting 3ml in the thighs has always left some pip no matter what, but this did not.
Now I will say that upon first pushing it in, it burned a Lil like EO does I though...but after a few min no pain left and nothing until my next pin.
Now I will be straight forward here...I DID NOT get bloods this time , as I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to complete the cycle amd my life has been too chaotic as of late to even get the chance.
With that said, I have been running aas for better part of 2 decades amd have experienced just about any/all good or bad side from specific steroids and/or stacks...but I found that with beligas my skin and hair did not get as oily (very old naturally) which was awesome...I didn't hold as much water weight, and felt as if it was as good or better than any other source or pharmacy I've used.
Within 3 days i was getting the hard ons randomly, by day 5 I couldn't keep the fuckers down.
I was running the sust 500@ 500mg/wk split into 2 shots (minute the 1rst I just wanted to front load bit.
Stacked with mast 200 @ 400mg/wk and the Aslan tren ace @300mg/wk
I ended up not being able to stay as focused as I'd liked and stopped short by about 3 weeks.
The gains in strength were awesome as usual, I packed on a solid 19lbs for the 5 week cycle.
And between the Mast and tren and me having almost zero body fay, let's just say I looked hard amd veins lol
I Did get the tren cough a few times even though I pinned all 3 at the same time it kept happening...finally tried not warming my oils first amd problem solve.
Don't really need to thin beligas down anyways as it uses mct for the carrier and its already then. I was just used to doing that for gso and others.
All in all everything seemed to work great , the aromasin I had to guess on my dosage and timing just going day to day based on my mood, acne, water weight, etc...I was raking half of a pill eod (12.5mg) and it Def knocked out my issues quick, acted clearing within the day, water weigh gone, and mood back to normal...BUT I soon realized I needed to tweak further as I was apparently getting some este rebound...I would catch myself almost crying at the dumbest shit, lol and began to get the tender nips like what I got immediately before I have got gyno so I ended up going to 1/4 a pill eod (5.75mg) and that was pretty much the money spot and very rarely had any issues or sides after that.
....The nolva did what it was supposed to, can't honestly say it was outta this world orbjust so so, but It did work and did not cause any issues so I'm pleased.
I still have the maxtreme and Scott cyp because they were for a friend so I can't speak as the quality of them but I've never had anything bad form naps so I'm guessing they are just fine.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Rarely need to speak with them but when I have they reply fast and always help come up with a solution or answer.
They've always done right by me when an issue arose.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I can't ever recall having any issues with naps packaging, always well padded (no loose shit begin around like some other source on here do.), Everything was correct and no damage minus a smashed box no big deal.
Shipping time is my only real complaint but honestly they usually aren't the issue, it's customs.
I used to use naps as my go to source when I first got on eroids, but ended up putting them on the back burner and ordering from domestic source mostly for time saving.
But I still use them when I'm in a pinch or cannot find something with my other sources, because slower or not, I've never been ripped off or taken adavantage of in any way through naps.

Price to performance
Additional comments

When it's all said and done, I will always hold naps up there in my top 5 sources ...and as with all sources, they have their pros and cons, and naps are as follows,...pros...great product select, gear is legit, never have any off issue like expired gear or shit floating, they have excellent customer support and fast to reply, ans when I pay money to receive items, I know that I'll receive them!
The cons....prices are a bit higher than I'd like bit not outrageous, I have had a few issues with after placing an order the say the r out of stick so I have to get a diff brand and I don't like mixing diff labs on cycle. And finally, shipping time...for the most part I get my stuff on time ish...have had stuff hit my door after 14 days earliest, average prolly round 28days, but have had a few take several months becath customs either missed it or it got buried there take it as you like, no source just smashes everything. So weigh the pros and cons and give them a shit, I doubt the disappoint.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 07/18/2023 - 09:35
  • Complexed » Sorry I just noticed the stars are there a way for me to edit and change them? I meant to give 4 on the price to perf section and meant to give 5 on the cust service....?
  • [ADM] BFG » fixed
  • Complexed » Thanks brother
Xrated's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is my review for the ultima test prop.

I’m very pleased with the brand, ultima. I’ve been back loading slin pins with one cc of 100mg of prop and pinning eod for 8 weeks. My overall sense of well being is up, oily skin, strength, stamina, sex drive, are all there.

I haven’t had any issues with pip whatsoever. Pins are smooth and goes through a slin pin, with no problem or heating. I would definitely use this product again. Ultima is starting to become one of my favorite brands. They’re reliable and good products. Thanks for the great experience

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

60 ml of test prop.
Great results, with minimal use, no crazy doses or sides

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very easy. Little to no communication needed, very friendly and stress free

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Neatly pack and discrete

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thanks for the great products

I recommend shopping here!
Bolderiz's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very good, good store with lot pf products

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tbol 50 . Test blend 500 . tbol with susta500 for 8 weeks. superb result, tbol gives a lasting and clean gain. 50 mg per day is more than enough to obtain a positive nitrogen balance by providing you with a very powerful pump in training. the effects come quite quickly, a week or more. with an adapted diet the vascularization is well pronounced and the strength gradually increases. for the susta 1/2ml per week in support is more than enough, I no longer like to increase the doses as before, the difference in terms of result is the same for me but the side effects, on the mood in particular, are more manageable. less irritability and better sleep. libido is good.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Com good . Very gentle and professionnal ! Large choice of products

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fast ! Aprox 2 week say my door. Packaging great with no issu

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very good shop

I recommend shopping here!
Traviskaggs's picture
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  • [PRO] Makwa » Review after you have used the product
crafalko1's picture
My overall experience

Naps has been spot on for over 10 years now for me. Just recently order several products and once again very happy with quality and service

Products, effectiveness and results

Testosterone Cyp- dragon brand was fast and perfect on delivery. I have been using this brand for years and never had a problem
Deca- dragon pharma brand. Can’t complain shipped price and product is all top notch

Customer service

This last order never had to use customer service but 3 months ago I had a cracked bottle and they reshipped a brand new bottle right away. They are great and always respond immediately.

Shipping and Delivery

This last order was perfect. Shipped immediately and was very quick. From moment of payment till it hit my door was 9 days. Packaging is usually perfect. I would assume if it’s damaged it’s the post office. But I can’t complain everything is always quick and easy

Price to performance
Additional comments

Naps is the only place I trust with my gear. I will keep ordering for a long time.

I recommend shopping here!
5percent4life's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall experience was good. Everything went perfect. This source is always on the ball. No hiccups. Over 30 orders with naps and plenty more in the future.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dragon Pharma Prop - 500mg per week for 6 weeks (100mg per day monday through friday). Sex drive, recovery, and pumps all dramatically increased. My favorite test ester.

Dragon Pharma Winstrol: 40mg per day for 6 weeks (1 hour pre workout every day). Not alot of previous experience with winstrol. Noticed strength increase and a dry vascular look. I did not notice the joint pain everyone complains about.

Dragon Pharma Superdrol: Havent ran yet. Put in my stash.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Rep always responds same day. Always has an answer or quickly finds an answer. Received cialis as a gift. Email updates come in a timely manner they update you every step of the way. Ordering process was cake. Site is easy to navigate and payment options are very clearly communicated..

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order arrived in less than 3 weeks. Very fast for international. Packaging was great. It was discreet and items were wrapped securely. No lose or broken items. Couldnt be happier.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly recommend this source.

I recommend shopping here!
whoa2big's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience with NAPS was exceptional. From their superb customer service to their lightening fast delivery, this is my go to shop!!! Most of my last couple of orders where for Test for my TRT and orals and I’m very satisfied!!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I was using the Nakon Cyp for TRT so I wasn’t tracking my body stats or even training very hard at all but I can give testament to how I felt before my first shot and a couple weeks in. Before I was very lethargic, depressed, and feeling old. After a couple of weeks, I started to feel reinvigorated and more engaged in life in general. I knew it really jump started me when I started getting those morning erections that took 10 minutes to go away. lol

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

The customer service is the best. They kept me informed throughout the whole process and the order was processed within 48hrs. What I thought was cool. Was when part of products ordered were out of stock after placing order. Naps came up with a solution real fast to make sure package was still ship out fast. And product credit was received

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Honestly I can’t tell you the exact amount of time it took to get here but it was under a week. I want to say 5 days but I could be wrong. It was fast regardless. Everything was intact!!!

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’ve been in the game for decades and I’ve dealt with good sources, bad sources, and scammers. This is a GREAT source. If your on the fence you can have peace of mind by dealing with this shop. Best Wishes!!!

I recommend shopping here!
Mathew35's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had a promotional order from them.
I have chosen an EU brand.
Quality, customer service TOP!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered the following:
- 3 X Masteron propionate From Euro-Pharmacies
- 1 DHEA ( It will be use after cycle on pct..)

I read a lot of mixed reviews about this brand. In fact! For years, almost only bad things. However, based on recent reviews, I wanted to test it on my own body.

I was completely satisfied with the product!
I injected 100mg of it weekly. Monday Wednesday Friday.
After about 1.5 weeks, I felt the effect I expected from the product.-
The typical tightness and roundness started to appear in the muscles.
During training, my muscles started to ache almost in the first round.
After 3 weeks, my muscles developed very nicely. Fullness is brutal. I also had very thick veins. (However, I still had a lot of veins on me... )
It's been several weeks since I used it, so I can report that it's a great brand now.!!!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

we got in touch very quickly.
I was fully informed.
Everything happened as promised.
I placed the promotional order on the website, then informed Napsgear, who accepted my order the same day.
There were options given for the promotion, which I accepted.
It was a very helpful service. I had one or two basic questions, which I almost always received the answer from them on the same day!!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

After accepting the promotional order, the product was delivered a few days later
After obtaining the TR number, I received the product within 5 working days.
So it got here very quickly! Safe EU-to EU shipping.
The packaging was actually nothing special. It was a simple and basic package.
However, they were very safe inside, with bubble wrap. Everything arrived safely.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thank you for the opportunity to try your services!
I am satisfied with everything!
I recommend them!

I recommend shopping here!
simonmagus84's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Naps is the first source I ever used back 15+ years ago and I often browse the site just to invoke certain memories of when I was first starting off. I needed to reload on a few items especially ED products while also testing out their domestic services on a new brand. I took part in Naps $400 credit promotion to test the quality on the brand TSG compound pharmacy.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Kamagra gel packs-I order hundreds of these as I’ve somewhat become dependent on this item. You can even use a few hours before and still maintain a solid erection but I still can’t get past the headache that comes with it but I use an aspirin to counter the side effects

TSG compound pharmacy
mast prop(a friend used with great success)
Test prop( actually is given free everytime you order TSG)
I used this prop as a substitute for my second enth shot a week ran about 200 mgs along with .4 of enth just for a boost in performance for the last 6 weeks or so as high interval training took place in preparation for the summer.
Dbol inj (free item did not use part of TSG bonus that comes everytime you order)

Geneza test enth(was 50% off product of the week) switched from another top brand and effects were the same. This product is helping me preserve my physique despite dropping fat on a cut for the summer. I’m actually looking bigger despite dropping about 7 pounds. Have 10 more to go by mid July.

Geneza T3- I only use half a tab with trt. Anything more and in lethargic

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I’ve had some issues with naps before in the past but even Amazon makes mistakes. The rep on here looks into the orders and just fixes any issues.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Domestic products took 7 days and international around 17 which is much better than previous orders.

Price to performance
Additional comments

With their promotions such as product of the week and weekly weekend promotions such as 30% off, it’s just hard to pass up no matter the time of year. I was going to use a massive cycle from my stash for a summer cut but it just isn’t necessary if your diet and training are on point. Playing with the right doses of test is all you need.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/22/2023 - 12:09
miggymig's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always a good experience with NAPS

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

iPAM and CJC been running it since late feb. Body fat is melting off love it, skin is looking great having people ask me what work I had done to my face (I'm 50) my rest is solid I crash out quick and wake refreshed. Not as happy with the amount of mass I put on I was expecting more also it give me super dry mouth all the time. I did run it with a test and Deca from another source so I did get good size but I guess we all want bigger better stronger

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always easy order pay get no issues to have to email about

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packed secure and showed up on time sat a bit but on its way from there to here but what can you say?

Price to performance
Additional comments

Been using Naps for years they are always on point

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/19/2023 - 14:19
dmxinyourface's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

First time EVER '''trying'' Naps Gear. And I have to say a HUGE thank you for selecting me for the great promo they did. I was super happy with the experience and even before I had very hight respect for this source especially for there ''ask and IFBB PRO'' which is priceless !

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dragon Pharma : Masteron, Tren Acetate, Test prop. That's the classical cutting cycle and it didn't disapointed me. I lost only 5lbs but find myself much leaner, harder, dense and agressive (which was borderline sometimes lol). I did 400mg Masteron, 200mg Tren Ace and 300mg Test prop. Beyond the visual aspect it's really the ''FUN'' in the gym. Strength, pump and feeling the muscles hard. Going set after set. First time I was using Dragon Pharma as well.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Extremely happy with that. Once I was selected for the promo (thanks again lol) they took great care of me. I already had an account just for the ''ask an IFBB PRO'' so it was pretty fast. The ordering process was easy and notification were popping as the order was changing status.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging was very safe and very long (4.5 weeks if I remember) lol I can't not give less that 5 stars as I NEVER ordered from them and never from Dragon so I am guessin that is the norm. I was able to track it and it landed safely, so super happy.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very happy with my order with Napsgear, great source with excellent content and informations. Would definitely recommend.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/19/2023 - 00:21
Gym and Bikes_bro's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Its been my third order with Napsgear and I believe they deserve my honest review not only for the product I received for free, but mainly and especially for the products that I've paid for, because that's the proper way to be honest and fair.

This time I'm going to review and compare PCT stacks from Pharmaqo(CHN) and Intex Pharma(GB) and PharmaQo Anastrozole that I've all used recently.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Not only they're outstanding quality, but for a regular customer using all the discounts and credit, they come pretty cheap as well.

I was super curious about the PCT all in one tablet stacks, so I ordered some from two different brands, to be able to compare them. I ran each for about a month. PCT from Intex suits my needs better because of the lower dose of Tadalafil and Proviron in each tablet at the end of the day, because of easier dosage, without need of cutting them (been running 4 tabs a day respectively 2 tabs a day lately throughout the whole PCT cycle.)

In terms of effectivness I believe there is no difference in quality between Chinese and UK brand, both gave me very same sides with the same dosages, therefore I believe they're both 100% LEGIT. There is only one thing that everyone should keep in mind if the complete hormonal recovery is the goal, Proviron is stil a steroid and might and most likely will produce a negative feedback loop with the HPTA and impeded recovery.

I also run their Anastrozole since 3.4. which was my third week of a cycle. I adjusted the dosages several times, ranging from 0.25 Mo/Thur to 0.5 EoD in a direct relation to my Test + Dbol estrogenic conversion. I drawn bloods three times for the first six weeks of my cycle, because I'm very prone to estrogenic sides and I wanted to be sure that everything stays within range with the given test and Dbol dose. I've even had other brand Ai ready, just in case PharmaQo wouldn't work, but haven't had to touch them, PharmaQo delivered 100% of desired results.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The customer service is fast and polite. They have separate department for complaints or questions about the product quality or deliveries, that stands asside from regular orders department or eRoids representative, if I understand this right. Only downside about all this is an need of creating a separate account to be able to reach their support. On the other hand, everyone responds very quickly and politely in this company. Freebies and discounts are always present...

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Surprisingly International services got through way faster than the EU delivery, without any customs issues or extra charges whilist with the EU it took long and extra VAT was applied even though there shouldn't be any, but who argues with the customs when ordering anabolics, right...? B-) I was explained though, that there was some big courrier strike in Europe, which caused the major delays, so these were not Naps fault either.

Price to performance
Additional comments

There is a solid reason why these guys are always between top sources in the list. Their work is always careful and responsible. I never received any different products to what I ordered asside from freebies of course. Their products portfolio is great and they also offer bulk discounts and a loyal customer system which I find nice.

I recommend shopping here!
Satote19's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Naps has been around for years but it’s my first time ordering from them.
I’m currently on trt running 125 mg test e a week. I added the primo that naps sent me. I added it to my trt at 100 mg a week to help me shed some weight and tight up my muscles. So far I’ve lost 15 pounds in 3 months since I’ve added to my protocol. First time running primo. Even at this low dose my hair has taken a hit as it’s thinned. I don’t plan running it at higher dosage as my hair will fall off. Primo always had me on a good mood since adding it my mental health has been better.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall I’m happy with primo I received; 4 primo pharmaQo and 2 winstrol 10 mg which I’m also running at 20 mg daily. Pharmaqo oils are clear and very smooth pin. Zero pip at 1ml.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always on point provided tracking after it was available. Every question asked was answered and response was on time.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Everything came discretely packaged and tight. Products received were intact.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’ll be a returning customer Smile

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/17/2023 - 20:37
Jack TRENarrow's picture
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Legion of Doom's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Was and has been great would definitely order from naps again great overall experience from ordering to using the gear.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I got 5 bottles of biomex deca 250 gear was clear and clean and free of any contaminants, I used the deca at 375mg ew along with trt dose test for 11 weeks was going to go to 16 but cycle was cut short do to family issues the bio deca draws up very quick with little to no pip at all. About the 5-6 week mark I could feel the deca starting to kick in first thing I noticed was the joint pain and overall aches and pains I have on a daily basis start to lessen and fade away that’s always a good indicator when I use top notch deca my old ass body just feels better with less pain which is a life saver when u start getting up in age like myself. When i would lift weights the pumps were much more intense thanks to the joint support I could lift a little heavier than normal but I still just focus on mind muscle connection not so much the weight I lift, I didn’t gain much weight maybe 5-7lbs but I was mainly in a calorie deficit as I normally eat more and put on more size but priorities change throughout life the deca gave me more energy I recovered at such a much faster rate than normal and my libido increased a tab bit to which my women loves lol. Overall I ran this for 11 weeks and wish I could of finished all 16 but shit happens and I’m very happy with the effects and results I got from the biomex deca.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top notch service, communication gear every thing was just perfect naps is A+ also very easy to work and talk with answered all my PM in no time I appreciate that.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pack was like any normal pack I receive was great and very professional. Received the pack in 3-5 days and this was with a promo.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I would no doubt order from and use naps again no questions asked amazing gear with and endless list to choose from with amazing service and they have been around longer than I can count lol just kidding but for real highly recommend this scr to anyone looking for a reliable honest scr who will bend over backwards to make u happy thank u Naps.

I recommend shopping here!
livingthedream's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

NAPS is one of the oldest sources that I know of and I have been a customer for more than 10 years. I will continue to order from them and highly recommend them, especially for the breadth of product mix available.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Anavar 10mg, PCT tablets, Multiester Test (Supersus), Dianabolan 50 (injectable), Super Lean Tab (Oxandrolone, Stanozolol, Methyltrienolone, Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)

All have been used except for the PCT

Anavar was used by my girlfriend at 10mg/day and her strength and muscle fullness were noticeably improved. She has a very clean diet so her bodyweight only increased by 5 pounds over the 8 weeks. However there was a distinct change to her look and a reduction of 2-3% bodyfat (as per the calipers)

The injectable Dbol was used at .5cc/day(25mg) for 4 weeks and then 1cc/day for 2.5 weeks. I have not ever had a pre-workout compound like that. Agression, strength and more but I didn't get the same bloating or lower back pumps that I have from pills.

The Multiester Test 400 was surprisingly smooth without PIP and was used at 2ccs/week. Typical libido effects along with fullness and overall sense of well being I get from Test.

The Superlean Tabs are no joke - they were a little rough on my system though. The leaning out effects and muscle hardness + definition started coming on almost immediately using 1tab per day. I started getting wicked tren sides and it really wrecked my appetite and even affected my sense of taste. Tren typically does that to me but this was my first time with Methyltrienolone so I didn't know what to expect.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication was professional, ordering was easy

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

arrived quickly to the US; package was intact and the products undamaged

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will continue to be a NAPS customer for the foreseeable future. Have not had anything but positive experiences with them.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/09/2023 - 17:17