Anavar 10
Anavar by Pharmaqo

category count / average
Effectiveness 10 3 Credibility 9.67 3 Side Effects / Pip 7.33 3 Overall 10 3
Trance_Viking's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Very effective and had great pumps

At times my calves seemed to be in a constant state of pump which while uncomfortable, I was able to reduce by stretching them.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Does exactly what it claims to do for me. Product was verified on website with code on package.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 2 (1 vote)

I did get some headaches and heart burn when I increased the dosage but more than manageable

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I used a anavar from this lab and found it to be very effective.

Used for 6 weeks which was stacked with test e.

Dosage was 30mg per day split across morning and night. This was for week 1 and increased to 50 at week 2 and then week 3 to 6 increased to 80mg.

Additional comments

Really like this lab and their products, will use again.

I recommend this product!
  • sayitaintso » Just went to their website and there's no place to actually order. LOL what am I missing?
jason201213's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

I love anavar, So I ran it for about 4 weeks until I had to take a break because I needed to lay off the orals for a while and run some extra live support supplements.
Anavar gives me really nice veiny pumps that last a good while, I also get nose bleeds and headaches if I take too much at once so because I tried to split them up I got headaches on several occasions. This is a really good way to cap off a cycle with things like tren or primo or NPP

Product Credibility
No votes yet

So there was some confusion back when this batch was sold that can’t be denied, however we had very different experiences so I do not know what happened there and that’s not my business. All I know is there were perfect lab results posted on the same batch I got and I had an excellent cycle so I don’t know what to say really.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

I get side effects from anavar that include nosebleeds and headaches if I take over 20-25mg per dose and I looked like a Coke head on several occasions.. it’s pip free though!!

Final Verdict
No votes yet

I was very satisfied with the Anavar personally

I recommend this product!
edited 08/28/2022 - 20:49
dick_powers's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

First batch was very effective.

Product Credibility
No votes yet

I've never had issues with Pharmaqo stuff except the last bag of var, but it could have been on me, so I give them the benefit of the doubt.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet


Final Verdict
No votes yet

I've had the 50mg ones - they were great.

I've had two separate 10mg packs; the first was amazing. the second lot seemed to be under dosed?! It's hard to say how much it might have been due to the difference in my diet and energy output.

I got down to down from about 12% to 9.3% BF (legitimately tested at a sports performance and rehab university) from 150mg test E and 10mg of Pharmaqo 10mg Anavar, split am/pm. Less is more.

low dose Test & Var is all you (I) need to get a mens physique type look.

Additional comments

Would highly recommend this product.

I recommend this product!
PropheticWookie's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

strength gain
better recovery
no water retention
gives stiffness to muscles

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I have been using this drug for a long time and I completely trust

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

was not found

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

An excellent drug in order to add strength and so that there is no water retention. Suitable for long-term use without serious side effects.

I recommend this product!
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » Thank you sir
Boa's picture
+ 3
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Good pumps
Good stamina
Good strength

Product Credibility
Average: 9 (1 vote)

I love the lab and anavar, they are real for sure, trustfull.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

No sides effects

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I really like this lab, they delivers good quality products and packaging of them is serious.

I recommend this product!
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » Thank you sir
Bulldog76's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Very High

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Extremely High & Reliable

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

No Side Effects

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Purchased 50 mg Anavar from Med-Tech Solutions and have had off the chart results. Med-Tech came recommended from my girlfriend who is a long time customer using various products with great returns. Best online pharm to purchase from without a doubt never an issue & they stand behind their word & product unlike anything I've personally experienced.

I recommend this product!
Newgirl27's picture
+ 5
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Very effective, strength went up. Pumps were strong and had an amazing body recomposition effect

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I would say these are legitimate

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

None noticed

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Absolutely brilliant. Helped me to shed 40lb of body fat whilst gaining lean muscle

I recommend this product!
  • Pink Marine » 40 lbs of body fat? That seems a bit overinflated.
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » Thank you girl!!
FoxRunPosse's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet
<p>This was what I took when I got in the best shape of my life</p>
Product Credibility
No votes yet
<p>Totally legit var</p>
Side effects and PIP
No votes yet
Final Verdict
No votes yet
<p>I love anavar. This was a good product. It was worth the money</p>
I recommend this product!
FoxRunPosse's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet
<p>This was what I took when I got in the best shape of my life</p>
Product Credibility
No votes yet
<p>Totally legit var</p>
Side effects and PIP
No votes yet
Final Verdict
No votes yet
<p>I love anavar. This was a good product. It was worth the money</p>
I recommend this product!
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