Aromasin 25
Aromasin by Para Pharma

category count / average
Effectiveness 10 1 Credibility 10 1 Side Effects / Pip 10 1 Overall 10 1
Supernova283's picture
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Product is a 10/10 in effectiveness. If you want to lower your e2 levels for a week or so this will definitely do it for you.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I can 100% say for sure this is aromasin. It has a obvious feeling. You can't not know you've got legit aromsin when you experience the nonrebounding low e2.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I overdo it during PCT so I had a lot of sides. I experienced sore joints (especially my fingers, knees and elbows), extreme fatigue, poor mood, and trouble sleeping.

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Used Para Pharma Aromasin during PCT at 6.25mg every day. It crushed my e2, but everything I've researched has said that you need to smash your e2 during pct to avoid a negative feedback loop. The product was extremely effective and I experienced low e2 sides a few days after starting. Sore joints, low sex drive, I felt like I could hardly get out of bed because I felt so fatigued and yet I found it very hard to get to sleep as well in a crazy ironic way. This isn't my first rodeo as I did the same thing on my first cycle.

PCT sucks while crushing your e2, but it's only for 4 weeks and it's very easy to tell you have legit aromasin when you start experiencing the low e2 sides.

The product does what it needs to do though. I've used this product before in exactly the same way. You can definitely tell legit aromasin when you experience it.

Additional comments

Definitely legit stuff. As I said easy to tell you have real aromasin when you take it like I do. Maybe next cycle I'll try and take it a bit easier, but I recover well from pct using aromasin like this so if it isn't broke then why fix it?

I recommend this product!
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