Diesel77's picture
  • 1.1k

+ 5 One stop shop bust


This operation was conducted at such a large scale it's kinda surprising. They manufactured steroids,had a moonshine still.. grew Marijuana, forged documents such as drivers licenses...and made guns. All out of a old Walmart building. Unfortunately guns and drugs do not mix and looks like some Fed time will be done by those 4 arrested. At the time of arrest, Feds were not yet involved, but they are certainly coming.

Brozowski265's picture

She got a sister named Baby D. This fat bitch get physical. She sells dope, do hair and baby-sit out ofthe same house. The police don't know when to go in

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RMDL's picture


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opossums's picture

These guys were just another kind of Walmart

Diesel77's picture

The underground black market kind. Very lucrative one at that.

Makwa's picture

Nothing illegal about a still. It is perfectly legal to make distilled water and ethanol for your vehicle. I just happen to make barrel aged fuel for my vehicle.

JimNightshade32's picture

Even in most places in the US you can produce up to a certain volume of Ethanol for consumption l, the illegal part comes when you try to sell it without paying taxes --

Diesel77's picture


Drexyl's picture

I don’t know where to start without opening a huge can of worms here, but here I go. Laws are only laws because our elected officials made them so. Often they are decided or influenced by the machine. The machine being big corporation and money. Especially with the drugs, if steroids or for that matter PCP were legalized tomorrow, would there be a mile long line at “Rusty’s PCP Emporium” ? No. A huge line at “BFG’s Boldenone Bazzar” ? No. The mass sheep are almost under complete control, TV was a great tool, the internet was the turning point, internet in your pocket all the time is the iced cake. Sounds like these guys had a nice business going and at the end of the day weren’t bothering anyone except the tax man. Poll ten people and ask them if a bottle of 5mg Dianabol should be illegal and they’ll say yes. Poll the same if a bottle of Tylenol should be heavily regulated and you’ll get a strong no. If one were to consume the entire bottle of each of these only one is a guaranteed death. But big business keeps it flying off the shelves like to candy to anyone that wants it. The list is endless and growing, we’re no longer the land of the free.

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Badgoat1's picture

Govts also want a weak minded easy to control population. Gotta wonder why alot of states are decriminalizing recreational drugs and trying to get as many kids as possible diagnosed with adhd to start them early on their addiction to meth. But steroids remain illegal and the steroid user totally shamed. And all the allegations everytime a wrestler or athlete dies they blame steroids and conveniently leave out the 60 vicodin a day they take

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Mac12769's picture

What cannot be taxed, will be made illegal.
Governments oldest trick.

Diesel77's picture

Yep. Preach bro

Drexyl's picture

We are a constitutional federal republic. At least we’re supposed to be. We the people are supposed to be the ones deciding the laws. The system worked for a while, but it’s long broken.

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TABMEISTER's picture

Man some people's lives are crazy, looking at them you'd probably think they're regular guys too.

Drexyl's picture

They were regular guys. Just trying to get ahead of the rat race. Probably had great products, probably didn’t rip people off, I highly doubt they were “on a street corner peddling to children”, I’d bet their only customers were people that approached them. I can’t say they’ve never hurt anyone, but their customers knew or should have known the risks.

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Waltdisneysbum's picture

"376 vials of steroid oils, 21 pounds of various steroid powders, 3.6 gallons of steroid oil, 9,180 steroid pills"
Careful if you're visiting Tennessee.. There's going to be some very juiced up cops going around Biggrin

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press1's picture

Those crazy Texans!!! Lol

It intrigues me to know how much business has increased compared to say 5 years ago with sources, gotta be huge now with how popular steroids have become because of social media.

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press1's picture
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Mac12769's picture

Lol. That was in Tennessee bro, different state.
We run our shit cleaner in Texas lol.

press1's picture

LMAO I thought Tennessee was in Texas? Well it sounds like it is anyway LOL

EDIT: Okay I see now Lol New Jersey and Delaware are way smaller than I thought they were too!!

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