FlemDaddyKush's picture
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Driada medical steroid bust


So as you can see by the picture, it is all driada medical gear, but what is weird is that there is other pharma gear in the picture so was this a driada shipper or some wholesaler that mostly sold their products? I'm sorry it is in Spanish, that's the only article I can find at this time, Janoshik was the one who posted this article, I did not find it. But here is the article translated.

The Civil Guard has dismantled a gang of anabolic substance traffickers in Girona, Murcia and Valencia. This operated throughout the State and imported goods from different countries in Europe and Asia.

The police operation resulted in the seizure of more than 62,000 doses of prohibited substances valued at nearly one million euros and the arrest of two people, one of them in Figueres. Also and an investigated person. All of them, of Spanish nationality, are accused of being alleged perpetrators of crimes against public health, money laundering and belonging to a criminal group.

Judicial Police officers have carried out several house searches in a town in Murcia, where the main storage point for the substance was located. From where they engaged in importing the goods through different countries in Europe and Asia, circumventing border controls and camouflaging the goods. According to the Civil Guard, they managed to put it into circulation to the various consumers they contacted through social networks.

The agents have arrested those involved in Murcia and Figueres. The person investigating was located in Valencia.

The investigations conducted, the detainees and the substances involved have been made available to the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 1 of Figueres.

Makwa's picture

Sounds like some gangbangers operating out of their basement.

Driada Medical's picture

Gentlemen! We inform you that everything is fine with the main representative of Driada Medical (with us).

We heard about these news and we are very sorry that the authorities got to these guys in Spain. We don't know exactly how they conducted their business and what security measures they took, especially regarding cybersecurity.

Periodically, the pro-security agencies conduct an operation, one of them is Pangea, and of course the most careless resellers come across at such moments. Usually these are guys who do not use a VPN, communicate through unsecured messengers such as Whatsapp or even call each other by a regular phone number. Such actions lead to equal consequences.

Just as often when we see photos of confiscated products in the media, for example in Italy, it becomes clear that these people who are caught by the police are most often engaged in the sale of drugs or weapons and probably also in other cases related to the criminal world.

UncleYoked's picture

Glad to hear you guys are safe, you're a class act

Makwa's picture

Stay safe!

JakeKO's picture

Happy to hear it wasn’t you guys

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Oh okay, thanks for the update. I'm glad it wasn't actually you guys.

DavosD's picture

If what's shown on the pics is the full haul. That's not even close to 1 million euros worth of gear. I see mostly pills. That's a small time reseller at best.

The article says they sold via social networks, so they probably didn't even have a webshop.

Also they kept all that gear in a house? Stupid move.

Sounds exactly like what the article says it is, a local gang just selling gear out of their house and not using their brain.

BFG's picture
Jockstrap's picture

Not suprised at all. Varied posts on other sites showed reviews were fake. I avoided them like the plague.

Rosschestzip's picture

Yep, the weird gang of posts once a month ga e me super weird vibes so I’d never use them. Sucks too cus they had cool packaging and stuff, wanted to try them but too suspicious for my liking

JakeKO's picture

So did I

KMC's picture

Looks like probably a reseller. Occasionally you will see one on here posting how the spent over $10,000 in the last year with a source only to get burned on a $1,000 order. Probably sells mostly local / not so much internationally.

Or it could be one of the lesser known hoarders from Eroids.

Owes a Review × 1
Pumped_'s picture

They stole that picture off of here! Lol

FlemDaddyKush's picture

I don't think so cuz up in the upper left corner of the picture there is pharma boxes, I don't think driada ever posted pictures with pharma stuff, have they?

press1's picture


Damn this will be a shame if its them they got, supposed to be great gear.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Yeah I know. That's supposed to be very good quality stuff. I don't really know what to make of it tho because I would think that they would.of had more stuff if it was the source themselves, but maybe it was only like one warehouse but they caught the people. Who knows hopefully more info will come

FlemDaddyKush's picture

@Driada Medical

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Does anyone have any information about this?

Serrajitsu0876's picture

They mentioned on Meso this was a reseller, not the main company. They’re still up and running.