FlemDaddyKush's picture
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MMA fighter Daniel Rodriguez fails test for sarms


MMA fighter Daniel Rodriguez tested positive for lgd 4033 and ostarine and was suspended 6 months and fines.


MurderHornet2020's picture

Just curious, I read some info on sarms, it actually seems safer to just take testosterone, what do you think? Why would anyone take sarms?

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Well yes there is a lot more data and studies on testosterone and the effects are known. Sarms are new. Sarms were created to be used for muscle wasting diseases but were made so they don't affect the prostate. Sarms are usually used by younger people that can't source steroids and or that are scared to inject themselves. Certain sarms are good and have uses, and some are trash. But overall testosterone is better yes and almost every sarm is suppressive so it lowers your test just like steroids do so test is needed when taking sarms otherwise you just screw yourself up or have to take a bunch of clomid to restart you test

MurderHornet2020's picture

Dam thanks for the info