FlemDaddyKush's picture
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+ 3 Sarmtech website owner gets 2 years in federal prison


So I previously posted a article where this guy was arrested for running the website sarmtech and he made 5 million $ in sales, well this article is just the following article saying he was sentenced to 2 years in federal prison for running the website. He must have been advising people on dosing. That's really the only time they go after sarm websites is when the person selling them is telling customers how much to take because sarms can legally be sold for research. I would go back to prison for 2 years for 5 million $ lol, what about you?

AK80's picture

I'd do 1 year for 2.5 million with the caveat that I can invest it starting on day 1 of incarceration. Hell, I'd love to go back to 2010 when I had 200 of those stupid things they call bitcoins! Anyway, you don't get 2 years in Club Fed for that. It was probably because he didn't pay the taxes on those profits. Poor planning on his part. Should have done it outside the USA.

Shitsy43's picture

5 million for two years, yeah. I'd just have people tell my daughter I'm working so she didn't worry too much and it wouldn't exactly be a lie since I'm doing it for money lol. Set her up and my mom and fiance up with everything they need afterwards. Buy a nice little piece of land and invest about 1/5th of it in stocks or something.

I actually bought off of sarmtech years ago and they had good rad140 and mk677

AK80's picture

I bought some Bromantane from Tony Huge's swisschems website. Didn't do a damn thing. None of that stuff does. Next closest thing that does anything is Modafinil and then after that Adderall. Anyway, it came from some little warehouse in podunk North Carolina. Too funny! Must have some mules working for him here in the states or something.

Drexyl's picture

I dunno about the 5M, what if right before you started your bid your Dr calls you back with the results from your cancer screening and you have 2 years to live… unfortunately I think that would be how it went for me. Fucking ex wife would find a way to get her claws on the money lol

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JakeKO's picture

Ugh, exwives suck

press1's picture

Are the US prisons like UK ones where if you keep your head down and behave you only serve half of the sentence?

Rosschestzip's picture

In the feds you do 85-100%I believe. So perfect behavior and none violent record he could do 85%

AK80's picture

Yep. Uncle only had to do 1 year but they gave him 4. He wasn't allowed to make money on a book deal or movie deal though. Plus he had to pay like 1.5 million in restitution. I think there's still some buried somewhere though ;-)

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Exactly, pal did 40 months of a 54 month sentence, you might make some new friends and come out with lucrative ways to make some doe re mi lol interesting people in there who are smart at fucking the system every way you can imagine

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AK80's picture

That's where I caught the cybersecurity bug way back in '99 - already had "some skills" but 6 months really opened my eyes and made me focus on that career. Literally clubbing companies over the head on a 1099 @ like $100 per hour do literally not do anything except hit a few keys on the keyboard. You get to skip all the education (for the most part) too unlike a doctor or a lawyer.

Rosschestzip's picture

Yep especially in the feds, way different then county or even state. The feds have like real criminals, from Wall Street, big time trafficking, forgery, international stuff, organized crime, political crimes and all types of big stuff. There’s your regular criminals too but a lot of white collar and big money stuff

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Oh and going off.my other comment explaining the sentences, on my 4 years sentence, if I stayed low and didn't get in trouble I could of done like a little.under 3 years. But it's sometimes hard not to get in trouble especially when you are in a younger prison and I am not in a gang so it was me against everybody else. When the people are older it is easier to not get into problems but I was young when I got into trouble

press1's picture

When you are in these places and say you have a problem with someone else in there, are you not constantly walking around worried about getting stabbed at any moment or is it really not as bad as that? I've known guys on here that have done time in that Tent City in the desert!

FlemDaddyKush's picture

It depends what facility and what pod/wing you are in and what nationality the people/gang are that you have issues with. Like Spanish people are the ones that are crazy and stab everybody most of the time.

anvil's picture

I don't think that is a statistical fact. I am in a prison gang and we stab all races/nationalities equally. JK

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JakeKO's picture

If you have a happy home life, 10 minutes away from home sucks. Can’t count on anyone to be there when you get out. Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time. If you do, find your crew, and fight the first fucking Shitum that tests you, otherwise, you will be fucked with every day. Bad part is that solitary sucks, and a rip can add time to your ride.

Stay smart, and trust no one, in the can, or out of the can. If it smells like shit, believe your instincts

press1's picture

Some wise words to live by there mate, can't disagree with you. Any time I have been fucked over in life I knew from initial instincts it was gonna go wrong - then I look back and think why the hell did I not go with my initial thoughts as they were right all along lol I guess sometimes we hope we are wrong.

JakeKO's picture

Always, Bro! Our better judgment always shouts out to us, but our ridiculous belief in others gets in the way, and causes us to make bad decisions. If I sat down with you, and told you my stories, you wouldn’t believe it at all. I’m still here though, stronger and smarter than ever. Don’t really believe in the word friendship anymore. Most friends are there for what you can do for them. Took me a long time to realize it, but your most best friends would fuck your girl given the opportunity. So don’t be fooled. It’s all about you, and your immediate family, and you even have to hope you can trust them, because sometimes they can be even worse than your enemies. You can trust people, but don’t count on them. If it’s you or them, most people will throw you to the wolves.

I was raised to go down with ship, the old school way. Mouth shut and in handcuffs.

DeeMan's picture

@JakeKO Hell sometimes you can't even trust family! So don't get it twisted lol! Alot of times family is alot worse than outsiders. Just saying. Jealously, envy, hatred etc. That can run deep in a family.

JakeKO's picture

I completely agree. I’ve cut several family members out of my life because I’d seen enough out of them. No need to see more.

DeeMan's picture

O yeah I got a few myself. And I'm not saying all family but damn you wouldn't think even a small part of your family was against you, but family today is not the family of yesterday ya know? Shits sad man. Only gonna get worse. The ones that are level headed I deal with, makes life way easier.

JakeKO's picture

Same here. My life is too good these days to let them back in. Hard lessons learned, but could definitely be worse if I forgive and forget.

DeeMan's picture

Lol act like nothing happened huh? Fool me twice shame on me huh? Man I'm nobody's fool lol. I feel ya. Man folks are just so damn prideful that they can't even begin to even know how to communicate. It's just not there. And you WONT hear an apology..no no no! Not even a fake apology! This is true.

JakeKO's picture

Fuckin Gaslighters! I can’t stand them

DeeMan's picture

Same here. I can understand

DeeMan's picture

I hung around older guys so I do agree with you and I can tell you've been through alot. It's like this, when you're from a toxic environment, whether it's drug, gang or crime infested you either repeat those learned behaviors that you saw or you learn not to repeat those behaviors. The successful guys do it right by not repeating. Like you, I saw ALOT of things that the normal guy wouldn't see or care to see. Like you said you look at people carefully and you notice certain tendencies from them. Now with that being said, I'm not paranoid ya know? I'm just a realist. It's understood by me that everyone don't know about or care about loyalty man. That's a big thing for me. That right there says alot about an individual man, think about that! With that being said, have I given up on anyone? Not at all. Rare but there are guys out there that still hold loyalty close, I'm telling you. I knew a guy that did 7 years straight because he had drugs in another guys truck. He could of easily blamed the driver and owner of the truck but he didn't. He was known to be loyal so this wasn't a surprise. Now I don't condone any drugs but just saying. Loyalty is the key my man. But I understand your perspective. I do. My cousin said that same thing you did.

press1's picture

I nearly said it was putting my faith and trust in others who I believed lived by the same values and principles as I do that ultimately has always been my downfall. Problem is though is if you never trust others you will always be a a guarded and closed book with nothing to say. Hey mate as we have both discussed before, even with your own family you can have an enemy who will do their best to destroy you - its crazy. What pisses me off the most is these shits who you have actually tried to help in some way, to better their life and make them happier that then for no reason at all feel the need to betray you.

JakeKO's picture

I completely understand where you’re coming from, so maybe I should explain myself a little better. I’m not saying to not go out and enjoy other people’s company. What I’m saying is don’t put too much faith in anyone. Judge people by how they really are, not what you hope they are. I had a very wise mentor once who gave me the best advice. “Listen closely to what people say. Always read between the lines. Let people talk, and the scumbags will tell you more than you ever asked to hear”

Well, he didn’t use the word, Scumbag, but I think it’s a good addition to his words, LOL. I live by those words now

Pumped_'s picture

Only one thats gonna do for you is YOU!

JakeKO's picture


FlemDaddyKush's picture

It depends on your sentence and fed is different than state. Like my longest sentence was 4 years with no minimum time served before parole eligible, your first eliability is after about 11 months on a 4 year sentence(it's all percentages), but I did not take parole and I did not keep my head down so I did close to the whole 4 years lol. But let's say it was a.violent crime you would get say 5 years with 85% meaning you have to do 85% of the 5 years and then you have manatory 5 years parole no matter what, even if you don't get out early on parole. And then there's stipulation sentences, like 5 years with a 3 year minimum term, where you have to serve 3 years before you can get parole instead of your first eligibility after a year, but on a stipulation sentence if you do your full time you don't have parole. Now with the feds, all sentences are 85% so you have to serve almost your full sentence before you can get out a little.bit early and even if you serve your full sentence you still have 5 years parole no matter what.

NWApatches's picture

Y'all got field squad/hoe squad? Head high. Three hits and a miss

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

I'm not understanding what your saying?

press1's picture

LMAO Lol Neither did I no matter how many times I read it - I thought it meant there were gangs of hoes/hookers in prison for the inmates.

JakeKO's picture

Jail slang for Hard Work detail. Like hoeing rocks in a field. Chain Gang duty

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Oh na, I'm not from down south.

JakeKO's picture

Yeah, up north they make um clean highways and consider it a privilege to get picked to do so. Where I’m from every prison has its own industry the government makes money on.

AK80's picture

There's been some stories of people leaving things on the highway for those guys to have fun with if you know what I mean. Plus they find stuff on their own too sometimes. Kind of reminds me of the Cool Hand Luke movie.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Oh well yeah we have highway detail, and like I guess landscaping detail where they mow lawns weed whack and stuff. They have the farm where you milk cows and then a bunch of like inside the walls.jobs. and then they have the people that make all the food for every prison and then they have the job that makes all the prison clothes blankets and sheets. Working in prison definitely helped me mentally rather than just being in a cell.

NWApatches's picture

Yeah. Down here your gonna get a 6 foot hoe with 10 inch blade on it. Your first 2months- however long till you move class your gonna be in a field,swamp,heavy timber, railroad track, nuts to buts swinging that hoe day in n day out. I've seen guys chest deep in swamp water. Pull that handle to your head and strike right to left! Usually 65 days if your good and don't cause trouble. Ive seen guys stay class 4 for years. Rain snow or ball scaldering sun shine. Lotta guys die out there. Raise that hoe (weapon) at a rider and they'll shoot you without a second thought. Field squad will make a man or break a man

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DeeMan's picture

Sounds like Angola to me...
I'm sure you heard.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

That's rough man. I'm glad I'm not from the south

NWApatches's picture

Yeah it sucks haha. I've always thought the north or east coast is leaps and bounds ahead of these forsaken states. Gonna make my way back there one of these days!

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JakeKO's picture

But can you really keep your head down, Bro??? Only punks do that and we all know how they spend their nights. The hardest part is now, having to restrain myself from breaking someone’s jaw for disrespecting me. I’ll be thirty people deep in a conference room meeting and have the craziest delusions of ground and pounding some douche bag for the slightest insult. I’m definitely getting better with it, but when I’m running Tren I still have to excuse myself using the restroom as an excuse. Some people just don’t realize who they’re fucking with, but I also have to realize that I like my freedom and have a family that counts on me. That definitely keeps me grounded

FlemDaddyKush's picture

I don't think he meant be a bitch but just meant to stay out of trouble but it's just hard to stay out of trouble and still being a man when your on the inside. And I completely understand what your saying dude, the struggle is real on the outside trying not to go back for something/someone stupid.

DeeMan's picture

@JakeKO @NWApatches....like Mike Tyson said... He said anytime those guys wanted to take him out, it could of been done regardless who he was. It's a Jungle!

NWApatches's picture

Hell yeah you keep your head down! Punks don't keep their head down! They make themselves very known. And got a lineup of dudes stacked on their candy ass. If you ain't going in with a patch and wanna come out without one you just mind you. Get your class and hit the gate. Lots of time to think and plan moves when you hit that door

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JakeKO's picture

Wish it was that easy. Head down brought unwanted attention to me. Minding my own business is a whole other thing. If that’s what you meant, I agree.

press1's picture

I've never been in prison so can't speak from experience, but 2 years in somewhere eating horrendous tasting, gristly shitty food, stuck in a cell with possibly someone who you will hate and smells, plus no proper training or gear sounds like my idea of complete hell. Not sure I could do it even for a few million.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Yeah it does suck, for some people it really gets to them. It's hard for a person that's never been there to imagine it cuz they only hear the bad stuff that supposedly happens behind the walls haha. It's.not as bad as it is made out to be but it does suck. I would do it for some millions only because I've done multiple years locked up in multiple.jails and prisons but that's all in the past, I don't love crazy like that anymore.