FlemDaddyKush's picture
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+ 5 Cialis & Viagra daily use reduces heart problems by 25%


Basically it says that people who take either Cialis or Viagra everyday have a average of 25% less chance of death from heart related issues, it breaks it down more in the article. And it actually said the higher the dose the better the results. I usually take 5-10 mg daily depending on how the pill breaks lol. And if you look up the.benefits besides this article there are multiple.other help benefits from taking Cialis/Viagra daily especially for.bodybuilders.

Larson4048's picture

I would have never guessed but that's f****** totally sweet I don't need it but I like to take it makes everything a little bit better

D4nl3's picture

Good news … as I’ve just started to use them . Mainly for better pumps and to sort my Deca dick

Cfit777's picture

I actually use 5-10mg cialis daily, and since doing so, I have developed tachycardia. Blood pressure is normal again (used to have hypertension), but now my heart has gone into overdrive.

Bobadefett1's picture

Have you stopped using Cialis, did it help with the tachycardia?

Big Tone36's picture

I like cialis, I'm using the liquid from GK. Easy to dose. With cialis at 20mg plus my nose gets stuffy I do good with 5-10mg. My BP stays in check too even on tren. Dickens alway full. Cialis is great because you don't need to take it every day

smoke1more's picture

Just ordered my liquid cialis and a growth kit from GK last night, can’t wait!!!! Currently on his blacktops, seems to be on point running 2 iu, definite swelling and tingling in hands and feet, improved sleep, skin feeling smoother too. Plan on using cialis @5mg Ed,Eod to lower BP depending on results.

Big Tone36's picture

Good stuff buddy keep us posted

smoke1more's picture

Will do, going to hit that dropper as soon as I get the pack. Bananas up!!!!

Big Tone36's picture

Careful, you may need to slam your dick in the door

smoke1more's picture

Lmao I don’t want to do that, I think I will just beat the gf over the head.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Yeah Cialis is nice. I enjoy a nice cock bomb from time to time when I know it's time to have fun. Luckily I don't get bad sides from Cialis or Viagra just a lil stuffy nose

NeverskipLegDay01's picture

That’s why I recommend 5mg cialis Daily to the majority of people !

press1's picture

I've tried cialis a few times but get really bad side effects from it even low dose - Runny nose, headache, acid reflux etc which takes away from the fun that can be had with it lol

FlemDaddyKush's picture

That's very unfortunate.

ONESICK's picture

I was told viagra shouldn't be taken daily. I'm lazy and don't feel like looking as to why lol. But cialis is fine to take everyday at low doses. It definitely improves my blood pressure and drops it down to normal when I'm running a lot of gear.
Also viagra is sensitive to food. Like if you have a heavy carb/fatty meal it's less effective.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

That's interesting I never knew that about it being meal sensitive. But I think why they say to take Cialis over.viagra is because Cialis is long lasting. For Viagra to be effective all day you'd have to take it like every 4 hours