welshgym123's picture
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+ 1 Blood work. 2 years blast and cruse. Currently 8 weeks into cruse 170ml T a week.


Two years of blast and cruse. 8 weeks into cruse. 170-200ml of test e weekly. Looking for advice on balancing blood work back.

Stokes500's picture

What was your blast and how long did you run it? I’m guessing you were running high dosages of long esters ?

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welshgym123's picture

Last blast was tri-ten test/mast/tren 4ml a week for 14 weeks.

press1's picture

Highest Albumin level I have ever seen on here, your liver levels must be looking well.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Clomid will raise fsh and lh. Anastrozole will lower estro and could help lower prolactin if you also lowered your test dose, along with taking p-5-p. Or you could go straight to caber at .25mgs every three days

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Wildling's picture

That volume of testosterone is going to screw up you FSH and LH. There a good chance you are infertile at the moment.

You are around 2500ng/dl which is fun, but not ideal long term. What’s your base “cruise” dosage?

Jockstrap's picture

Lower the test a LOT. Get the estro down and prolactin down. Youre not using trt methods and its gonna cause problems

Wildling's picture

He’s at levels when it pinning around 500mg lol

Jockstrap's picture

On trt too so the fsh lh is moot unless he wants kids. Lotta questions here. Lol

welshgym123's picture

Not overly concerned about having kids, just taking advice to get bloods done and figure out a good balance for cruising. Any advice would be appreciated

Wildling's picture

I guess the smart question is, why are you cruising? Did you have any baseline before you ever took steroids? What are your goals? If you had a “normal” endocrine system prior, you could have very well fucked it up now.

welshgym123's picture

Decided a b&c because of the sides of pct. Was hitting the point where my natural test was taking 6+ months to feel back to normal and was affecting motivation etc to continue in the gym. Since b&c I’ve been able to keep up good energy levels ect, but feeling huge shutdown after the last blast. Goals are to continue really but with the best harm reduction practice, all my blasts have been pretty low stacks. My last blast was tri tren test/mast/tren 4ml every week for 14 weeks.

Wildling's picture

Yep lol

SeeOhShow's picture

He could also be getting bloodwork right after pinning. Drastically skews the results. Gotta get bloods on the trough.

I did bloodwork after a pin as a test. ED pinning of 20mg Test C a day. If I get bloods the morning before I do my pin I’m 900-1000 and everything looks great. Pinned before my bloodwork and it was like 2,800 total test. And other things were jacked up. My only guess is some concentrated hormone got into the blood sample and fucked things up. I pinned that delt and they pulled from the vein in that arm ~45-60 min later

welshgym123's picture

Test was taken 3 days after pining, certainly not feeling that much test throughout the week, and near the end of the week.

SeeOhShow's picture

Well shit. Hey great news then…you’re a hyper responder lol. You have the joy of needing way less gear for results. Money saver right there

welshgym123's picture

Blimey, I’m pinning around 0.5 - test e 300. Will drop the T dose, will ANASTROZOLE 0.5 eod help?

Wildling's picture

Adex twice a week or proviron could help with the prolactin. FSH/LH just show you are shutting down natural production. The only way to solve that is no juice.

welshgym123's picture

Thanks, appreciate the advice