Jacktony's picture
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Losing MORE!! Not Gaining.....!!???


After a month and a bit of training and taking "supplements" I have not gained any weight, in fact I have lost a stone. I am now down to 14st 10. I don't know if it is my fault in terms of not eating enough calories or I am wanting too much from the bits I'm on. I'm training the right way. It's a bit worrying as I lost weight this quickly when I was diagnosed with cancer. Tbh I have huge trouble with eating now days. I take one bite of something and I'm full. What am I doing wrong ?

Bearded_muscle's picture

@press1 got you straightened out.

Please never take that many orals again.

I might throw in NAC as well, great for boosting glutathione and detoxing the liver.

Food makes you grow, not drugs.

Jacktony's picture

Starting to get there now I think lads.

Before cancer - A very fat slob at 28 stone. Let me self go badly.

After treatment etc - 12 stone. Naturally got back up to 14 ish. Since you lads have been advising me and helping I'm getting there.

7th May - 15st 4

9th May - 15st 6

16th May - 16st 2

18th May - 16st 7

7th May - 15st 4

9th May - 15st 6

16th May - 16st 2

18th May - 16st 7

press1's picture

See there ya go bud - its working now you are no longer poisoning yourself with those orals!! Are you on Test only now?

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Jacktony's picture

Yes. Did exactly what you said. Thank you so much

press1's picture

Nice one matey - you've put nearly 2 stone on there!!

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Jacktony's picture

I just hope I don't get to fat again. I am going to start smashing out some cardio now too. I'm eating more. The test is great. Plus scaffolding all day then gym must be working.

press1's picture

Lots of ways to manipulate things if you do - more cardio, less food in the day, healthier food, less carbs, semaglutide etc. If you are trying to bulk and get stronger you will always put on a little fat anyway, its all part of the process. You will have a lot more muscle this time though so it doesn't matter. Better being muscular with some fat, than small and weak buddy.

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press1's picture

I get the feeling he has been killing his appetite with the big orals he has been using, it may of also affected his protein processing via his liver.

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press1's picture

There are a tonne of things you need to tell us here as we can't give any insight at all just from what you have said here:

  1. What is your normal current height and weight off cycle
  2. What Steroid Cycle are you running
  3. How long do you train - Is it heavy or light circuit based work
  4. How many times do you eat throughout the day and how do the meals generally look
  5. How many protein shakes do you consume
  6. Have you had bloodwork done since you recovered from cancer and does everything look correct
  7. Are you training for size and strength or are you trying to cut fat
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Jacktony's picture


1 - normal weight and height......Height has always been around 6ft 4. My weight has gone up and down for years from 18 stone up to 28 stone and all in between. I was 28 stone when I was diagnosed with cancer. I'm now 14. Last time I was in a cycle was around the age of 28 and I was 18 stone which was perfect.

2 - Currently I'm running Anadrol 50 x 3 and Dbol 10 x 5. I'm going to stop one of those and replace with tri test.

3 - I do a mixture of both. I lift 4 times a week.

4 - I hardly eat at all. One meal a day if that as I struggle to eat. I have to drink protein shakes to get the calories in me.

5 - 3 max with milk.

6 - No

7 - Bulk Size Strength

sandman3698's picture

I can feel my liver rotting just from reading that.

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press1's picture

Those 3 to 4 Anadrols plus 50mg Dbol per day are KILLING your appetite mate - I am not surprised you have no desire to eat. Stop all those and get on some Test 500mg/wk, your appetite and desire to eat will return and you will stop destroying your liver and kidneys. Everything you are doing to bulk looks fine - You will eat more meals again when your liver returns to normal functioning. You could get some Milk Thistle, TUDCA, Astragalus root in the meantime to help speed up the healing and functioning.

After just being off those orals for 24 to 48 hours you will see a massive difference in what you can eat.

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simonmagus84's picture

That’s a ton of sugar

Pumped_'s picture

You are right, it is pretty high. But in a jamb its more servings per dollar to gain some quick pounds

simonmagus84's picture

That’s true. I rather add my carbs to the shake like oats. Sugar is never a good option for calories.

NWApatches's picture

You know what it is. Your not taking in the calories. One bite and you feel full. Something your taking could be shutting your appetite down. Don't really know... What I do know is you will have to feed yourself however hard it may be. There is no other way to achieve

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Jacktony's picture

I had pancreatic cancer which knocked me sideways for a good while

NWApatches's picture

Holy shit bub. Glad to hear your making it through that. Man maybe just focus on health right now and not about packing on as much as possible? Hard for me to take my own advice but if we're not healthy more mass can make things worse

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Jonnyj32q's picture

add protein shakes or carbohydrate shakes to your diet. they are quickly and easily digested. this can help.