thenewguy1's picture
  • 46

When to start prop taper?


I have been thinking about adding a prop taper into my upcoming cycle to help stabilize my blood levels leading into pct which will hopefully decrease any sides i would get from just cutting off test-e and letting my levels drop fast. I am a little bit confused on when i should begin pinning the prop. If anyone could take a look at my cycle log and help me out that would be greatly appreciated. My stats and upcoming cycle are right here

Doss's picture

I like to do a 3 week taper wher I step the dose down like this:

1) 100 eod
2) 75 eod
3) 50 eod

But you could do two weeks:

1) 100 eod
2) 50 eod

Pct can start 3 days after last prop pin.

thenewguy1's picture

so should i start two days after my last Test-E shot?

Doss's picture

No. Start the first day of the following week

thenewguy1's picture

thank you!

flacidego's picture

Looking at your cycle log, I would start week 15 and run for two weeks. PCT 2 days after last pin. If you use the magnifying glass up top (search) and look up "test prop taper" you'll find what you're looking for, don't just take my word for it. Research.

Nooch21's picture

When u stop test e u need to wait two weeks before u start pct. those two weeks waiting for pct u can start the test prop eod until day 14 and then 3 days after the last test p shot start your pct.