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Check this out


Came across this article, looked interesting...what’s yous guys opinions?

bigbain's picture

Just got to love "study shows" where do people come up with the ideas to study some of the subjects they do?
On top of that......the conclusion they come to quite often is pure ignorance!!

blackjack115's picture

Did they factor in the fact that the majority of the protein powder consumers are the chest and arm brahs that never grow out of the party phase?

maddogg's picture

That explains everything in my life. I started using protein powder in the seventh grade and started using creatine circa 1996. People always said video games and devil music would ruin me. Boy were they wrong.

press1's picture

Absolute load of Rubbish - anyone really into their training and nutrition won't be drinking at all. For most people susceptible to alcoholism such as myself its the other way round. The drinking comes first and then the training and dedication required towards nutrition steers you away from the drink if anything.

Tripod 66's picture

C'mon Press you know damn well Creatine is a gateway drug... When I was in my 30's it got so bad I was sneaking to the bathroom at work and snorting some throughout the day. And to support the article now in my 50's I use alcohol on a daily basis. I use it to clean the banger on my wax rig after every dab....

press1's picture

LOL I tell ya what you first - Go for 5 grams micronized creatine straight up the hooter and let me know how it feels Lmao

Tripod 66's picture

Tripod 66's picture

Ummm... Where?.....

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