24hreup's picture
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lundgren's picture

Just a question, on the vial it's indicated " boldenone undecylenate " 300mg / ml,
and on this report 101,2mg, in resume what should we understand?

Thanks a lot for the analyse.
Lundgren ~

cambocha's picture


Has anyone run these gears? I can not find anything on the web about this pharma... Please tell me if you have any experience.

zeb0312's picture

Very nice. order placed

2500hd's picture

Very nice +1 for testing

So what's going on with the sustanon

KAM1314's picture

It looks like the total amount of test without the ester weights added on. With the weights of each individual ester put back in the equation it comes back up to 250mgs. Don't know why that test was shown different then the others, I'm assuming it was just broken down differently because it's a blend of 4 compounds instead of only a single one. Don't quote me on this, I wear a hardhat to work not a lab coat so I could be way off

cmo25cent's picture

like other ones? the only way you would get 250mg is if it was overdosed....that pretty much works with all the oils even pharma. a great example is test 400. do you really believe you get 400mgs per ml? afraid not my friend. thats a great result.

KAM1314's picture

Never said it was a bad result...just stated how it only showed the true hormone weight without the ester added on. And no you wouldn't get a "true" 400mgs of test in T400 (unless it was an impossible tne 400). Read my post again slowly and let it sink in before you bash me. Here you go bud.

2500hd's picture

That's what I was wandering but the others didn't show the ester weights

KAM1314's picture

That was the only logical thing I could think of. I don't know what to read, what tests to believe/follow or trust anymore. It's a shame because we really do have some top UGL's running around this site but I'm getting to the point where I'm gonna only run pharma and trust my body and blood work. I actually have 2 reviews I have to write for separate promos (which were both ugl and worked outstanding) but after that I think I'm shelling out the few extra bucks and not touching anything that hasn't come out of a pharmacy (with the exception of masteron if you can even grab legit stuff at the time). The only thing that has me curious is the fact that 24hreup has only carried pharma and he's going to throw his hat in the mix with this lab in particular for his next promo. Be safe and stay healthy brother

rcorchid's picture

You are correct because at the bottom it states "As Total Testosterone".

KK9111's picture

good to know sources are testing there geat +2

ScorchedEarth's picture

would love some of that tren being that its actually dosed right +1

manbearpig's picture

ive never heard of this lab until now. do you plan on carrying this brand?

24hreup's picture

YES SIR ! Keep an eye out for the promo .. ;)

KAM1314's picture

We all know how you practice what you preach with only carrying pharma products...if you add this to your arsenal this lab is gonna owe you BIG TIME!! Thanks for always looking out for the community brother