Coconut's picture
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Coconut's picture

That was the plan! I'll never run another long ester cycle without a kicker again.

Azazel's picture

Nice order bud +1

Coconut's picture

Thanks brotha

SuperMax's picture

Using Drol & DBol at the same time? That's something different

Coconut's picture

Dbol kicker a bomb finisher as long as liver values come back good.

SuperMax's picture

Cool, will you be getting testing done while transitioning between the 2 Orals?+1

Coconut's picture

Yes, I plan on monitoring my blood work close this cycle need to get some labs up for HULKNATION. Will do pre cycle bloods get bloods done mid cycle and end of cycle then after pct.

2500hd's picture

Nice order +1 Looks like it crashed thou

Coconut's picture

1 NPP did but that's a easy fix nothing a little heat won't take care of.

ShreddedCheddar's picture

Thats how he rolls bitch! You're going to love that NPP!

Coconut's picture

I love everything from the hulk!! This will be my first run with NPP can't wait!

ShreddedCheddar's picture

If you have ever ran regular Nandrolone, you will never go back to it. NPP is the way to go.

Innyboy's picture

I just started it yesterday myself I'm Greeked!

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