NorsOak's picture
  • 9

First Cycle...looking to learn


6' 190 ~12%BF Looking to gain size and strength. Do not want gyno! Obviously...

500mg Test E per week pining 250mg Mon, 250mg Thurs.
Heard about 300mg a week, only on Mondays...I'd like to see thoughts on that since this would be a first timer cycle.

If gyno appears 40 mg nolvadex until symptoms reside? Or up arimidex to 1mg?

Thank you for your help, this is just for research. Trying to learn.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateNolvadexClomid
1250mg mon/thurs
2250mg mon/thurs
3250mg mon/thurs
4250mg mon/thurs
5250mg mon/thurs
6250mg mon/thurs
7250mg mon/thurs
8250mg mon/thurs
9250mg mon/thurs
10250mg mon/thurs
11250mg mon/thurs
12250mg mon/thurs
1540mg ed100mg ed
1640mg ed100mg ed
1720mg ed50mg ed
1820mg ed50mg ed
Undercover IFBB's picture

Anatrozole keep your estrogen low, to prevent gyno, .5mg every 2-3days will allow you not to get gyno.. I had gyno on my first cycle little limp, however I prevent it right away, by taking letrozole and anatrozole..
Pct wise
I would do
40mg 1-2weeks nolvaldex
100mg 1-2weeks clomid
Then drop them 50mg and 20mg 3-4weeks

Bigman111's picture
Read up on this, will pretty much tell you everything you need to know about ai use

NorsOak's picture

Thank you.

Bigman111's picture

Anytime bud, keep us posted on how the cycle goes

NorsOak's picture

It'll be a while before I jump into a cycle. But I will for sure let you guys know how it goes. I want to make sure I reach my peak fitness before I start, and I want to adapt to the new diet(double protein) first. Then I will give it a shot. Thank you very much, I read the article you posted and I understand now what you were saying.

Bigman111's picture

Awesome, very sensible move+1

irongame427's picture

Drop the adex down to .25mg eod. Adjust if necessary. Idk why everyone insists on using an AI on simple test cycles. You're really just short changing yourself in the end. I've done it both ways and I added alot more muscle, not just overall weight when not using an ai, notice i said muscle. And when i use an ai i keep my estrogen in perfectly normal range . And the cycle i did with no ai when I came off I only dropped 5lb which was all water cause it happened during he first 2 weeks of pct. And my diet wasn't very clean either and high in sodium so I'm sure if that was cleaner i would have held even less water, but 5lbs of water is nothing to me. Persoanly I would say fuck the ai, monitor your bp and if it goes up which it shouldn't, or if you start feeling signs of gyno then start your ai. If your crash your estrogen you literally will not make any gains, and you'll feel like total shit. If you notice here alot of the vets here do not use an ai on cycle unless its necessary, and thats because they know estrogen is extremely important to grow. And up your clomid to 100mg ed for the first two weeks then 50 the last two. I would suggest starting pct about 18 days after your last injection. Based off the half life you will be down to about 130mgs of test left in your system at that point. Might still be a little early but its better then only waiting 2 weeks. Hows your diet, because thats whats gonna determine your success with this cycle. Post it up here for us to take a look at and make some adjustments if necessary. Diet is the most important factor in all of this.

McMeanie87's picture

I've felt a lot better since I dropped my ai every day..only going to use it if gyno issues arise.good advice for sure

NorsOak's picture

My diet is primarily vegan. I do take protein shakes after workouts though, and those are not vegan. I get 30g of protein from my meals I eat 4 meals per day so 120g of protein, plus the shake would be 140g. I do everything I can to stay away from sodium.

I believe 140g per day should suffice, but I'm willing to hear your input.
Because of the vegan diet I supplement bcaa's, glutamine, and creatine. I also supplement omega fatty acids.
So drop the ai all together? And up the clomid for the first 2 weeks. Also keeping Nolva on hand for gyno.

Bigman111's picture

140g of protein per day is nowhere near enough brother. Of you are looking to put on size you should be taking in 1.5 to 2 g/lb of body weight. So that would be 285g protein per day on the low end. Also, and I know absolutely nothing about vegan diets, but your protein should be about 85-90% from solid food. I understand needing to supplement a certain portion of as I have to Bc of my work, I don't have time to get all my meals in during the day, but the bulk of it should be from food. Also like iron said give yourself a chance to learn your body, if estrogen sides become an issue I would start your adex at .5 every 3 days and adjust from there, a little bit of estro is not a bad thing. Just Bc your nips get slightly sensitive does not mean you are getting gyno, but you certainly do not want to crash your e2, you will feel like death. Standard pct is clomid 100 100 50 50 nolva 40 40 20 20

NorsOak's picture

Well, I will try to up the protein in my diet to 60-70 grams per meal. Protein coming mostly from legumes, nuts and seeds, and grains(brown rice) That would bump me into the 240-280g range plus the shake would be 260-300g. Not too difficult to do, just going to have to get hungry. If I am to cycle, I will not use the ai, and as you had said see how my body reacts, and use it on a second cycle if I see the need for it...

Bigman111's picture

X2! I would even go as far as saying .5 e3d. That's where I always start. A little bit of estro is not going to kill you, crashing it on the other hand is not going to be fun. I would also wait and feel your body out before staring it, good chance you may not need an ai on this run, have it on hand of course, but learn your body.

NorsOak's picture

Happy 4th Everybody!