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I plan on running, dbol, npp, prop, test e 600/wk and deca 400. I know to cut out deca 2 weeks before I drop test. My question to you all is how would you taper it all? Last few cycles that were longer and I felt that with it being the same amount every week that I seemed to peak instead of continuing to grow. I was hoping that by tapering it that I could keep myself focused and motivated. Thought or opinions plz

WeekTestosterone EnanthatePregnylNolvadex
Dickkhead's picture

I plan on running, dbol, npp, prop, test e 600/wk and deca 400

What's with the npp and prop? - kick and or taper the test and deca - kick taper or both? If u r gonna kick the test with dbol and taper with prop, for example, let's get all down in the cycle layout, please.

U know bro, we all have our opinions. One of the guys that works the front desk at my gym is about 5'10" - 5'11" and 170 something and I just wouldn't put the guy on juice. He's asked me about it, and I told him he needs to get to 200 natty, then we'll talk about steroids.

Pelon's picture

Idk if you read my other post but I have lost close to 20 lbs in the past 5 months. I also want to be lean so I will do it gradually. I want my strength to get to as high as it can

I I just have a vial of prop and npp so I said fuck it I 2 I'll just use em

With the test and deca I was asking if it'd be a good idea to start low like 250/wk then gradually go up ending in 600/wk or something. Or just keep it at 600/400 for however many weeks I do

Dickkhead's picture

I gotta agree with irongame below. Stay natty until u plateau.

But there isn't to much reason to use gear to rebuild muscle you already had since it will come back so easy. Better off saving it to build new muscle in the future.

irongame427's picture

I'm just gonna tell you about my personal experience with longer cycles. I've done 2 longer ones before and same shit happens, kinda happened, I seemed to peak and not grow anymore despite increasing my calories significantly. One was a my first test cycle it was 16 weeks.I gained very quickly the first 8-10 weeks, like 23lbs or something, so obviously I kept increasing my calories bjt I still had to abosultely fight for the last 5 pounds i gained and it was basically all fat. I wasn't gaining so I just kept uping as a lot of people believe that the reason gains stop is because people don't increase there cals as there weight increases but like I said I did this and just gained far. This is a wildly debated topic bit there is a hormone in our body called myostatin that limits muscle growth, naturally and on steroids. And after 8-10 weeks our body's realize the huge amount of anabolism tha is occurring and raises myostatin to counter all of this. So it basically slows growth bak down to a natural pace. Now all of our body's are different, some experience this at week 7, some at week 12 and some might not at all. Some people just respond better to hormones, but some of us do not. But I've dealt with it twice now, spoke to guys who have also experienced it and also read tons and tons of forum posts on internet of guys who jabs also had this problem. so I firmly believe in using short esters to get the full benefit of the hormone during those first 8-10 weeks and them coming off. If you do a google search of myostatin on cycle tons of threads come up on different forums as a lot of guys have experienced this phenomonen. I've talked to some people about how to overcome this as I tried on two seperate occasions to up my test from 500-750 around week 10 and it didn't do anything. Just wasn't enough to shock the body I guess. So from now on I'm sticking to 8-12 week cycles max. I literally just got fat after week 10 of both of those cycles so id rather use short esters, get rocking by week 2 and grow and come off. Just wanted to share my experience with you on that topic.

Pelon's picture

But with it being deca, doesn't it not kick in until forever down the road? Like wk 10 n some 14

irongame427's picture

Naa that's more eq that takes that long. It probably won't reach peak blood levels until week 8 but I would think by week 5 your levels would be pretty high and you'll be off the the races. You won catch me using stuff like that tho. But like I said, everyone's different, but in my experience and those I've talked to gains stall pretty hard by week 8. That has to be different on deca tho since it does take quite a while to fully kick in. I Actualy just watched a youtube vid called cycle theories by rich piana where he said the same exact thing that I just told you except even more extreme. I personally wouldn't follow exactly what the dude says but he's right about it. You won't really catch me using long esters again. I trend I try to stick to shorts so I get the full benifit of the hormone during that time. Bjt test deca is a mass builder that has been around for decades. It's a classic and if It didn't work then people still wouldn't be recommending it.

But regardless of all that your saying you lost a lot of muscle during this lay off or something, so forget the deca now, muscle memory is great without gear, now add a little test in the mix and you should gin back what you lost and then some. The best thing in my opinion would be to so it natural for a while first, then use gear after you plateau a bit. You'll be suprised on how fast this muscle comes back I swear it's like your on steroids but your not. But there isn't to much reason to use gear to rebuild muacle you already had since it will come back so easy. Better off saving it to build new muscle in the future.

Pelon's picture

Thank u

Pelon's picture

Well im still 5'10. I'll be 26 soon and yes sadly I'm back down to 175ish. I was just in a head on collision, was even out of work for 6 weeks. No working out for months. Then after that my wife hits me with some separation shit I lost 10 lbs off that too. Been able to workout now for about a month. Joints still a bit achy but hey that's what deca is for right? Lol. I've had 3-4 Cycles 2 of them were long. Lost interest and drive. I kind of am liking how lean I am right now, much shredded. Before I wanted to be 205 and cut up and tremendous shape. But now I might settle with 190 again just be more lean and fit

treadinontren's picture

Right on brotha, I thought those stats might be old seeing as you competed in the ebc 2 years ago...and I hope you understand I was asking all those questions as a serious inquiry because it seemed like with all that ebc support something had to be up for you to be stuck at that weight...maybe you should let your body recover a little from the accident then if you feel up to it hit up a basic cycle and see how you feel...I think you've got a lot going on to rush back into things right now...and muscle memory will help a ton

Pelon's picture

No I understand completely. I was thinking that too but I know this might sound stupid but with everything going on in my personal life that I was thinking with this cycle I'd be amazed by my results and it'll keep my mind off of everything else. Also will allow me to work out longer etc.

treadinontren's picture

Bro are you still 24 at 5 10 and 175lbs?

treadinontren's picture

I'm not gonna cut ya down BC I see that you competed in the ebc and had a lot of support and I'm really not here to insult you...I'm a nice guy...I'm just wondering if stats are current how you've ran so many in your own words long cycles and yet you're still 175lbs...all love brotha just wondering if you have a diet or training issue or medical issue that's preventing you from getting bigger after all these cycles... More gear may not be the answer

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