jt1diesel's picture
  • 13

testoviron_schering......and dball.....with frontloading


Hello all.i revieved this email from a friend on his upcoming cycle this isit can u guy and gails give me input to help him.....
Need advise on front loading test e going to pin750 mg/w doing pins every third day of 250mg
I want to front this so should first pin be 1250mg then third at 250 and next 250 so on for the remaining of cycle was going to do 10/12 week cycle with dball starting in second week..for six weeks..3,3,4,4,3,3....plus throwing in novaldex and .....
32 years old...
190 lbs and advanced lifter but novice juicer.........sorry not sure how to set up log,i tried too set up log with idea of how he going to run but need to put in front load ,but i am at work i also told him just join eroids here so i stop getting shit from guys thinking i pulling some fishy shit ....
I AM NOT CUT LIKE THAT......read my replys please too ....
Again thank u guys and gails for all input.......

WeekTestosterone Enanthate
romangod's picture

too much H CG ?

Owes a Review × 1
jt1diesel's picture

Guys not fishy ....lol
I guess i should have reported the whole whole story ......
Just want to get input on front loading for my boy........he is stuck on what he thinks or wants todo.....i tried to explane everything to him too.....he set on frontloading,i recommended it to him because he explaned on last cycle,he start feeling the effects till like 4 weeks in,
I explaned front loading would fix that,
He associated he slow gains with that reason.....I told him diet...training also plan major roll....and proper pct ......i reread all i wrote ...missing some spots ....i apologise..if i miss leading u guys around ...if u think that....i just wanted make sure his front load does was correct ........
I explaned all to him about all post and such.....he still stuck on his cycle did get him to change the pct .....and make sure he run blood test before after .....during wouldnt hurt, he is a friend .....and tring help him o am no professor of gear that why asking input...guys ....

rolltide3's picture

U have no proper pct u have no ai. Your using way to much test 750 no frontloading . No dbol . U need to do a lot more research cause u have nothing right with this cycle been a novice

jt1diesel's picture

I understand not enough pct.....he didnt even have half what i put on.....hcg should not be there .....as for test i dont think to much .....but he ran dball with sus before and went up 30mg for four weeks so .....but keep comments coming thsbk u guys still like the correct input for front load ....if thst is not right....

rolltide3's picture

If u want to really help your buddy u will drive him to get bloods done. Cause if this is his fourth cycle and made no gains ran no proper pct. U should be getting his blood work not pointing him to more steroids. He's prolly already did some kinda damage. There's an red flag flying here something is not right. Its clear he doesn't need more steroids but who am I just some dude from the internet. Its your buddy and his health

jt1diesel's picture

Ok first it his fourth cycle since been working out so ...like 5 years and his blood fine he had done .....i even did him pre cycle diet and such......i told him he should slow up on dball and pct will be totally different worked on that already ......also i here u that why i got him the gear so he wouldnt get bunk....i dont see the problem with front loading ...maybe he should knock down does but still....and

jt1diesel's picture

Ok first it his fourth cycle since been working out so ...like 5 years and his blood fine he had done .....i even did him pre cycle diet and such......i told him he should slow up on dball and pct will be totally different worked on that already ......also i here u that why i got him the gear so he wouldnt get bunk....i dont see the problem with front loading ...maybe he should knock down. The dose but still.......fyi he had good gains but .....wanted to kick it up a knotch.....

rolltide3's picture

Double post sorry

TheHulk702's picture

I like that cycle i did before and made a lot of gains maybe 20 lb, i think u will do a little bit better with the adex @0.5 EOD instead of the hcg. Remember that dbol is the only roid that was maybe for its purpose ( Bodybuilding ).

rolltide3's picture

Dbol is not a good oral for a novice

Makwa's picture

750mg/wk is way too much for novice user. NO frontloading for a novice user either. No dbol for novice user either. So I guess what I am saying is that cycle is a BAD idea for a novice.

Novice=Basic test e cycle. End of story.

rolltide3's picture


jt1diesel's picture

To me he is novice.....to him this is like 4th cycle i just found out .....he wasnt getting gains off others so i told him look up front loading. Change his diet so....now he having trouble getting gear out of amps so i told him use 18 gauge. To draw or even heat amp up for couple secs in Mic. ...and input

Makwa's picture

No gains means diet and training are off. Help him with those first. Adding more gear is not the answer here.

rolltide3's picture

If he's on his fourth cycle and getting no gains he doesn't need more steroids. Either his diet is off or his weight training maybe both. U are setting him up for failure telling him more steroids