FITPRO's picture
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test cyp / tren ace / masteron prop


5th cycle but first cycle using masteron

Stats 225 8% bf age 32

I'm going to run test cyp at 500mg/week

Tren 150mg eod

Mast 150mg eod

Finish with 60 days of anavar 60mg/day

Just wondering if that's the appropriate dosage for the tren and masteron

Also up for any advice on how long I should run this.. I haven't ever had a ton of side effects using tren and have run it for 12 was before.




FITPRO's picture

What about this pct?
Looks like this:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Aro 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25

Thanks for all the input. . I will some more research!

Makwa's picture

If running Arom during PCT, you can cut the Nolva doses in half.

tonytulo's picture

I hope you are taking some type of liver support also var is less harsh then other orals but its still harsh when used at high doses. I also agree you should look into pct a little closer my friend that's the main thing you want to have on point. also have you ran bloods at all to know what your baseline is? that way its not a guessing game with your estro and you end up crashing it.

FITPRO's picture

My pct will also have hcg.. starting hcg the last week of my cycle . 3000 iu on day 1, then 3000 iu 5 days later, then 1500 5 days later, then 1500 iu 7 days later.. After finishing my hcg I n will start clomid at 100mg ed for 3 weeks.

FITPRO's picture

week 1 -12 test cyp 500mg
I want to run the masteron for the same amount of time and the tren for as long as I can

arimidex mwf .5 mg through entire cycle and pct

FITPRO's picture

My pct will also have hcg.. starting hcg the last week of my cycle . 3000 iu on day 1, then 3000 iu 5 days later, then 1500 5 days later, then 1500 iu 7 days later.. After finishing my hcg I n will start clomid at 150mg ed for 3 weeks.

FITPRO's picture

Just trying to get even leaner.. hard looking muscle. I will be taking .5 mg arimidex mwf.. is clomid good enough for pct or should i add nolva?

My diet is on point.. maintenance level calories at 3500.. protein 350g.. carbs 200.. fats 100..

I may carb cycle towards the end.
going with 12 week cycle

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I think you need to spend some time in the PCT sectoin, and reading about A/I dosing you don't want to crash your E2, and you have yet to mention a single thing about Prolactin control. You're simply not ready to cycle.

Makwa's picture

Any particular goal you are trying to accomplish with this cycle?

Pale's picture

Also I don't see an AI or prolactin control. Just because you haven't had sides with tren doesn't mean you should forego being prepared for them.