arlrussia's picture
arlrussia 79

Estimated T/A: 
7-12 days to US, 5-7 days to EU with 100% shipping success rate**

Minimum Order: 

Payment Methods: 
**BITCOIN *(5% DISCOUNT)* - - WU, MG**

Please note

Shipping - Shipping from EU to worldwide!

ARL RUSSIA.RU website :-

International Pricelist:- (Usa clients can order internationally as well)

Discounts :-
Orders over 500E/500USD – 5% off
Orders over 1000E/1000USD – 10% off
Orders paid by bitcoin – 5% off
Customer Loyalty Program – 5% off if you have done 1-3 orders with us
Customer Loyalty Program – 10% off if you have done 3 orders with us

Ordering:- Send email to:- [email protected]

NEW TEST RESULT :- 5/07/2019

Test Results on products

Testosterone Enantathe and Anavar oral mass specs

Primabolan E mass spec

Primo Ace tablets and Trenbolone Ace Mass spec

Deca Durabolin and Boldenone

inzer777's picture

Arl please answer my pm

Beast5's picture

Just got pack from these guys. 11 days to west coast, packed very well. Ive been off everything for 8 wks and t levels are shot.. I’m using his test cyp and getting bloods done in a few wks I’ll post results.

ForrestG's picture

Pack landed today been ordering from these guys for years. Everything is the same except the oil and the the bottles are bigger. Oil is super thin like MCT. That thick oil honey goop from the past was the Bombay. I hope it's the same good ole stuff I'll report back. I mean I hope the raws are the same. If it's not I'll be the first to bitch.

left4dead's picture

Have made two orders with ARL this month, I have to say his customer service is very good and pretty fast actually, from answering emails to shipping the products . Thanks Arl!

arlrussia's picture

thank you

GrowMore's picture

Thank you for the package ARL. Photo uploaded

Owes a Review × 1
hurza's picture

Hey Bro, you wanted me to leave a short message on your site. Regarding issues with sending mails from proton/safe-mail. Smile

arlrussia's picture

yes you are receiving mails from proton now right?

hurza's picture

No, but I answered you on my safe-mail account. Safe mail seems to work. Can you pls answer my mail there? Trying to order for over 2 weeks now lol

Johnjohn's picture

I wanna know about the arl hgh. I’m about to put in my summer order and I would love to hear from anybody who’s ran this hgh...

arlrussia's picture

Hi bro.. I have a blood test made by a client if interested to see I ll post it to you via email.. The bloods came sky high 33 after injecting 10iu.. we did a control test with lilly humatrope and came 35.. so they are almost identical in strength.

arlrussia's picture

Are you serious asking if my products are underdoesed to a source that have been selling 10 years? If we underdosed we long have been dead.. You don't deserve to use steroids sorry bro.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Read the reviews

Bearded_muscle's picture

Your bogging down multiple sources with questions you should be PMing. Friend the source and ask them questions. Read the rules. Shipping should never be discussed in open forum.

Immortaltech's picture

Did anyone try their mix line? Test bold tren mast, 600 nice synergy

In a promo × 1
don4044's picture

Just ordered 2, Gonna find out in 2 weeks. My my boy did the 550 and loved it. Great gains

Immortaltech's picture

Same bro, will be ordering 4 soon and try out

In a promo × 1
davey dave's picture

Was there a price jump? Example international test was like 19/22 per vial. I'm not mixing up domestic/int'l prices, I remember prices being dirt cheap. Thinking this is just a price hike due to the promo but were the prices recently changed?

arlrussia's picture

Guys if you use the discounts intelligently prices will be even lower then they were before Smile

GrowMore's picture

Check out ARL’s ‘fixed’ discounts/promos which can be stacked.. makes it cheaper than it was with an easy 20%+ off with $50 off also.

Owes a Review × 1
davey dave's picture

Thank you

Big_Bossman's picture

Still cheap prices but yes you are.correct I noticed the price hike as well

Gh0st's picture

I play tennis :(

Owes a Review × 1
inzer777's picture

Promo order in fellas. Large order at great prices. will update on t/a and efficacy

Carlos Danger's picture

I’m hoping They run another promo over the summer. These prices are ridiculous. Smart to stock up now

In a promo × 1
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