gramps2024's picture
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Best options/alternatives to Anavar?


I have used Anavar to help me with my rotator cuff tendons and muscles after playing baseball for years. However, after about a couple of weeks of using it (oral), I begin to have awful tension migraines. I am in my early 40's and want to raise my test levels (mid 500), increase lean muscle mass and cut stubborn belly fat around my lower abs. Can someone give me some feedback on the best cycle or product to use instead? I am not opposed to injections.

Jeepman78's picture

You only take Anavar, nothing else? I read through all your responses and do not see anything about taking something else along with the Anavar. i dont know your doses of the Anavar but from my research its said that Anavar can lower natural test production and im wondering if its related to your headaches starting a few weeks after starting Anavar. Im no expert but i would not use Anavar without adding in Test, ive never done a cycle without test actually. I seem to stick with Test Enanthate due to it being a longer acting ester so less injections compared to something like a Test Prop.

Have you had your test levels checked before the Anavar and then again when your experiencing headaches? What about your blood pressure, i have an at home BP monitor making it easy to check daily. In my younger years i was always bulking, taking things like D-bol but now that im older im finding fat loss is a bit harder and Anavar seems to do the job nicely. I still love D-bol just at lower doses like 20mg/day.

I have also noticed a difference between brands/manufacturers of Anavar. The first time i used it was from brand X and I thought it was ok, but currently taking a different brand and im seeing/feeling much more positive effects from it. I guess thats always something to consider, where your getting it from.

If you seem to like the Anavar, minus the headaches, i would say try adding in some Test. Either take just the test, or add in a lower dose of the Anavar and see if the headaches come back.

gramps2024's picture

Great response. I had my blood work done before I did the anavar but not after taking it. I took the anavar alone without any test. I will try out test based on all of the great responses in here. I am going to get my blood work done again and follow all of the advice I received and make sure I continue to educate myself as I learn and gain experience. Thanks again

Aquaman22214's picture

Have you looked into platelet rich plasma injections? I know its not a PED and a little expensive but some have had good results. Could improve your quality of life and then you could tackle the gaining muscle portion of your goals separately with a low dose cycle

gramps2024's picture

I'll look at this as an additional option. Thank you

Aquaman22214's picture

Might be a good option. Not the cheapest option but longer term might really help you!

Jockstrap's picture

Looked at hgh or gotten igf1 blood test? Gh lowers with age and for simple life adjustments a lil goes a long way.
Quest labs....etc

gramps2024's picture

looked at peptides that increase growth hormone production. I'll check these out. thanks

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya you might be a perfect candidate for gh, idk why I didn’t think of it lol. Also nowadays the price of gh has come way down so your probably better off with just real growth hormone instead of the peptides but that’s just my opinion, I’m sure they have certain advantages

Rosschestzip's picture

There’s actually a lot of options here. You could do a simple test cycle but idk what that’ll do for your joints and tendons but will obviously bring your levels up and help build muscle. For the tendons a lot of people would say deca but I definitely wouldn’t do that, seeing how you haven’t used any steroids before, that’s an advanced compound. You can use Tb-500 and bpc-157, they are injectable peptides for injury repair but are supposed to be wonderful for tendons and joints and stuff. I haven’t used them but people swear by them and have had great results.

You can also try some collegen and glucosamine and staying very well hydrated and doing some joint mobility training. This has worked VERY well for me. Every day I spend 10 minutes with an exercise band and do shoulder mobility movements( you can look the up on you tube) and I have almost zero shoulder pain now, I never had an injury but would always feel like rubbing or “sand” in my shoulders and now I don’t. There’s a certain exercise you can do to completely change the mobility of the shoulder joint and it works wonders. I’ll try and find a link for you.

I’d recommend some combination of all of those things. Maybe start on a low dose of testosterone and take some collagen and do some mobility exercises for the shoulder and some tendon strengthening exercises also. Then if your still in pain then try the peptide shots and that’s about had good as it gets. Another thing you can try that I don’t know much about is hyaluronic acid injections. But that’s more for the joint and idk about the tendon. I think the collegen will be very important to take since it’s what tendons are made up of.

gramps2024's picture

Thanks! I am going to research this tonight. I was thinking about taking some peptides in addition to some test.

Black90tsi's picture

A low dose test run would probably be the thing to do. Say 300 mg test e or c a week split into 2-3 weekly doses for 12 weeks. Everyone reacts differently to the drugs but that sort of dose puts me about double the top of the reference range for total test and about 4 times the top of the reference range for free t. Which is plenty to build some muscle. But you're going to need to do some prep work before you should start to make sure you're in a position to safely run a cycle and you'll have to do some more testing during and after the cycle to make sure everything is working properly inside.

Those links will give you a decent idea of what kind of things you should go get checked before, during and after your cycle. When you get your results make a version with all of your personal information blacked out or removed and post them up here. There are plenty of experienced guys who will take a look at your results and give you feedback on how things look and what you can do to fix any issues they spot so long as you aren't being a jerk about it.

gramps2024's picture

Thanks alot! I really appreciate you taking the time to give me some direction.

thombodywork's picture

The more simple is to go on test cycle. Optimise your diet for best results. Use test E and check your E2 with blood test. Adjust with aromasin or arimidex

gramps2024's picture

Thanks! I am going to look into this option as well. I really appreciate it. I am new to this and just want to do it the right way.

thombodywork's picture

No problem. Test is the most effective and simple stack. If you do with good diet, result will be great. I will follow it