powersteroid's picture
powersteroid 3


Estimated T/A: 
10-15 days after shipping

Minimum Order: 
No minimum order

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Legend Pharma is imporant manufacturer of steroids inculding raws powder. Here you can find all the best steroids , low priced and high quality steroids straight from us.
There are several of our major principles:
• Best quality of our products;
• Best care and service for our customers;
• Low prices.
Our customers are provided with the best service on internet: every medicine order, big or small, gets personal attention from a highly qualified customer support specialist.
powersteroid.com would like to help you save money and time by delivering drugs to your door at best prices. We ship drugs worldwide except countries and regions, where they are prohibited by the law.
Most drugs are available and fresh delivered to your doorstep within an average of 10 - 15 working days, depending on country and region. Due to the positive tax regime where we are located you are able to benefit from cheap drugs prices you used to pay years ago. Our shop represents a combination of the best service, the lowest prices and high product quality. We always take care of our regular customers. In spite of the fact that we are receiving more than 1000 orders daily, we treat every customer as the exclusive one. Also we will be very glad to know your opinion about our services and our internet shop, and we will listen to any of your suggestion to improve the quality of our services. So do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

v8porous's picture

Damn good prices! I'm itching to place an order. Anyone try their anavar?

KK9111's picture


HoLlnx's picture
Capped delts13's picture

Wow bad luck for me, just tracked my pack and its in the US, but they say the address is invalid and its being sent back to original sender. Anyone ever have this happen? Weird that it would make it across the pond and then once here they decide to check if the adress is good? ( which it is)

lp_chops's picture

Yeah that happened to me with another source from china. Return to sender sucks

Capped delts13's picture

So what happened, did they reship for you?

lp_chops's picture

Won't say the source but it's a top hgh source here. It was actually returned to him in china and he offered to reship but wanted me to pay another 70$ for shipping. I said no since it wasn't my fault it was returned. I ended up getting a refund minus shipping after almost a month

Capped delts13's picture

Ah, well that's cool, talked to Anton he said he would reship ASAP for me, seems like a man of his word, all I can do is wait and see what happens.

Juiceee's picture

Yo it happened to me to... PM me!

Big Mak's picture

The problem with your order being returned to sender is that most sources use fake return addresses for security purposes so since the gear is pretty much lost to both parties at this point and it's up to the source if they are going to reship or not but most likely if you provided an accurate address and it's not you fault then power will most likely resend your order bro.

Capped delts13's picture

Yeah my ship to address is accurate, I hope he makes good on the order, is was a decent $650 order

Big Mak's picture

Dam bro I'd hate to see you lose out on that. Make sure to message him and let him know what's going on. Anton seems like a good guy so I'm sure he'll take care of you.

Capped delts13's picture

Already sent him a email bro, just waiting on a response.

Juiceee's picture

Capped, fill out your stats please... before a mod gets on you about it...
-Call the Blue Men and give em your # and correct it, they hold for 3days before returning to sender.
Just saw you posted about this 2days ago, hope you catch it in time.

Big Mak's picture

Good luck bro, hope everything works out for you.

HoLlnx's picture

I remember someone saying it happened to them....

Badgoat1's picture

ordered 5/3 arrived today

In a promo × 1
Udaman69's picture
solidman's picture

SALE!!! on a few items only but it is there Smile

HoLlnx's picture

Here is a pic of some tren a...

G2G anyone?


Badgoat1's picture

Pack landed very nicely packed. Will post pics later.

In a promo × 1
Big Mak's picture

Another order arrived today. That's 4 orders total so far with not one issue!

Badgoat1's picture

Mine should land tomorrow. its in my city according to tracker.

In a promo × 1
BeastMode5085's picture

anyone verify hcg

HoLlnx's picture

I would like to know as well, got a few comming

BeastMode5085's picture

Hope ur using soon! Keep me posted, ijist added u

HoLlnx's picture

Won't be for a few months just stocking up

Raven43's picture
HoLlnx's picture

Pack should be here tomm. Smile

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