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Muscleman101555's picture

The deals anton had were too good to pass up, incredible deals, and he seems like a real stand up friendly guy.

vegeta1's picture

i hope that anadrol is good, anton threw me a free pack of it! he also threw me a free bottle of deca haha, hope its good stuff! his stuff is so cheap. i just hope all the oils i got are gtg!

Averysace's picture

Man I guess there having shipping problem my package got sent back to them they said there going to reship it but damn I need my primo lol

HoLlnx's picture

Grab'd a few packs of these!


Muscleman101555's picture

I've been on 200mg ed of anadrol for 4 days now and feel nothing.....ill wait another week or so to make my final judgement.

abidkhan's picture

200mgs of anadrol!!! My friend thats way to much of abomb.

Muscleman101555's picture

I took 300mg preworkout and didnt feel much ill wait another week to make a final judgment

roidjunky79's picture

I just seen the prices bro and at $19 for 200 tabs did you really expect it to be good quality or legit?

Muscleman101555's picture

Honestly I believe and hope it is legit I was just weary why I haven't seen much in 5 days roidjunky.

roidjunky79's picture

Yea but 5 days in at 200-300 mg a day you should have seen a big time difference. Real potent anadrol you can gain as much as a pound a day but quality like that is almost impossible to find nowadays.

Muscleman101555's picture

Well I've heard from the majority of people on boards that his gear is actually good and legit but I'm just being a little weary.

Big Mak's picture

That sucks you haven't been seeing results bro.
I take it about an hour before the gym and drink a lot of water and it swells me up really nice every time I work out. U haven't been noticing increased pumps during your work out? At 200mg a day you should be getting crazy pumps bro. Do you usually respond well to adrol?

Muscleman101555's picture

Thanks, I respond well to drol, normally get nose bleeds and whatnot maybe I just have to wait a couple days I'm gonna prob up my dose to 500mg ed if I don't see anything..

Muscleman101555's picture

I've been on for around 3 years and have tapered drol up 300mg for weeks at a time but my thought process was if it is indeed bunk or underdosed I can taper up and down the dosage accordingly to how I feel.

Muscleman101555's picture

I just got off a 500mg test e week only cruise as well so keeping that in mind I should of been seeing some effects by now but Im going to wait a couple more days to make a better judgement.

Mastiff1's picture

If you're not getting any sides from 200mgs a day then that's not anadrol you're taking. I would say 200mgs would be the max dosage if it was real anadrol and you would definetly notice something

Muscleman101555's picture

Than my worst fears could actually be reality, I'll wait a couple days to see how I feel Today's Bench day I should be able to get 315 for 12-15 reps especially If i pop 200mg pre workout I normally get 10 or 11 on a regular day. I'm eating 350+grams of protein and 400+ grams of carbs ed as well.

Big Mak's picture

I've never gotten nose bleeds from adrol and I've even ran the real Syntex Anapolon 50 but I know everyone responds differently though and holy s#!t bro 500mg a day? Be careful brother i'd hate to see you end up going into cardiac arrest or something. Really hope you see results before then.

DirtyRed's picture

is it possible receptor wise to become somewhat un-resposive to a compound?

Big Mak's picture

I know that's possible with some compounds but Idk about a adrol because I've never been unresponsive to it.

Muscleman101555's picture

Your right I probably wont go that high lol, forget that Im human sometimes..

Big Mak's picture

Glad to hear you're gonna show a little caution brother and no matter the reason you aren't happy with the results if I were you I'd still contact Anton and see if there is something he can suggest or do to help you out. Good luck bro and keep us posted.

Muscleman101555's picture

For anyone that used the npp and anadrol how many days did it take for you to feel it kick in?

Big Mak's picture

I've been using the oxymethelone for a few days now and felt the intense pumps the very first night I worked out on it at 75mg

Muscleman101555's picture

Ive been on 200mg ed for a couple days and havent even felt anything yet...

bostonrick's picture

so I told everyone a few weeks ago I would let you all know about the gear I got from Anton/Power, and in my experience, it is the real deal. I switched from another sources prop and then added powers' masteron. I did 100mg every day and I am at about day 30, give or take a few days, so still have time left, but the vascularity in my forearms has dramatically increased. I cant say the other sources prop I was using, but in my opinion it is one of the best out there and I haven't noticed a difference after switching to powers, so that is a good sign. It is tough to give exact numbers on increases because i added his stuff probably for the last third of my cycle, I had plenty of the same stuff, I don't order as I go, I map out my cyles and ai's and pct and nutrition to the last detail, but I didn't want to wait 6 months to try his stuff given the prices so I switched. And it is like I have been on the same stuff the whole time, and the other stuff is my go to, so it looks like he has some competition now! lol The masteron prop I'm on from Power I am in love with and will probably be finishing with it in all my future cycles.
like everyone else, i see super cheap prices and basically a part of me thinks I am just taking my money and throwing out the window, especially when the tracking doesnt work, but that is not the case here. im placing another order for his mast tomorrow along with some other goodies.
happy hunting

Big Mak's picture

Thanks for taking the time to share with us brother. If your review is even close to this thorough I'll be sure to +1 ya bro.

solidman's picture

Thanks for the info!!

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