bigdaddy1690's picture
  • 53



we are told we need 8 hours sleep for optimal hormonal release but surely if we are pumping are bodies with high doses of hormones do we still need the full 8 hours sleep.

how much sleep do you get when on cycle

mk50's picture

hell even if I don't get any bigger because of it. I still enjoy a good nap after a work out.

Engineereddisaster's picture

When I was in college with no responsibility or kids, I would go to the gym mid-day, work my ass off come home and eat and take a nap. It was fricken awesome, muscles would reach the full relaxation and stiffen up earlier. I'd try to get at least 8 hours of sleep and I noticed that the nap right after a workout made me recover and get bigger much faster.
Now, my nights are short, I'm waking up in the middle of the night to kill monsters, bears and crocodiles that my kids say snuck into their rooms and I'm not getting the hours that I need. I don't know where the hell I'm going with this. So shit, oh yeah the nap thing. Seriously, a nap after a workout makes a huge difference. If you can do it try it, you will love it.

everclese's picture

x2! a nap after workout is optimal.

MrMichael's picture

Personally, bout Ambien, i grew immune to them pretty fast. And that was taking one a week. Unfortunate, because i love them damn things. As far as sleep goes, everybody has their own personal tolerance when it comes to sleep loss and how their able to function the next day. I'd say even on a cycle, no need to change your sleep patterns. Go for that full night of sleep, 8 hours. Full recovery. Personally, i need about 9 hours, then its beast mode at the gym. Anything under 7 hours for me, and my workouts are reduced from fatigue.

Kazaa's picture

I could easily gain strength without 8 hours when on a cycle.

The roids build up your muscle faster, but your brain might be a bit tired. This could affect you workout if your head is totally sleepy (it does for me).

However if you do get nights with too little sleep, the body will catch up on this by making your deep sleep longer the next night instead. (at least i read that in a sleep study somewhere)

poofinger's picture

If im on a high dose of test or deca I end up sleeping 9 hours and feel lethargic the next day, also have trouble getting to sleep? As soon as I come off im back to 7 hours a night and feel great the next day.
I dont use benzos to get to sleep while on cycle, I once mixed bezo`s and laxatives....(shameful pause). I just train later at night and it helps alot.
The "depth" of your sleep is more important than the "length" my doc told me. Deep REM sleep is whats needed. benzos are just pure sedation, not real sleep, like hrdbdyGRRRL said, they disturb sleep patterns, and after 2 weeks you might even have a nice addiction started!

wildaussie's picture

Just found this in a search and thought I would add my 2c worth.
I LOVE Ambien! Now this is big news in Australia at the moment because of the olympic swimming team loved it too. I take 20mg a night usually.
Also, a lot of other shit too. Only usually for sleep!

Kazaa's picture

Ambien is great.. Damn i've had some strange nights when eating these and didn't go to sleep right away lol.

Otherwise Xanax,Valium and Ativan are good to. But be sure to read the half-life of them if you planning a workout. Some of these are still in your system the next day (and others for severel days), and since they make you muscle relax it can make you less strong trying to do heavy lifts. I just found out this a couple of days ago. Couldn't understand I wasn't stronger during my benchpress lol.

DiabloStrong's picture

benzos are super dangerous! a few years ago, i overdid it with xanax, managed to get hooked and had a grand mal seizure when i tried to quit cold turkey. these days, i take ZMA for sleep.

wildaussie's picture

hrdbdyGRRR is sooooooooooo right!
I'm trying with the doc to wean myself off benzos at this very moment.
Access for me to them was easy and I abused them big time, now paying the price as my sleeping patterns are now even more fucked. (being truthful here)
You may drop a Xanax or Ambein etc. then at 3am in the morning your wide awake again. So what do you do? You take more!!! Then your stuffed for work or anything the next day. I can assure you I have had every single one, mixing muti benzos with wine & spirits, the list of what I was taking is so huge to the point that I should be dead.
I'm amazed I'm not!
hrdbdyGRRR helped me seek help!
They are no good. This is because there are underlying issues which you must deal with and overcome within yourself. There is no magic pill!!!

everclese's picture

No joke here. dif drugs effect people differently. It's all about the synapses in your brain and the way a persons body regulates.

iron-slv72's picture

Yeah I get racing thoughts, toss and turn full of f****ng energy. sweaty neck; pillow soaked I have to keep flipping them and switching them out so they are dry. I find taking .25mg xanax before bed helps alot. Sleep is very deep, heavy dreaming, less tossing and turning. After 8 hours I wake up feeling well rested, ready to start my day and kick ass!

mrgut28's picture

Androgens can cause lethargy and usually do, especially orals for some reason hence regardless of maybe only needing between 6-9hrs I feel like I need 12 some days.

animal69's picture

I try and get atleast 8 a night. Just because it "speeds up the healing" dosent mean your not broken down even more. If you can only lift 225 natty then you go to lifting 250+ because of the gear dont you think that will break down alot more muscle than what your body was previously doing naturally? We need even more sleep on gear(that is if you actually push yourself) in my honest opinion. When im on cycle i can feel it in my joints after weeks of eally hard and heavy lifting so i try and ease up for a week and get extra sleep. Your nody does most of its repairing when your asleep.

Greg's picture

Let me sleep on it...

A normal adult should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. Sometimes when I'm on cycle I feel awake and energetic after only 6 hours but by weeks end I can really feel the toll the lack of sleep has on my body. I get by well on 7 to 8 hrs of sleep. You should still try and sleep the 8 hours because that is when your body is repairing itself. Plenty of rest also helps keep your BP down.

bigdaddy1690's picture

you said 8 hours cos the body needs to repair itself but the gear speeds this process up thefore eliminating the length of time we need to sleep

Greg's picture

I also said it assists in controlling BP. Not to mention other health issues -including mental health.

How much faster does the gear, "speed up the process"?

...But let's use that. If I can grow X amount in 8 hours naturally and grow X amount in 6 hours on gear; where's the benefit? Don't I want to sleep 8 hrs on gear to gain Y?

karmakrash's picture

I ponder this a lot. I heard somehwere higher testerone you didnt need as much. Its hard for me to get to sleep early as me and my buddy always working out late and being jacked up and drinking water getting up peeing 2-4 times a night doesnt help.

On the weekends I always wanna sleep in as much as I can but can soemone relate how much those extra hours help your gains/physique/fat loss/etc... That way Its easier to way the benefit of sleeping in. How important are we talking ? I always try for 7 but on weekends I could get 10 if its a huge effect. After all the money I spend on supplements/diet/gym sleep is the easiest thing to do. But Im a busy man on one hand.

There was a sleep study that said the averge american who gets less than 6hrs ( I think ?) will put on 20+ Lbs over those that get a full 8-10

eatbig's picture

If you wan't good results its gonna take the 8-9 hrs of sleep each night, a good gym routine, and diet both on and off cycle.