evoal2003's picture
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+ 3 Input appreciated blood work


My apologies for the picture quality.

7 weeks into my cycle comprising of
Test e 600 mg ew
Npp 100 mg eod
Eq 650 mg ew
Gh 7iu daily
aro 12.5 mg Ed and caber 1 ew

I ll add the IGF test results when they arrive. I m going to switch to adex at half daily unless someone has a better recommendation. I thought asking for the female hormone panel for males would give the actual test number but I guess I was wrong.

Thank you in advance

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vhman's picture

There are trade offs we make when we cycle. This may have to be one of them, but your liver health is vital. If you're getting acne on cycle, you may need to up your AI. That always helps me. Again, good luck.

vhman's picture

I'm glad you got bloods done (+2). Accutane WILL mess your liver profile up no matter what you do. Liv 52 may help a little, but it won't bring your levels back to a normal range. I don't ever think it's a good idea to run a cycle when you're on accutane, because it's just too harsh. Please take this into consideration. Good luck.

irongame427's picture

Na that aint true, so much mis information out there on accutane. about 15% of users showed increase in liver enzymes, so by no meeans will this happen to everyone. Not sure where all that bullshit came from and how everyone misses the big side effect from it. It WILL trash your lipid profile very quickly. I was on 160mgs ed for 6 months, thats right 160mgs ed, no change in liver enzymes but it brought my total cholesterol up from 160-209 in 1 month. But it doenst do shit to you liver. Go check my latest lab test, those were pulled after 100mg dbol ed and 40mg accutane ed for 5 weeks. Liver enzymes are perfect. Everything was perfect.

Goes to show were all different. He's on no orals and if fucked his liver up. He should stop the tane for a while.

vhman's picture

Na that aint true

I'm glad that you can take double or triple of a normal dose and do fine, but many can't. I don't know the exact numbers, but most profiles are affected to some extent.

so much mis information out there on accutane

What are you referring to? Accutane and it's effect on your liver, digestive tract and it's other sever sides have been documented for almost 40 years. Doctors can't refill a monthly prescription without a blood test in most states (if not all).
I'm only preaching safety here and I think everyone should get bloods done monthly on it. Some folks will be golden, but many others won't.

irongame427's picture

Not double or triple the normal dose, those are just common for the United States. My doctor studied at the hostpital where accutane was invented in England, they regurallt go up over 200mgs ed. So hes very comfortable with the drug and has never had a problem over the 30+ years he's been prescribing it. New studies are coming out saying the most effective culmulative dose now is 252mg/kg which puts most people well over 120mg ed during the 6 month course. Like I said the clincal trials on it showed about 15% of patients with elevates liver enzymes. Not everyone. Point I was trying to make is eveyone emphasizes the liver toxicity which like I I just stated is not that common, but the effects on the lipid profile is what happens to everyone. That's the misinformation I was referring to.

As for the digestive track problems (crohns, UC) after all the lawsuits they did some studies and were not able to find a link between the two. The new hypothesis is caused by long term antibiotic use as every single accutane patient was on antibotics long term before tane. As I'm sure you know accutane is the last resort, first line of treatment is topical retinoids and oral antibiotics and the digestive tract problems are well documented with long term antibiotic use.

And lastly for the blood tests it's not a state law, it's at the doctors discretion. When I took it I had to take a blood test before I started it to get a baseline and they after one month on it. I didn't have to take another and I was on it for 7 months total. Sides effects are typically not dose dependent with accutane so how your bloods look after month one is how they should stay throughout the course.

I was scared shitless before I started it cause of all the hype on it. So I spent a lot of time reading about it as well as taking to my doctor. The drug is an absolute god send.

Pale's picture

Man your liver is taking a beating. I would get some liver support and try to mitigate any orals you may be using. Estro is a touch high, are you using liquid aromasin or oral?