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Test and Test Cycle


The last few years put some real stupid crap in my body.All the prohormones you can imagine.I have also run a vile of Deca at 1 point a vial of cypionate and a vial of Tren. A real mess of experience for me.All of it acomplished nothing.Usually brief blow ups followed by losses.i found this site a couple months ago when I was ready to get some gear.At that point I was sure i hit my growth limits.I did quite a bit of reading on diet and training.I haturally managed to improve my physique adding good mucles.I have also made some nice strength gains.I wish you pros here would do even more writing in the Diet and training areas of the forum.its been a huge help.I am ready to give a run on a real cycle with PCT.I am 39 years old 5'10 and about 205 10% body fat.At this point I feel real stuck.I give 100% to diet and training.i can put on more muscle but at the expense of raising my BF to high.Also if i cut I will lose serioud muscle for slight fat loss.I also want to include that my natural test production is low, doctor prescribed me a test/DHEA cream....Before I consider that i want to run a solid cycle with PCT and then see where my bloods are.I have never run a proper PCT....My goal here is lean gains.i will run a nice clean calorie surplus but not a heavy bulk.I really want to make full use of my cycle time so i planned on opening with a Prop kicker then closing with prop so that I am not letting my tet levels dwindle down and I can go right into PCT.i think given my low test that proviron will be a good choice.I really want to hit the HCG/PCT hard so I can get the best recovery possible.I begin PCT 4 days after last prop injection ...I think because of all my prior experience with garbage prohormone or oral steroids I will tolerate test very well.My receptors are probably screwed up...i will be happy to take any input.You guys have already been a ton of help.I have learned more in the last couple months then in a life time . Thank you

WeekTest CypionateProvironPropionateHCGNolva/ClomidEXEMESTANE
1600mg50mg100mg EOD
2600mg50mg100mg EOD
3600mg50mg100mg EOD
4600mg50mg100mg EOD1000iu
10600mg50mg100mg EOD1000iu
1150mg100mg EOD1000iu
1250mg100mg EOD
1380/10012.5 ed
1440/5012.5 ed
1540/5012.5 ed
1640/5012.5 ed
Undercover IFBB's picture

I would fix your HCG and do research for it..
500iu every 5days will do, or protocol 250iu every3days! U don't need HCG on that early you can use hcg at last 5weeks of your cycle.
I would do 3weeks kick start of prop and cyp 1-12weeks with proviron without a problem!
Start pct after 2 weeks last injection-
Pct nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
You also need anatrozole .5 EOD on 3rd week, or it depends how you handle the sides.
Right TDEE kcal will help you to stay leaner and get quality gains! What is your history cycle? Btw

chunkypbnj's picture

Move the prop taper to week 11-13 this the cyp will have completely cleared your system before PCT which is the point of a prop taper to begin with. PCT should have clomid at 100mg for week 2.
Most people PCT with nolv/clom at 40/100 for 2 weeks then 20/50 for 2 more. You should run some sort of AI or at least have it on hand. Adex at .25 EOD is what I recommend because of the provi.

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