Chemi-catom's picture
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12 Week Cycle with Primobolan


I've been reading up on Primobolan, and am tempted to give it a go as Im not looking to gain extremely large amount of mass, rather have a lean bulk. I've run 3 cycles before, mainly with test e and mast, as I travel frequently, and it becomes difficult to include shorter esters.

Height: 1.7 m
Weight: 84 kg
BF: 15%

By the end of this cycle, if it makes any sense to run the suggested compounds, I expect to shed sum bf, and maintain and build a little lean muscle.

I'm concerned about whether primobolan is right for me at this point, and whether the suggested cycle makes sense. I want to know whether it makes sense to run Test E for 10 weeks, not 12, as I havent run it for that long before, and I've read on numerous forums that Primo should be at least 12 weeks... Also, does it make sense to run Test E at 150mg (otherwise I had thought 300mg), as I just wanna keep the nuts working on primo.

WeekPrimobolanTest EPCT (Clomid, Nolva)AI (Aromasin)
1500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
2500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
3500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
4500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
5500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
6500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
7500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
8500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
9500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
10500mg150mg-12,5mg ED
11500mg-12,5mg ED
12500mg-12,5mg ED
jsoc_rock's picture

I would also recommend running Aromasin through your pct cutting it in half two weeks through pct. Aromasin has been shown k help recover natty test. You gotta up the primo dose it is a very mild.compound which takes forever to kick in much like EQ does. I would probably run my test at 250mg per week but the important thing is you have it in there just adjust the primo dose and the Aromasin and you'll be good!

jlup's picture

Test is up to you as it is different from athlete to athlete; the Primo on the other hand is to low with a duration not long enough imo. I have ran 2 Test/Primo cycles one 16 weeks and one 18 weeks and both yielded great results. I ran 300mg T enan and 1g of don't need to run primo that high however I did based on what I gathered from vets on this site. Imo 800mg primo for 14weeks (16 being better) minimum with a clean diet will give you what you want. THIS IS MY OPINION.....running a G of test will do more bad than good in a cycle of this length and the water retention will be god awful in most cases. The asshole below is an extremely rare individual if he is not holding any water with a G of test a week...I would think there are several other products running around in his body to keep it at bay.

soldierbot's picture

My last blast, I ran test@233mg and primo@875mg per week. I ran this for 24 weeks and gained mass while losing BF. It takes awhile for the Primo to kick so extending the cycle a bit would make sense. Running test low and letting the primo shine is what works for me. You are going to really enjoy your cycle. Toss in some Proviron and you will grow and feel awesome at the same time.

Jorg88's picture

very impressed. I planning something like that as well

jsoc_rock's picture

Not always sir. Compounds such as EQ and tren you WANT lower test doses. With primo test can be run lower but with 800mg per week being the absolute minimum to gain from primo you'd have to run more than a g of test which IS NOT safe!!! Cutting drugs such as EQ primo and tren you want lower doses of test so you wont have excessive water retention let the secondary compounds do the work. The advice at the top is spot on! I would do more research before giving further advice

jlup's picture

nope nope nope

irongame427's picture

A is not true my friend. Only time that rule applies is with nandrolone. It's almost necessary to run test higher with deca but that's it. You can run low test with any other drug. In his case his plan is great, the test is gonna make I'm retain water so keeping it low will keep him nice an dry all cycle, but it's just enough to replace his natural levels as the primo will shut him down.

irongame427's picture

I agree with the fact that a good diet will help keep water down but not water caused by testosterone. The reason you retain water is the test converting to estrogen and higher estrogen makes one retain water. So If you don't bloat on test then you're not prone to aromatzation and that's the case for some people.

Chemi-catom's picture

Lets get back on topic... Thanks. Should I stick to the pasted cycle, or can we fine tune it to yield better results.
As for my diet, Ill be following the "no carbs after 2pm" regimen listed somewhere on this site ;)

irongame427's picture

I run tren the same way double my test, most of us do. My libido was fucking insane the entire time. In my experience nanadrolone is the only drug where you must run test significantly higher

jsoc_rock's picture

Yes although I have seen some posts on here from users that like their test dose slightly higher than tren dose and they do fine with it. Not recommending it but it is done

irongame427's picture

You're not running any AI? Even if you are god damn, Is this real life lol. wtf are you doing to maintain that bf? That can't be fun bro lol. You have sick genetics.

irongame427's picture

I ran my tren the same way and loved it, 100mgs tren a ed and 50mgs prop. I've definitely found my test dose down for cutting cylces but not yet for bulks. I'm gonna run a gram for my bulk with the deca I get close to the 2:1 ratio but I wonder how low dose test would work with something like a gram of eq? Nice lean gains but no water like a traditional bulk. I wonder if the gains would be less then if you were to run high test high eq. I'm with you tho I hate bloating it kills my face man I look terrible with moon face. Diet helps but it doesn't do shit for bloat caused by estrogen.

jsoc_rock's picture

Have you ever rub EQ before? You don't need 1g per week of it to see results I'd personally use 600-800mg per week

irongame427's picture

I like it. I'll give it a shot at some point in my juice career.

RG975's picture

Usual administration protocols for Primobolan among male athletes are from 200-400mg per week, for about 6-12 weeks. Which would make very noticeable results... considering you have your diet/training are on point. You have 15% bodyfat, you will shred up. I would up the dosage on the Test E as the half-life of 150mg per week will be insufficient.
Also Aromasin, you probably don't really need it as Primobolan is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. So it does not aromatize in the body. Hope this helps mate. Cheers

Catalyst's picture

200-400mg of primo will yield very little. To build muscle, typical doses are considerably higher. Run times you mention are also short, primo runs are generally considerably longer.

Chemi-catom's picture

Should I bump dosage to 600mg for 16 weeks? And what about other compounds, are they still highly relevant for the entire duration?

jsoc_rock's picture

Others have it at 200 but I have a friend who had problems with pip

Dr.Kivorkean's picture

I believe Swoles primo is dosed at 250/ml and its pretty potent. Never seen any other "reliable" source higher than him.

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