noob143's picture
  • 61

-1 First cycle


Hoping to gain big mass
Wondering on any tips

Week1-4/5-8GP sust 270Test enthNolvadex
Dickkhead's picture

You know bro that Vermodje uses ethyl oleate as the carrier? I recognize the Test E vial. Some folk are allergic to EO. GP uses MCT oil. In any case, Sust makes a crappy base hormone unless u r into a lot of pinning. From the naps website - "Each ML of GP Sust 270 contains the following: 20 mg of Test Acetate, 30 mg of Test Propionate, 60 mg of Test Phenylpropionate, 60mg of Test Isocaproate, and 100mg Test Decanoate."

It's just hard to get all those 5 esters to stabilize in your blood. And you want a 6th test ester - enanthate on top of it all. 6 Test esters. Really? Why? If you don't know what esters are and how they work I suggest you read

McMeanie87's response to you was on point at the bottom of this thread. I think a 12 week single ester Test cycle 500 mg / wk will do u a lot of good.

Now that cycle is the eroids first cycle. If u could do some research on that along with AIs and PCT I think u will be heading in the right direction.

noob143's picture

Thx for that bro. Appreciate all the advice and support.

Dickkhead's picture

I am still waiting for someone to come in with cheque drops. I just don't understand why it hasn't happened yet. I've seen plenty of Halo, but dang, still no mibolerone. Maybe the kids just don't know what it is. Must be.

flacidego's picture

Your "friend" is a total fuckoid. Use the magnifying glass up top to do research before you fuck yourself up.

vhman's picture

You're missing a lot here. Where is your PCT? How about an AI?
No to Sust your first go around. Test only. How often are you planning on pinning your test?
What's with the 7 weeks? That more of a prop cycle. Usually test-e cycles (and others) are 12 weeks.

noob143's picture

I ordered Clomid,aromasin, and proviron. I planned on twice a week for the test. And I think I'm supposed to three times on the was supposed to be 8 weeks(typo). Like I said relearning after finding out my friend knows squat.

vhman's picture

Loose the sust for this cycle. Just stick with the test-e. That would be two pins a week (mon, thurs). You can run the provi, but it's not necessary. I would also move your cycle to at least 10 weeks (12 preferably), to take advantage of your test. You start your PCT two weeks after your last shot of test.
I would edit what you have above to show what your new cycle, AI, and PCT are and lets go from there.

noob143's picture

It was supposed to be 7 weeks on sust then 7 more weeks on testE. I typed It out wrong!

vhman's picture

Sust is a roller-coaster ride, which is not good. Stick to your test-e.

noob143's picture

THX. Will do soon. Appreciate the advice for sure

noob143's picture

Learning how to navigate this site has been difficult

rolltide3's picture

Vhman is exactly right what u got down is a train wreck all wrong answer his question we can go from there

noob143's picture

I was listening to a friend about what to do and not do. He by the way is been completely wrong. I just made my second order and got Clomid and proviron. I meant to put an 8/wk cycle. Learning how to do all this is hard for me

irongame427's picture

It happens man it's always some big guy in the gym giving advice and most the time it's shitty advice but people think he must be legit cause he's huge. I'm glad you came here for help so we can get you on a proper first cycle.

noob143's picture

Appreciate it bro. I've been lifting for a while. Want to go next level. Thx fir the support.

McMeanie87's picture

First cycle is always test only bro. Don't touch that sust. You need to let your body adapt to one compound and then you will know how the test effects you before you start doing a whole bunch of compounds and fuck your self up. Test e is long estered so you might want to extend your cycle from 10-12 weeks. You can't get big gains just from the compounds. Your diet and training has to Be on point. And you probably want to add clomid or hcg to your pct. Start your pct 3 weeks after your last shot. I suggest you leave that sust alone and stay strictly test only.

noob143's picture

I've been trying to read up and figure out what was the best way and got really confused. My friend was supposed to help me except it seems he doesn't know Jack about gear. I think he used me to get his gear for free. I know he did since I ordered on my own and found out I was charged double. Any help would be appreciated.

McMeanie87's picture

Yea ur buddy sounds like a dick. Do a simple test e cycle only. 500 mg a week split up in two shots. For example pin 250 Monday and 250 Thursday. Run that for 12 weeks. I personally take 6.25 aromasin ed to keep water retention and gyno down. Now your pct has to be in place or you will lose all your gains/ and possibly shut down your natural test.some people take aromasin/clomid/novaldex. Or clomid/Nova. Or aromasin/novaldex. Some people react different to the pct compounds. You should take the next 6-12 months and do ur research before your permanently injure yourself. Hit the gym hard, get your diet in check and when you do peak naturally then maybe come back to anabolics. Gotta be educated on this stuff before you jump into it bro

noob143's picture

I know now I should've researched more. Taking my friends word for it was surely a big mistake. That's why I came here.

McMeanie87's picture

Good. Well I'm glad your here bro. A lot of good guys with years of veteran experience..

irongame427's picture

X2. These are very powerful hormones with a lot of potential to cause problems of not some right. You wanna spend a lot of time doing research. Then when you have all the facts you can decide if your still interested.

noob143's picture

Thx fir the advice

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